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Gen 7 race car tests at Richmond

Vietnam Vet67

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A simple reason that younger people are less interested in cars, is that cars have gotten too expensive, too similar and there are too many brands and styles. When I first started driving a person with nearly any full time job could afford a new car. A top of the line 69 Mustang Mach 1 was about $4800, a Z28 was about the same. The hot cars today can only be afforded by a few well paid folks and many potential buyers have other interests. The very young end up in Honda Civics and other affordable cars and unless you can afford something like a Honda Type R, you find yourself less interested in cars in general.

When I was a teenager we all had our version of a cool car, might be a 55 Chevy or a Galaxie Xl with a 427, I cannot think of a single young person I know that has anything remotely like the cars we had. Kids today go for Mazda CX-5's, or some other useful transportation.

I can easily see why racing interest is down. While I started being a NASCAR fan in 1961, I have lost most of my interest over the past decade or more. The only races I watch now are IMSA mostly.

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12 hours ago, TarheelRick said:

The only problem is, without TV viewers and money sponsors, there will be no money to save.  With all this push toward EPA mandates emission changes and forcing electric cars on the market the death knell rings even stronger.  Who wants to pay $100+ to watch a slot car race?  The roar of the engines is a major part of the complete experience.  Win on Sunday and sell on Monday is a thing of the past.  Another issue is the younger generations are not showing the same interest in cars as those now  presently supporting NASCAR.

Yes I agree with this. 

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its true that the fan base is way down.  but I don't think it's a fault of the racing or the racing organizations.  racing is down everywhere. the economy is BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH and that effects everything. people can't afford to travel to the races like they used to. even with gas prices down (except in California!), people have to make a choice on going to the track or eating. the economy is on the rise, but after years of being in the crapper, it's affected people's life style. take mine....my son and I wanted to continue to race, but prices to be competitive kept climbing while our pay didn't. I hated it when we weren't getting beat on the track, but in the wallet. this is one of the problems I see.  the other is that when you try to levelize the field, those with deeper pockets are going to come to the front.  the gen 7 car is, al least right now, just a test bed for what is coming. don't look too much into a "spec engine" because Toyota, Chevy and Ford are not going to work together to develop a single engine for all.  Same with the body...toyo wants the camry to be like what is on the showroom floor, chev won't change the Camaro to match the toyo and ford is going to take their mustang and go home because they won't bend to toyo and chev's will and make it one body for everyone.

personally, I like the racing better now than in the past...the COT was actually the waste of a car (WOC)...the only thing the COT proved was how not to build a race car. the use of composite bodies may seem like a waste, but I see it slightly differently...I see is at a way to curb the saying of "if you ain't cheating, you ain't competing".  everyone talks about losing jobs and cars are being wrapped and not painted....well, I guess that might be true. but after seeing the race at Talladega yesterday, i'd say that the teams are doing alright for themselves. 

just my opinions, but i'm going to take a wait and see position. it ain't time for the fat lady to sign over the demise of nascar yet....

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On 10/9/2019 at 4:57 PM, Vietnam Vet67 said:


I hear that nascar is going to require that every team uses this paint scheme. Also they can only use block letters and numbers in black only. You know, to cut costs and make things more equal. They say that the fans will love it.

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On 10/15/2019 at 8:10 AM, Mikey56 said:

Just my opinions, but i'm going to take a wait and see position. it ain't time for the fat lady to sign over the demise of nascar yet....

Same here. This post is armpit deep in speculation. 

If they get a car that closely resembles a street car, then that can only help, right? - The Xfinity cars already run composite bodies which are pliable, don’t snap like mentioned and reduce cut tires. Kevlar components will also be a big part of the body. 

I hope it does help things. As much as we piss and moan about it, great racing will cure a lot of it’s current ills.  

In the meantime, go support your local dirt track and watch some amazing racing. They need all the help they can get. 



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I have no issue with composite bodies......I like the traditional methods but production cars are going that way so what do you do???

The spec chassis is going to happen per many of the contacts I still have in NASCAR from my 20 years working in licensing/manufacturing. THAT and spec motors ARE a issue for me. Much like not keeping score at a kids ball game.....making all things equal as long as you have cash is not going to help. Imagine F1 with spec chassis and engine??? Yes F1 has regulated much innovation out but at least each team still has to build their own cars.

I hope for the best...but doubt that NASCAR is trying or wanting to keep me as a fan. They want a new demo....

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I look back at the races in Talladega and Kansas and see where anything and everything can happen. Both races showed good and bad about the cars. Think back to Dale Sr.....roll over, body looked like a junk yard had barfed, and what's Dale Sr's reaction?  "Are the still tires up?"  That's what brought fans to the track....Today's racing might not generate the same fan base as years ago, but I think it's on a coming back....slowly, but coming back. It seems that NASCAR and the manufacturers are looking to return to the "win on Sunday, buy on Monday" theory.  The bodies are coming back to look more like the show room cars, but still sticking with what works with aero and safety. 

Still waiting to see more about what the Gen 7 car is in it's final form.  One part that I don't think will fly is the air cleaner.....it would take way too long for teams to pull that off during a pit stop to get to the throttle body.  I think they will go back to the negative pressure area at the base of the windshield to draw air in....

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