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Aoshima Lamborghini Murciélago LP670-4 SV - FINISHED 13/12/2017 - PIC HEAVY!!


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So tonight ive decided to make a small headstart on my new WIP, while my last other body dries/hardens out for another 2 days (6 total) to finish the build. I just cant sit around and wait...

This is a kit i "NEEDED" to have when i found out about the existance, as its my favorite Lamborghini ever build.

I've not done anything noteworthy yet on the build itself, but i've gotten a few questions regarding the AOSHIMA kit's (after i uploaded a couple pictures of their F1 GTR longtail Gulf livery kit) on their details, so i've unpacked everything, put the places back as close to possible into the sprues, and made some pictures for everyone to see. The build contains roughly 140 parts. 

I undestood these kits are quite expensive in the states? I'm from Holland so i buy locally, as practically everything thats still being build is for purchase here aslong as it aint an american model car, those are alot harder to find so far. For those who want to see the build instructions on this kit, send me a PM as i scan all my instruction booklets incase some water or paint comes on the origina, that way you can see how the kit is build and how far they go in detail.

Here is the kit's box:


Here's the sprue's and stickers:

Overview of them all together:


More of a close-up of the sprues:









Soon some pic's of the build, so far ive only painted the front drivetrain, so not really noteworthy yet.

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So ive started on the car now, and must say everything looks good sofar kit wise, the only problem im having with my Revell Aqua Color paint, is the green im using (code 36161) doesnt show on the black sprue parts, so first covered them in the white paint (36105) to then paint over it with green, doesnt look perfect though but it'll do, maybe ill try again later, but after having tried 4 times i got annoyed and left it for what it was....


It was only after i took the following picture below, that i noticed i forgot to place the rear shock absorbers, so got the hubs and brakes of again, fitting the shocks now...


Also i noticed the rubber of the tires, arent as wide as the wheels itself are, tried to get it on the picture, but i guess its not really that clear, the rim sticks out on both sides of the tires that come with the kit, thread print is awsome and differ for the sides, so it doesnt look weird like i had on the Tamiya 360 modena kit....


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So ive done quite abit today if i may say so myself, and getting the body and body parts ready for paint, however im still trying to figure the following out:

I'm going to paint the car itself in tamiya's TS20, however the sides of the "batwings" of the murcielago i want open, and the sides should be black. Any idea's from the pro's here, how to accomplish that at its best? I was thinkin of doing 2 lil spots of glue, paint the car, pull them off and paint the side pieces black? No clue if this is the best way to do it though...

Attached the pic below as to give you guys an idea what im on about, the "Z" stand for "zwart", which is dutch for black for those who are wondering...


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this picture shows clearer how the tires arent wide enough that come with the kit:


The wheels either show a whole lip on the face of the wheel, or the back of the wheel sadly... so far the biggest let down of the whole kit.

Most Japanese kits do this to an extent........not a problem. What I always do is put the tyre on the wheel like you have in your picture, turn them over and push the tyres down until they are flat on the table, then trace a line around the exposed rim, and cut that lip off. I do this ALL the time, because that lip is annoying and unrealistic.

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So ive done quite abit today if i may say so myself, and getting the body and body parts ready for paint, however im still trying to figure the following out:

I'm going to paint the car itself in tamiya's TS20, however the sides of the "batwings" of the murcielago i want open, and the sides should be black. Any idea's from the pro's here, how to accomplish that at its best? I was thinkin of doing 2 lil spots of glue, paint the car, pull them off and paint the side pieces black? No clue if this is the best way to do it though...

Attached the pic below as to give you guys an idea what im on about, the "Z" stand for "zwart", which is dutch for black for those who are wondering...


I'm sure some guys temporarily tack parts on to paint the body parts, but I've never been a fan of that. if it were me, I would paint them individually first with the body color, then after the paint is cured, mask it off and paint your black. This is how I've always done it.......with great success.

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I'm sure some guys temporarily tack parts on to paint the body parts, but I've never been a fan of that. if it were me, I would paint them individually first with the body color, then after the paint is cured, mask it off and paint your black. This is how I've always done it.......with great success.

i get that, the thing im more worried about painting parts individual (like doors, hood's and in this case air intakes) is a color difference as you lay down different thickness of color coats, just like on real cars when small parts get resprayed. hence why im lookin for other ways to do it, if there are any :P 

thx for both your tips btw :) 

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i get that, the thing im more worried about painting parts individual (like doors, hood's and in this case air intakes) is a color difference as you lay down different thickness of color coats, just like on real cars when small parts get resprayed. hence why im lookin for other ways to do it, if there are any :P 

thx for both your tips btw :) 

I never really had that problem when i paint, but it can happen.....others have had that issue before. 

