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Wait, what?

As you'll easily be able to tell, this is the Aoshima Toyota HiLux kit. But as I'm more of a VW fan than a Toyota fan, I made this the VW Taro, which is essentially the HiLux with VW emblems.

I added flocking and seatbelts to the interior, which definitely turned out better than the exterior. i didn't fill in the seam lines on the back of the front seats, as those are invisible on the finished product.

Antenna is a guitar string. 

I tried my hand at making decals. it's funny, the test ones I made turned out a lot better than the finished product. I think I probably didn't let the decal bonder dry enough on these ones. And the Taro emblem is a little larger than it should be.I think maybe I got excited over the prospect of finishing something, so rushed this part.

Next one will be better.


Still, looks fine on the shelf.




VW Taro - 001.jpg










Edited by iamsuperdan
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Thats really cool, a friend of mine has a Taro but he has done the opposite of you and replaced the VW grille with a Toyota one. Since the tailgate is different and finding one that is rust free is like finding Jesus's sandals he replaced the VW emblem with a Porsche emblem. It is a strange thing that Taro, it is clearly a Toyota Hi-Lux and yet it is priced lower in todays market. I wonder what was the reason for Toyota and VW working together like this and making this offering.

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Where did VW actually sell this blatant copy of the Toyota (I know, badge engineering) They could have at least changed the grille. 

I've never seen one of these before, and I live in California - we see everything! Must've been a European only car.

I like the kit though. I'll leave mine as a Toyota.

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