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Going for my drivers test tomorrow

426 pack

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21 hours ago, Pete J. said:

I grew up in western Nebraska so I know of what you talk about.  However we have a bit more traffic in SoCal and I understand the need to have safety checks.  The licensing of seniors is progressive.  I have a 90 year old friend who is still driving, but is severely restricted. to daytime, local roads. That is mostly due to his vision deterioration.  He has to go in annually for a driving test. 

My last 15 years in California, licensed there from '62 until we moved in '96, I only got one speeding and two equipment tickets. Kansas traffic officers seem obsessed with speeders and ignore almost every other driving offense in the book. They seem whiling to give someone up to a 5 mph over the limit before they go after someone, but Stop signs seem to be just a suggestion and if the Light hasn't been Red to long your good to go.  Weaving around in your lane is just fine. On a 3 lane road the slower traffic and trucks are in the center lane for some reason and speeding up to cutoff some entering the highway is considered good form. Turn signals are used only to inform those around you of what you have just done and not to inform them of what are going to do. Also a driver is expected to change lanes to cutoff any vehicle overtaking them in the Fastlane with the option of just sitting in the Fastlane and maintain a speed at lease 10 to 20 mph slower than the posted speed limit. Some of the other unique regional driving experiences are seeing how much of a Green Light you can use up so that others can't get thru the intersection, this is most common on left turns with a Green Arrow only left turn.     


On ‎6‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 1:14 PM, 426 pack said:

Well guys I failed the test. I will be able to take it again in 14 days.

Cal, Take a deep breath and try and relax. Mentally redrive the behind the wheel experience of your test. Were you thinking of something else when you missed the Stop Sign ? Try not to put to much pressure on your self and do the things you know to do while driving and I think you'll be just fine.   Wait until you get home to do the victory burnout.

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5 hours ago, espo said:

... Some of the other unique regional driving experiences are seeing how much of a Green Light you can use up so that others can't get thru the intersection, this is most common on left turns with a Green Arrow only left turn...

The green light around here seems to be interpreted as meaning it's OK to check your phone and catch up with texts (as long as you're not moving).

The arrows are apparently interpreted as "look! over there! an interesting distraction!" and not having anything to do with actual driving.

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Just a thought for 426 pack--  It doesn't matter how many times it takes to pass the test.  You get the same license with the same privileges if you pass first time or 20th time.  There is no gold, silver or bronze license.  All the same!  Go git em.  

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I had a very interesting driver's test as mine was taken at our local police barracks. The Driver's Ed teacher I had at the time, took me over when it was around their lunch time. I had an officer literally eating his lunch while I was going through the course, and when it came time for me to parallel park, I guess he could tell I was OK as he simply said "Ok, Carry On!" Didn't even open the door to see if I was close enough to the curb! :D

Guess he could tell by looking at the outside mirror?

Anyway, I was thrilled as could be when I got my license........and BTW, I took my test in a tank of a car-----a '76 Caprice! Wish I could have taken the test in one of those rinky-dink little cars I see people take their tests in these days.

My Dad could tell when he got home from work that I had passed the test as I was grinning ear to ear! Hard to believe that's over 40 years ago now, and there's days I don't leave the house if I'm off as I don't feel like driving ANYWHERE! :lol:

1 hour ago, High octane said:

If it takes a person a number of tries( say 3 or 4)to get their license, they probably shouldn't be on the road anyway.

Yeah, I cringe when I hear of someone that didn't pass their test till the fifth or sixth time! :huh:

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Driving test was a piece of cake for me.  I grew up on a farm and had about 10 years driving experience with a jeep, tractors and various trucks by the time I showed up at the DMV.  Now at 19 I went to take my private pilots license.  Now that was a challenge.  I had to fly 100 miles to Cheyenne and arrive at the appointed time.  Spend the first hour being grilled by the examiner.  Plan a flight to a destination specified by the examiner.  Take off and fly the plan part way.  Have the examiner pull the power and simulate loss of engine, fly to a simulated engine out approach, go around and return the Cheyenne.  Land and debrief the examiner.  Passed the first time, but it was 5 hours of testing.  Yup, that was a test.

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