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Im 12


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welcome aboard

you'll find a great community here

i think i dare to say most of us started when we were you're age

i know i did

then i dropped out for a few years and i picked it back up when i was 18

got serious with it when i was 23

25 now :blink:

at any rate

there is a great wealth of knowledge here all hand in generous hearts

feel free to ask anything you might wonder about

and dont shy to share iether

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welcome aboard

you'll find a great community here

i think i dare to say most of us started when we were you're age

i know i did

then i dropped out for a few years and i picked it back up when i was 18

got serious with it when i was 23

25 now :blink:

at any rate

there is a great wealth of knowledge here all hand in generous hearts

feel free to ask anything you might wonder about

and dont shy to share iether

On your avatar is that one of your models cause i like how you did the weathering and damage on it

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:blink: Avenger, Welcome too the asylum. Don't worry, in short time you'll be as nutty as the rest of us. Only 12 hu? No prob, caz THATS how you learn, lil Bro. EVERY BODY here was in your shoes once. Now look at em! Some of these guys even write for our FAVORITE mag. So that just goes to show ya where all this can lead to! Don't be afraid to try, after all, it's only plastic! Good luck, enjoy your time here, ask questions(LOTS) AND MOST OF ALL, HAVE FUN!!! :lol:
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On your avatar is that one of your models cause i like how you did the weathering and damage on it

thanks :lol:

its is a model indeed

i build it not too long ago

its part of a lindberg kit which had a dodge L700 truck with a flatbed and this ford on it

it was my first attempt at weathering a car and i really liked the way it came out

but like everything, just keep at it and you'll figure it out.

(here are some more shots of the ford)




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12? neat! i got started when i was about 12 or 13, but on tanks. later i moved onto a viper and after i "totalled" the paintjob i gave up on it for a while and i started back when i was about to turn 15. im 16 now and still am hooked

in other words, since you are just starting out dont let a huge mistake or a model car go completely wrong discourage you. since then ive probably ruined 3 or 4 other cars that i put 10-15+ hours each into due to my lack of experience. its always ok if you make a mistake, as long as you learn from it.

oh yeah, welcome aboard :unsure:

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Well First of im 12 im a rookie only been working on models for 4 months remember no hard feeling

sweet young blood..... :blink: oh i mean fresh meat..... :blink: oh i truly mean a young person :unsure:

whats up bro i seen some of your work and your on the right road my friend.

its cool to see some of our youth not gitting into trouble :)

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lol you started b4 me i started when i was 13 ,first build was a dam plane ,lets jus say it was plain ,then my lil bro bought me a 1964 impala kit when i was around 16 ,then i was hooked ,i turned 18 i was building them in j/c,i had about 30 builts then sold them ,got maried ,got responcabilities ,and im jus now getting bak into the swing of things ,well needless to say im 32 now and i havent grown up yet (dont think i ever will lol) enjoy the hobby and enjoy creativity ,this sight will inflewince you greatly ,it did me ,welcome and have fun

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Well First of im 12 im a rookie only been working on models for 4 months remember no hard feeling

Avenger, WOW! You do realize you are an endangered species, right? I mean, EVERYBODY knows that 12yr olds today are into only video games, collectible cards, skateboards, all that stuff, and they NEVER build model cars? You're proof positive that what we read here on the boards just isn't always true.

Welcome to the greatest little hobby on the planet--a hobby where we get to build what we want to build, the way we want to build it, and critics go hang! Whatever you build, it's YOUR project, your baby, your creation--so be proud of it.

Please don't let any of us scare you off because some may build things that must seem to you at 12 (or 13, 14, 15......?) seem completely impossible. If you want to do it, and want to do it badly enough, with a model car kit, you WILL do it, eventually--it might take a buncha steps up the mountainside, but hang in there, keep gluing, sanding, puttying, detailing, dreaming and scheming--you can get there too!

Also, please show us some of your stuff--but only when YOU are comfortable with that--you'd be surprised at the positive reactions you will get. Also, please realize that some of us are way older than you, old enough to be crotchety and occasionally irritable, but that sometimes happens after years and years--pay it never mind, we do come to our senses at least once in a while! :lol: Just realise that some of us have projects we started on long before you were thought of, and someday, you too likely will have to admit to the same thing, to some future kid.

Anyway, WELCOME!


Edited by Art Anderson
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Glad to see more young blood still coming into this hobby! Welcome aboard Avenger and keep having fun, that's the most important part! I wish I had this type of forum to discuss and see what other builders were up to when I was your age. It's a great place for tips and tricks to help make you a better builder.

Heck, I wish I could remember being your age!! B)

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B) @ some of the replies. . .

Hmm. . .I've been into models your whole life and i'm only 13! :D

But welcome, and as the 14 year old said (I forgot his name) its a fun hobby, you just have to make time for it.

A matter a fact, I have a model car older than you! :lol:

my names Zack btw

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

glad to see a young guy coming into the hobby. i started around your age, and 34 years later i'm still doin it. i learned alot over the years just hanging out in hobbyshops, but nowadays the shops are getting harder to find. good luck to you and i hope you learn and enjoy the hobby :)

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Somehow I missed this thread, but probably because you have more time on this forum than I ,,,!! Finally, someone with more time on something than I have ,, I feel SO young!!! L)

I defiantly welcome you to the Hobby of Dreams. I started around your age when AMT first started .. with their Annual Dinosaur Kits .. that Triceratops with the chromed mulit-horns was a bugger to get right! .. but it was in the weeds when I channeled it's legs. B)

I would have loved to have a place such as this in pre-internet days (1958 .. !!) to have contact with other modelers and camaraderie. My Mother's Engine Wiring Kit (sewing box) would have loved me more for it. Like everyone has said, build your dreams and bug the heck out of us for questions, questions and more questions, :blink:

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Sorry i missed this thread also . welcome aboard these guys have said it all already so all i can say is i have projects older than you on the shelf somewhere .

and don't tell my wife i posted when i was to be doing the honey dew list :lol:

Maybe i can get that done and get some plastic painted on this rare day off and home with no one to bother me


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