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1970's Kenworth C-500 off highway logging truck

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I've been wanting to build one of these for years. The Kenworth dealership in Eugene, Oregon always had a few of these on their lot. Most went to Weyerhaeuser. I started out with the Alasakan Hauler KW from AMT. I used the cab, frame , top of the hood, and suspension. I moved the front axle back and dropped the suspension down. I cast all the wheels myself, and scratch built the trailer, headache rack, bunks, fenders, bumper, grill guard and the hood minus the top. I made new fenders from Diamond plate plastic sheet with headlights from a Revell KW. The sides of the hood and locking clamps were also made from sheet styrene. The off highway trailer has a metal suspension system on it that my dad cast for me. I wanted a factory fresh truck so I didn't give it any company logos. It took three cans of Tamiya Camel yellow spray paint to finish it. I'm going to replace the front wheels I cast with some other ones that are a little larger in the near future. The truck is based on a CanFor truck in British Columbia.









Edited by bitner
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