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1960 Ford Starliner project!!!!


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When I purchased this model I was still playing with the idea of putting together the newly released Revell Nova, don't know what happened but when I opened the Starliner kit I just had to decide and build it, I think it's time to do a Ford. The first think that I noticed was that the chrome molding around the wings and around the entire car is very faint, no way I was going to be able to BMF all this chrome trim without a visible line.


I had some thin masking tape laying around and decided to use it in order to have at least an idea where I was to scribe my new lines. I just used the back of an x-acto #11 blade and very lightly scribed the lines following the contour of the tape.


Here, you can notice the lines by adding a bit of Model Master Metallizer paint, capillary action helps when using this watery type of paint.


Now I will have something to aid me when I am ready to BMF.


I ordered the photo etch detail kit and will be using it to finish off the model later. Looks like a great P/E sheet and I love the fact that it came with separate gold colored trim for the "starliner" emblems.

Edited by marcos cruz
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I am going for a '60's custom look and will be using these Modelhaus white walls and rims.


Since they are a bit wide I had to trim off some of the axle ends to accomodate the meaty Modelhaus tires. Here is the original one and the modified axle, I happened to have 2 other Starliner kits and will be using them for mock-up purposes.

I also had some issues with the fit of the hood that had to be worked out.



As you can see, the fit was horrible. By using the other Starliner kit you can see clearly how irregular the fit is.


I went to Michael's about a month ago and bought this heat gun for about 20 bucs, it went to good use immediately on this hood. I had to be very careful though, the heat out of this gun is no joke, it "WILL" melt the plastic if not carefully used.



I still have to play with it a little longer but it's way better than before!!!

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The front of the hood in the real car also has a piece of chrome trim. I scribed this also, if not, once I add paint this would have been gone!!


As you can see, you guys can't blame me for choosing to build this kit, the box art alone made me do it!!! I will try to have some mock up pictures of the model with the tires, rims and body later.


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It look's like it's going to be a good project Marcos. if any one can knock out the kinks in this car it is you my friend. :P

good luck on this build.

Tu Amigo

Anthony Rios

Thanks Tony, coming from a talented individual like you means a lot!! :lol::D
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I think your going to love this kit, its one of my favorites. The motor is the best representation of a big block Ford I have seen in plastic. Im working on a factory stock version right now myself. When I foiled mine i taped a guide to my exacto blade to get the trim straight. I cant wait to see the magic you work with this kit.


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Looks good Marcos! I'm working on that same kit myself, and because of the box artwork, I too had to buy it. The main problem I'm having is with the company that is making these AMT re-issues, Auto World. I've bought 2 kits from them, and both have warped trees, and warped parts. The interior floor pan is twisted, and the tree that holds one one the engines in this kit was twisted. the other kit I bought, the Digger 'Cuda, has a warped body, and the chrome tree is warped. I've decided to just use the Cuda for parts....

Anyhow.... I'm watching your build to see how it comes out. you do excellent work!

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Looks good Marcos! I'm working on that same kit myself, and because of the box artwork, I too had to buy it. The main problem I'm having is with the company that is making these AMT re-issues, Auto World. I've bought 2 kits from them, and both have warped trees, and warped parts. The interior floor pan is twisted, and the tree that holds one one the engines in this kit was twisted. the other kit I bought, the Digger 'Cuda, has a warped body, and the chrome tree is warped. I've decided to just use the Cuda for parts....

Anyhow.... I'm watching your build to see how it comes out. you do excellent work!

I did get a lot of twisted and warped parts myself man, I am happy I bought this heat gun, worked great for this!! :lol:
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coming along well.

That was one of the hard things about building this kit was the very faint trim lines. I, too, had to go back a rescribe most of them.

IIRC there were some annoyances with this one, but the over all assembly was okay.

If you are going to use the kit mirrors I would figure to pin them.

The rear panel doesn't fit quite right on mine and never figured out why.

There might a been a few other small things.


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Dang....you're leading us on another fantastic journey Marcos....... :angry:

Glad you gave us a heads-up on the panel lines and fit issues man, I'll be careful to look for that when the time comes.

I've only had mine out and oggled the parts so far....too much going on yet to start.... :D

Look forward to some more inspiration from you soon mate.



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When I purchased this model I was still playing with the idea of putting together the newly released Revell Nova, don't know what happened but when I opened the Starliner kit I just had to decide and build it, I think it's time to do a Ford. The first think that I noticed was that the chrome molding around the wings and around the entire car is very faint, no way I was going to be able to BMF all this chrome trim without a visible line.


I had some thin masking tape laying around and decided to use it in order to have at least an idea where I was to scribe my new lines. I just used the back of an x-acto #11 blade and very lightly scribed the lines following the contour of the tape.


Here, you can notice the lines by adding a bit of Model Master Metallizer paint, capillary action helps when using this watery type of paint.


Now I will have something to aid me when I am ready to BMF.


I ordered the photo etch detail kit and will be using it to finish off the model later. Looks like a great P/E sheet and I love the fact that it came with separate gold colored trim for the "starliner" emblems.


Don't forget to get a set of headlamp buckets from Norm for the PE set. They will make life a lot easier. I Alcaded mine, epoxied them in added the lenses, and I was good to go. He does the skirts for it too. I Bare-Metaled mine, as the real car had stainless skirts as a dealer installed item. I did mine to represent my Uncle's car as he brought it home in 1960.


I know yours will be spectacular. I plan to do another one next year. I haven't decided on the body style yet. I have a couple of options other than the Starliner.

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Thanks Ron, I will keep that in mind. By the way, I have that '59 Impala grill you requested of me, hopefully I can go to the next meeting and hand it to you. If not, I will be getting your home addresss so that I can send it to you!! B)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey Marcos, how's the build going? I got the photo etch set today, and I was wanting to get some pointers from you on using it.
I painted and put together some engine parts, I will be posting soon. About the photo-etch parts, you will see them here once I start using them. I am planning on using the P\E grill but will have to contact Replicas and Miniatures first so that I can get the headlamp buckets to install them on the grill. ;)
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hi marcos !!!

what i can see the kit isn´t easy to built. the quality looks not very good but i know in your hand it will be a very fine and great model.

the begin looks absolutly great !

i will look at your next posts !!!

greets jürgen

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