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Why I'm on here.

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I came to this forum for one reason; to see the beautiful creations of real artists. I didn't come here to discuss religion or politics. I have always believed that those two subjects should not be brought up when the company you are keeping could possibly have different views.

I have never felt at home on this or other model forums because I am a liberal and an atheist. I have steadfastly refused to get involved in certain discussions in order to preserve good order and avoid rancorous debate. I broke that rule once on the other forum and it caused me to get my patriotism questioned. That wasn't good for me or for the person doing the insulting.

All I'm asking is that people treat me the way you would like to be treated.

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Marcus, I think that you will find that although this forum is not as "rigid" as the other mag forum, most people tend to avoid troublesome issues. There was some political discussion during the election but with such a huge "elephant in the room" so to speak it was impossible not to talk about. But all in all it was pretty uneventful banter. Your best bet would be to avoid any non-model related thread that would inspire you to add your $.02, potentially adding gasoline to the fire. This is advice that I take myself.

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Marcus, I think that you will find that although this forum is not as "rigid" as the other mag forum, most people tend to avoid troublesome issues. There was some political discussion during the election but with such a huge "elephant in the room" so to speak it was impossible not to talk about. But all in all it was pretty uneventful banter. Your best bet would be to avoid any non-model related thread that would inspire you to add your $.02, potentially adding gasoline to the fire. This is advice that I take myself.

Thank you Rob. I agree completely with your advice and intend to live by it. Sometimes it's hard to tell about a topic until you load it, but that's a good time to simply drop the subject.

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I came to this forum for one reason; to see the beautiful creations of real artists. I didn't come here to discuss religion or politics. I have always believed that those two subjects should not be brought up when the company you are keeping could possibly have different views.

I have never felt at home on this or other model forums because I am a liberal and an atheist. I have steadfastly refused to get involved in certain discussions in order to preserve good order and avoid rancorous debate. I broke that rule once on the other forum and it caused me to get my patriotism questioned. That wasn't good for me or for the person doing the insulting.

All I'm asking is that people treat me the way you would like to be treated.

X-2 :rolleyes:

I get enough flack as it is just for being these two things. Don't judge me, Cause I will never judge you. But I have lost a few so called good friend's due to my beliefs.

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I came to this forum for one reason; to see the beautiful creations of real artists. I didn't come here to discuss religion or politics. I have always believed that those two subjects should not be brought up when the company you are keeping could possibly have different views.

I have never felt at home on this or other model forums because I am a liberal and an atheist. I have steadfastly refused to get involved in certain discussions in order to preserve good order and avoid rancorous debate. I broke that rule once on the other forum and it caused me to get my patriotism questioned. That wasn't good for me or for the person doing the insulting.

All I'm asking is that people treat me the way you would like to be treated.

As should all!!

Marcus I do not care about YOUR politics or religion.....But show us some models!!!!!! :rolleyes:

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X-2 :rolleyes:

I get enough flack as it is just for being these two things. Don't judge me, Cause I will never judge you. But I have lost a few so called good friend's due to my beliefs.

If you lost a good friend because he/she didn't agree with your politics, then that person was never a "good friend" to begin with.

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I have never felt at home on this or other model forums because I am a liberal and an atheist.

And you're telling us this why???

If you don't want anyone to post any political/social/religious views that oppose your own, there's a very simple and foolproof solution: Don't post any political, social or religious posts! :rolleyes:

We would never have known that you're a liberal and an atheist if you hadn't made the announcement yourself!

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I agree with Harry. Why are you telling us this. I'm a "Mormon", but that has no bearing on my ability to build models. I come here and to other forums to see the artistic work of others. It's none of my business, or that of anybody else, what others religious or political views are. Don't ask-don't tell is usually the best course to take in matters such as this. If one does make mention of their beliefs, then one has placed themselves into the position of judgment. We will have no way of knowing if one don't say anything.

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And you're telling us this why???

If you don't want anyone to post any political/social/religious views that oppose your own, there's a very simple and foolproof solution: Don't post any political, social or religious posts! :huh:

We would never have known that you're a liberal and an atheist if you hadn't made the announcement yourself!


I'm a Christian and a conservative, and like to discuss all kinds of view's, but "NOT ATTITUDES" :P , and I don't take anyone's opinion's of me or my belief's personally.

I think everyone has a right to their own beliefs, but should be careful how they share and present them here or anywhere.

Some people seem to wear who they are , like a chip on their shoulder, just waiting for for a good fight - It's a shame, because life's too short :rolleyes:

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And you're telling us this why???

If you don't want anyone to post any political/social/religious views that oppose your own, there's a very simple and foolproof solution: Don't post any political, social or religious posts! :rolleyes:

We would never have known that you're a liberal and an atheist if you hadn't made the announcement yourself!

In a recent political topic, we were told that liberals were idiots (or something to that effect). I took this personal as a liberal. On the other, more restrictive, forum, I objected to the inclusion of religion in one topic. When I answered it, I was told to leave the country.

The person who questioned my patriotism is on this forum also, although I'm not going to name names. That person knows who he is. I would very much appreciate an apology from him.

Many on here were aware of my views, including you, before I posted this. I just don't want those views to define who I am on this forum.

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I'm a Christian and a conservative, and like to discuss all kinds of view's, but "NOT ATTITUDES" :P , and I don't take anyone's opinion's of me or my belief's personally.

I think everyone has a right to their own beliefs, but should be careful how they share and present them here or anywhere.

Some people seem to wear who they are , like a chip on their shoulder, just waiting for for a good fight - It's a shame, because life's too short :rolleyes:

Look in the mirror. I am no more looking for a fight than those on the other side.

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This is very confusing,you say this is no place for politics or religion.Yet you feel compelled to announce that you are an athiest and a liberal.No one would have known either if you had not announced it here.Many here (especially me) could care less what you beliefs are.Perhaps the reason you don't "feel at home" is that you make antagonizing posts like this.Everyone knows not to discuss politics and religion,it's just an unwritten rule that MOST people follow.If you don't want to discuss politics or religion,DON'T.No one forces you to do so.And you don't like it here,well,you know what to do.

What? There is a topic on right now which is nothing but politics. It was very insulting. I find it hilarious that people don't mind religious or political discussion as long as they agree with it. It's okay for someone to praise God or post some such statement as "person X is up in heaven building models now", but if I answered either post, I would be castigated. I see nothing wrong with my having announced my views. That announcement did not insult anyone, so why does it bother you?

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Why did I announce my views? It's really pretty simple. It was said so that people who cared could understand why I am not feeling at home here. If I hadn't stated that I was an atheist and a liberal, you all would be wondering what I was talking about.

It should go without saying that certain subjects leave me out in the cold. Think about what it would be like if I constantly berated Christians, then you can understand how I feel.

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I have never judged anyone by whats on there mind, I only judge someone by whats in there Heart.

Everone is entitled to there own beliefs, and if you can respect mine, I can respect yours. And we can just agree to disagree and leave it at that.

We all have one thing in common, our passion for our hobby, and motor vehicals, and that alone makes us a brotherhood.

So we should all respect each other for that alone, and nothing else.

Build On my Brothers.

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ok, guys....

I think we've had our say here. I'm going to lock this before someone winds up getting stoned! And I don't mean in the good way! B)

We all have political/social/religious views, and it's for darn sure that we are not all going to agree. So instead of focusing on issues where we have disagreements, let's focus on the thing that brought us all together here...

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