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Have you ever found kits you didn't know you had? Over the years, I bought kits and built some, but then the kids and life would take over and they'd get packed away and forgotten. I recently finished my work bench area and am gradually going through boxes of kits. Some have been stored for more than ten years. Yesterday, I opened a small box and found three Revell Honda Civics in zip-lock bags and an Acura. I don't remember buying them, but I may have gotten them at a hobby show or at a Hobby Lobby clearance or something.

I'm impressed with these kits, they resemble something made by Tamiya or Fujimi. Does anyone know if they were tooled by Revell?

The Civic seems to have the parts to make a stock car as well as parts for two different ground effects sets and several sets of custom wheels. My kits are missing the tires, so I may sub in something else.  Last night I put aside the kit I just started, and took one of the Civics and gave it a quick spray with Racing White. The paint is more of an ivory than a pure white, is that normal? It dried surprisingly quickly, and a lot smoother than my usual, so that's good.

I'm going to try to do it as a budget tuner someone might build in their garage.




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