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Just makes you wonder what motivates some people to act like a fool. No decent upbringin or somethin I guess. This guy just hit the wrong buttons with me. I guess it may be that ol Corps trainin about havin respect for folks, caz it's a sore spot with me too, Clay, when fools go dissin people they DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!! B)

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Ya know, that Lambo kinda thru me, but I thought, ok, maybe it's one of those pre painted kits or somethin, But to put SOMEONE ELSES work an take credit for THEIR hard work, Man, to me THAT'S pretty LOW! Any way, he WAS (an probly still is!) A JERK! Good Riddance! (Down George, he's gone now) B)

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Yeah, its a shame it took over your topic George. What a waste of a member number he was. Gregg should go through this post and delete all the un related posts including his account.

Well, at least the guy made me feel better about my builds. I'm not very good at all, but at least I build my own.

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:) Clay, to be honest with ya, I had forgotten I had started it just to ask everyone to put their sig's in. Then outta NO where, this clown comes along an starts talkin his poop! I can take a joke, or a good ribbing, but to just come in OUR house an start talkin trash without knowin ANY of us, THEN to post stuff an claim it as his, wat a LOSER! Yeah, he kinda got me, talkin his jive an bein all buttheaded, personally, good riddance! This is our house an we need to stay family, like we have been, an NO BODY's gonna bad mouth MY family an get away with it! the sorry FOO!!! B)
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B) Thanks for the offer of the beers Rob, but I haven't drank in many, many moons! Sides when I was drinkin, I probly woulda hunted this running dog down an messed his whole day up!I got very few loyaltys, God, my FAMILY, an the Corps. DON'T EVER mess with ANY of them! Now, see how easy it is to get along with me? I got no animosity for no one, less they break the rules.! :lol: Like Gregg said, so eliquantly, I LUVS ME THIS FORUM!!!! it's home to me,an you guys are like my family.( see rule #2) ;)
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