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mirror finish

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Guest Davkin

I use Testors MML Clear and all I have to do to make it shine like a mirror is rub it out with 3M Perfect-It II Fine Cut Rubbing Compound using flannel cloth, then once it's smooth I go over it with 3M Imperial Hand Glaze to really bring out the shine. I beleive I bought my 3M products at Pep Boys.


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For polishing my models I use Meguiar's Car Cleaner Wax and a chamois cloth, after rubbing out with Micro Mesh.

Since chamois is a form of very soft leather, it won't leave any scratches. Been doing this for years, and as they say, "Old habits are hard to break!". B)

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For polishing my models I use Meguiar's Car Cleaner Wax and a chamois cloth, after rubbing out with Micro Mesh.

Since chamois is a form of very soft leather, it won't leave any scratches. Been doing this for years, and as they say, "Old habits are hard to break!". :D

Listen to Bill on this, I use the same system and it works great!!!Thanks for the tip Bill!!! B)
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Listen to Bill on this, I use the same system and it works great!!!Thanks for the tip Bill!!! :lol:

Make that times three! Cruz showed me this one but credited Bill for it. Best $15 I've spent on finishing products.

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For polishing my models I use Meguiar's Car Cleaner Wax and a chamois cloth, after rubbing out with Micro Mesh.

Since chamois is a form of very soft leather, it won't leave any scratches. Been doing this for years, and as they say, "Old habits are hard to break!". :huh:

What is"CHAMOIS"?? Can you show me a pic so I can look for it next time I go hobby shoppin??

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A "chamois" (pronounced: shammy) is the skin-like cloth you dry a car with. (It is more like leather than cloth, though....) Any auto parts store and most department stores will carry them in their auto care section. It is best to spend a bit on this one; meaning, don't try to find the cheapest one out there. Quality matters. The way Cruz showed me involves no other rags/cloths. I apply the liquid with my finger then wait til it dries a bit and buff the area while constantly rotating the chamois. You want a fresh surface as much as possible. When it gets dirty, you can machine wash it. I use it with the polishing compound step and the wax step. There is no chance of lint or stringys catching on corners and pulling pieces off of the cloth.

Hope this helps!

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