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GMC Pro Street Chassis

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Hello everybody. I bought the GMC Big game hunter pickup kit to donate the chassis to a Suburban. Now I'm wanting to build a pro street out of the GMC. Does anybody know any good options on a chassis? Could I use the 66 Suburban chassis or would I need something else? If I need to scratch build a chassis, what type and size of styrene tubing would I need? Sorry for so many questions, but I've never really built a model outside the box before.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another thought for your Pro Street chassis. There have been a few Pro Street passenger car models offered in the past. The '67 Chevelle is one that comes to mind, b ut I also remember a few MoPar's as well. See if you can find one of those and just "back half" the chassis to your truck's chassis.  You may want to use the front suspension as well.  

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7 hours ago, espo said:

"back half" the chassis to your truck's chassis.

That would be my advice, especially if you've never built, but out-of-the-box, before. "Scratch-bashing" will prove less frustrating than a full-on scratchbuild. I have bits of projects from nearly forty years ago that are just as they were, back then, because I didn't have the skills, then, to complete them. Now, I look at them, and know that there's no sense in pursuing them, because I know that I can do better work, now.

Should you decide that you want to scratchbuild your chassis, it would be a good idea to visit Alston Chassis' website, to start. As I recall, they have some line drawings, and other things that can be helpful. Have a blast, Matthew!

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