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The Cannonball Run build-off


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Hello there Cannonball Run fan's! It is a sad day when actors from your favorite movies pass away. We seem to be losing our Cannonball'ers! Dean Martin passed away a while ago, as did Sammy Davis Junior, and just recently we lost Dom Delouise, AKA Captain Chaos! And now it seems, Ferra Faucet is on her final day's.

So in memory of our fallen Cannonball'ers, I'd like to start a build off.

Your car must be ANY one of the cars featured in either The Cannonball Run, or Cannonball Run II. I've always wanted a model of that very cool black Lamborghini Countach as seen in the first movie. You know, the one with the wing up front and the hot pair of seat covers?

Would such a build-off be of any interest to you people? I know there exists an MPC model kit of J.J. Mclure and HIM's medical van.

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32 views and no replies? Any Cannonball Run fan's here? A classic car-racing movie guy's! This would be a fun build-off. Anyone?

I'm in! I love these movies, corny, but just great. Not sure what car yet but I'll build one.

On a side note.. "Speed Zone" is another Cannonball Run movie, just titled different.. and good too.


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The build-off is ONLY for the two Cannonball movies as mentioned mostly because we lost so many of the actors that were in both of'em. I thought Speed Zone was retarded when they had the car skipping across the lake like a rock-skipping. LOL!

Farrah Fawcett is battling cancer and last I heard she's losing. She's not looking all that good these day's.

I'm not sure which car I want to build either or when I'll get around to it. So, there is no due-date for this as of yet. I'd like to do the black Countach with the wing up front, but not sure how to make that front wing realistic or where to get those driving lights they had mounted on it.

At least we still have Burt Reynolds and Jackie Chan! Jackie was awesome in all three Rush Hour movies! LOL!

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The build-off is ONLY for the two Cannonball movies as mentioned mostly because we lost so many of the actors that were in both of'em. I thought Speed Zone was retarded when they had the car skipping across the lake like a rock-skipping. LOL!

Farrah Fawcett is battling cancer and last I heard she's losing. She's not looking all that good these day's.

I'm not sure which car I want to build either or when I'll get around to it. So, there is no due-date for this as of yet. I'd like to do the black Countach with the wing up front, but not sure how to make that front wing realistic or where to get those driving lights they had mounted on it.

At least we still have Burt Reynolds and Jackie Chan! Jackie was awesome in all three Rush Hour movies! LOL!

what about bruce willis or nicolas cage? theyer great actors too!

and you hear about patrick s.? he isn't going to last to long either!

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Why are you mentioning Bruce Willis and Nicolas Cage? A: their still doing very well, and B: they are not part of the Cannonball Run series.

I only mentioned Jackie Chan's other movies cause he was part of the Cannonball Run series. B.W. and N.C. never were.

What two cars are you talking about? I don't recall those two in either movies unless they were on the side. If you can find a picture of the car you want to do, in either Cannonball Run movie scene, you can do it.

Just post picture of scene.

However, I prefer the main character's cars be part of the build off..........................

Is there a model of the Japanese team's car that was in the first Cannonball Run? You know, the one with the jet-pack?

Edited by FujimiLover
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Jackie Chan was in both The Cannonball Run and Cannonball Run II. He was part of the Japanese team. I dont' know who the other Japanese guy was in the first movie, but in the second movie, it was the same actor who played James Bond's Jaw's character.

If by Firebird you mean the blue/white police car that was chasing the black Countach in the opening scene of the first movie, than certainly you can build that one. But the car has to look exactly like the one in the movie. As for Mustang, I dont' recall a Mustang in the movie, but again if you can find a picture of a Mustang in any Cannonball Run scene, please post it.

I'm not entirely sure, but I think the Cannonball Run movies was Jackie's first American movie appearance? Anybody know?

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Thank's for clearing that up, but this is only for the two mentioned movies since we recently lost Dom Delouise and the illness of Farrah Fawcett.

Sorry wrong movie. Do any one have a list of car or know what web add movie car forum.

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Thank you for that link Mike. I have visited that site before. I love that picture of the black Countach speeding on the highway and am now useing it as my desk top! I just loooooove how it look's with that front wing!

It'll certainly be a fun project to build some time!

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I think the Cannonball Run movies was Jackie's first American movie appearance? Anybody know?

That is the Earliest That I have seen Jackie.

He has done more movies b-4 that but not released in the US till 10yrs ago(?)

I've seen them all. :rolleyes:

AMC had a special Jackie Chan weekend.

I saw a Hearse in one of the CannonBall Run Photos, EvilOne can join in this one. :P;)

I gotta finish my Drifter I started and I may jump in later..

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well, it's official. We lost Farrah Fawcett yesterday to cancer. She died at age 62 I think it was, will double check and edit.

Also, for those who are fan's of the King of Pop, we lost Michael Jackson as well. I'm not a fan of his music at all, but just wanted to add him as well. I like his sister's music much better than his!

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So it looks like im the one doing the countach? When is the deadline? it may take some time for me to get the supplies needed for the wing,but we'll see :D

I had originally planned on doing the black Countach with the wing up front my self. I've always wanted a model of that car, a good model too not some junk MPC kit. Sorry, I don't care for MPC's lack of quality, their Countach kit that I've seen look's toyish to me. If you can build a really good Cannonball Countach, that would be awesome, I might buy it from you if it turns out nice and sweet! Just don't forget to include the two chicks! :D

I want to do the black Countach my self as stated, but I don't know when I'll get around to getting a Lamborghini Countach kit. Nor do I know which kit to get to be accurate, yet again, would I know how to successfully make that wing up front with the extra set of fog-lights.

I tried building the wing/lights on a 1/24 scale RC car from Tamiya. Remember their 80's Tamiya Tamtech 1/24th scale RC cars? That didn't go to well! EEEK!

I say the dead line should be a year from yesterday morning when Farrah Fawcette passed away. That would be a good anniversary date.

Was there ever a model of the Mitsubishi Starion that the Japanese team used in the movie?

The only Lamborghini Countach kit I have that I COULD use is my Koenig Special Countach model, but I dont' want to take that away from my KS collection, so it'll be for that instead of this build-off. Since I don't know when I'll be getting the Countach kit, it's up for grab's. Anybody that want's to build it may go ahead and do so. Even if more than one person builds it that's okay too. It would be interesting to see different skill-level's building the same car!

Anyway, build what you want to build, but like the other threads, post what your going to build, and start posting pic's of the kit you'll be building from. Also, please make a note when posting, the character's names who drove that particular car, and the actors/actress's who played those characters. A very short actor-bio would be cool too. I'm sure you can find the information needed. Hope that is cool with you guy's?

Oh yea one more thing! When you note about the character, please provide a picture of theme as well! Again, I'm sure you can find pic's with google!

Cheers and good luck yea'll!


Edited by FujimiLover
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