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billy maze putty??

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wow that billy mayze would sell his mother if he could. :lol:

i personally have never used it but i would expect it to work. on the comercial he put's it out on a leg post and sands it down then paints it so it should work. i would try it on a model that you don't care to much about.

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I thought about that same stuff when I got my Milliput. I think it's same stuff but repackaged for other sellers. That's just my opinion. If you can get it real cheap, just try it and let us know. That guy annoy's the hell out of me and now he has his own show? AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! LOL! That, and that lady that has that high-pitched voice who tries to sound like a sweet young lady. I hate those darn info mercials.

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If it's like most other 2 part epoxy putty it will work. You will want to get it as close to your finished shape as possible because it is HARD when cured. I used similar putty to fill the channels for the chrome on a '54 Ford custom I'm doing and it worked well. I'll do the finish leveling with a 2 part polyester putty. If you get it and don't like it for modeling there's a world of other uses for it.

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yes it will work. would I use it no. But I have seen this stuff in action. it's some crazy stuff. And yes it does hold up. I seen it pull a minivan with just this stuff connected to it. (chain connected to a plate on both rigs.


I love my drawings

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It's 2 part epoxy putty. AMT use to package it in custom car kits in the early to late '60s. You could drive down to your local hardware store and buy the exact same stuff the Billy promotes. If you figure in the cost of shipping and handling you won't save a dime between his price and what you can buy locally.

The one big problem with the stuff Billy does the commercial for is that it's extremely course meaning that it's porous. You'd be much better off to buy Milliput Superfine putty. The stuff that Billy sells and the stuff from the local hardware store will most likely need a coat of spot filler over it to close up the holes in the finished surface.

The other thing to be concerned over is the curing time of the putty. The faster it cures the more catalyst will be required to cause it to set up properly. For the most part this is nothing you can control. I bought a "Fix-it-Stick" putty at Lowe's about a month ago. I didn't pay any attention to the instructions because I've been using 2 part putty for decades. The Fix-it-stick got so hot that within 5 minutes I could no longer hold it in my hands.

Invest in Milliput Superfine Putty, you'll be glad you did.

Edited by Fletch
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