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I've posted a few post, but haven't introduced myself yet. I figured I would make it official. Those of you that do know me, know me as Dirk Joseph. ScrappyJ was nick name they gave me while in the Army some 20+ years ago ('82-'86). Good to see this forum growing. I've been waiting for it and when I saw it, was truly happy. Tell your friends, everyone.

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Is this Dirk, from North Carolina, etc.?

Mr. VW and awesome bike Dirk?

Hey, Gregg! I've since moved to Orlando, but am still trying to get back to my original roots of Atlanta. Good to hear from you and thanks for the forum!!!!!!!! Hope all is well with you.s

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Hey, Gregg! I've since moved to Orlando, but am still trying to get back to my original roots of Atlanta. Good to hear from you and thanks for the forum!!!!!!!! Hope all is well with you.s

I was thinking about you not too long ago.

Haven't seen any of your models in a while.

Was wondering what you were up to.

How's your boy, BJ was his name?

Still with BOA?

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I was thinking about you not too long ago.

Haven't seen any of your models in a while.

Was wondering what you were up to.

How's your boy, BJ was his name?

Still with BOA?

Thanks for thinking about me. I was telling Dave (CarModDave), that I've been dealing with a little health problem (not too serious, Graves disease). I had some radiation treatment about a month ago, so things seem to be progressing okay. I can't wait to get back to building.

As for some of what I've been upto, I haven't finished much of antyhing. I do believe you've seen the top fuel bike I was working on when you and I last spoke (and of course the pro stock bug). Other than that, I have some things on the bench, but nothing completed. As soon as I get a chance, I'll post some pics of the projects.

B.J. is doing great! I can't believe you remembered his name, but then again, you and Jairus are real stand-up kind of guys and always seem gnuine. I remember when we first met in Birmingham and you guys took the time to spend with me. That is one of my most memorable days in the hobby yet! However, it isn't only B.J. now. We went ahead and got a girl too. Haven't done any models in her name, yet (Parker).

I hope we get to chat a little more than we did before. Im not always good with keeping in touch with folks, but am trying to be a little better at it.


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The same Dirk that lived in Charlotte and displayed your models at Flashbacks?.Never got to meet you but I you sure did enjoy checking out your builds when I was in shopping around.


Yup, Rowdy, that's me. It's funny you mentioned Flashbacks as I was thinking about Steve the other day and wondering what he's doing up in Ole Canada.

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Haven't seen or heard anything about Steve since he sold the store and left for the north country..Don't know why he did that?.

The fellow who bought Flashbacks lives about 15 minutes from me and operates the store out of his garage..You can only see him on some Saturdays and maybe an evening if he's home..That's been going on over three years now..He was hoping to get a real store in town but it don't look like that will happen..All he does now is set up at local car shows and the Auto Fair twice a year selling kits..


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