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Suicide ‘29 Ford Roadster


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It always hurts to go backwards, especially on a beautiful black finish like that.  Earlier this year I went to polish out a very small blemish on a black 32 roadster.  I had a major brain fart and started polishing with Tamiya PUTTY, not Tamiya COMPOUND.  Similar tubes, radically different results!

You've got some stunning proportions on this little roadster.  I'm a big fan of suicide front ends but they are not easy to get looking right and this one really hits the high notes for me.  Love the half tonneau as well.

Good luck with the repairs!



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9 hours ago, alan barton said:

It always hurts to go backwards, especially on a beautiful black finish like that.  Earlier this year I went to polish out a very small blemish on a black 32 roadster.  I had a major brain fart and started polishing with Tamiya PUTTY, not Tamiya COMPOUND.  Similar tubes, radically different results!

Man!  I've reached for the can of clear for a final little touch and accidentally picked up flat black instead. Same forehead slapping result!


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Thanks for the kind support guys.

What happened here was 100% freak accident.

I was at the workbench trying to fix my sons broken toy with CA glue.  Must have released an air bubble when I took the cap off because this big glob went soaring through the air, over my left arm , and onto the side of the freshly finished paint job .  All of which was stored "safely" 3ft away from my work area.  Couldn't recreate that shot even if I tried. 

Nothing I could do but let the glue cure and sand it off.

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