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Been a while that i worked on the murcielago, mainly due to having to finish 2 builds before xmas as im giving both my parents one (after a while i just cant think of anything to give them and parents always love stuff you put thought and time into ive been told). The cars in question are the Jaguar MK2 (link: http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/topic/127611-tamiya-jaguar-mk2-saloon-for-mom-update-16112017-pic-heavy/) and a Porsche 911 (996) GT3 (link: http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/topic/127704-tamiya-porsche-911-996-gt3-pic-heavy/)

However since our garage has temporarily been changed into a HUUGE spraybooth, ive decided to spray the murcielago aswell, ive only done the inside of the door openings now, the rest of the car will be done tomorrow again so this can get hard over night.

Masked up, only took an hour orso to do, does everyone take this long for this or is it just me?..



1st wetcoat on, pictures taken directly after spraying:



2nd wetcoat on, pictures taken after 30 minutes orso of dry time:



Unwrapped of masking tape, and how its sitting next to me right now:


Soon more

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I hate masking. I'e gotten pretty good at it but it is super tedious and therefore time consuming. Lately I've been trying out liquid mask to some success. I haven't tried it on large areas yet tho. If you look at my gt500 I did the ground effects with liquid mask. It left a pretty decent edge. I brushed on like five or so coats letting each one dry before the next. Then with a brand new razor I lightly scored where I wanted my edge to be. Then peel up the mask you don' want. It won't hurt the paint underneath.

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Looking good,...

Never begrudge masking time,...it always takes as long as it takes,..beats sanding and scraping later,..!!

Quick question,...

Wouldn't the door jambs be the same colour as the body,...?

i totally agree, it just feels asif i take for ever, was wondering if everyone has that feeling

Regarding your question, you are correct, however im putting the doors in while laying the color down on the car. This way i shouldnt have the problem of color differences when putting the doors in when ive sprayed them seperately. However when i put the doors in, they will cover the door jambs, so thus preventing them from getting a color, hence why im doing it this way :) 

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This is what I say to myself....

"Never be in a hurry for a bad finish",...

So far I've ignored most of the advice,..but heres hopin'...Lol

i have a tendency to do the same, but for once with these builds im not really that much in a hurry as i'm usually in with things, i wanna get this build spot on as im slowly getting the hang of the whole model building!

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This is what I say to myself....

"Never be in a hurry for a bad finish",...

So far I've ignored most of the advice,..but heres hopin'...Lol

i know how this feels to the t. Or that one that looks real nice. But you know there's that one thing about it that you did that you're not proud of and wished you had done differently about it. 

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i know how this feels to the t. Or that one that looks real nice. But you know there's that one thing about it that you did that you're not proud of and wished you had done differently about it. 

haha i have that right now with the seats of the 911 GT3 i'm working on XD but ow well BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH happens ;) 

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Not much of an update, put the paint is on! Did this yesterday already but due to having to wake up early today to catch a flight i went to bed early and therefore had no time to place the update here!

I went for the Tamiya Metallic green (from the top of my head this is TS-37). The paint went on real good. I think this is my best paint job to date so far! I'll let you guys be the judge of it though ;)

1st mist coat:


1st wet coat:




2nd wetcoat:




3rd and final wetcoat:




Now its sitting in the garage getting harder while im out of the country car shopping :) 

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  • 3 weeks later...

So been a while since i updated this thread, been home for a couple weeks again since my adventure on buying a car in greece (believe me, that was not easy, but fun nonetheless). and ive been working on my models since i came home again. Finished of the Porsche GT3, and the Jaguar MK2.

GT3 Link: 

 MK2 Link:

But i've also worked steadily on the Murcielago. Im leaving to KSA next wednesday for Xmas with my parents and want to have the Murcielago finished before i go. By the way it looks at the moment that should be possible!

Hereby some pix of the work ive done since my return

Interior is all done, here are the pix of it:




And the body being assembled for a large part, id say almost done, 2-3 days max!






It was only after i had placed the spoiler and the rear bumper etc on, that i forgot to paint the part between the hood and rear black instead of green... Rookie mistake, just dont want the risk of taking it apart and ruining parts just to spray it black with a can again, who knows maybe in the future when i get more skilled ill still do it!

Soon more, and hopefully the final build update! this build is fun but annoying at the same time, some things are just not really clear on how to place them etc (mainly the rear quarter windows, or the clear glass for the indicator in the back (i didnt even fit it, just could not get it sit in there sadly, thankfully it doesnt show though!).

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