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Government Motors is born!

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...I get the concept of "different strokes"...

I'm not sure you do. You and Cosmic seem to think that your opinions are absolutely right. "Why would anybody do something if I think it's a bad idea?". There are many opinions. None are wrong. If you want a Mustang instead of a Volt, more power to you. I really don't think that the Volt will roll out the door for $40k. There will likely be rebates offered by dealers and government, both state and local.

The whole idea that a Hummer make less pollution than a Prius is debatable, at best. Remember, that notion relies on people putting 300,000 miles on that Hummer (if you take everything else in that hokey report at face value). Right now there are 387 Hummers on eBay. The highest mileage on any of the civilian models is 177,000. Only 11 have 100,000 miles or more.

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Do you know how brainwashing works?

Do you? It cuts both ways. I am assuming that your complaints are about environmental and liberal "brainwashing". Everyone does it and all the time. The right wing does it, the center does it, the lunatic fringe on both sides does it, all religions especially do it!.

Some people are brainwashed to buy American no matter what and some are brainwashed to buy a Prius to be green. Many buy a Harley to show how individualistic and independent they are :) . All are silly and mistaken. Most people are affected by "brainwashing" to one degree or another. It is a rare individual who is not affected by some sort of brainwashing even if it is rather mild. There is another word for brainwashing - it is called learning, although that is sort of a discriminating brainwashing. :D

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The whole idea that a Hummer make less pollution than a Prius is debatable, at best.

? :) I'm not sure why you mentioned that. I'm not arguing comparative pollution levels, I'm talking simple economics. Dollars.

Plenty of people want to "go green" and help the environment... that's why Prius is selling fairly well. But if people who are considering a GM hybrid can't afford it, then all the good intentions GM may have had are out the window. Putting a $40,000 price on the Volt turns it from a "mainstream" priced car into a niche vehicle that only a limited number of people will consider... so how much good will it do? Shutting out the majority of potential customers doesn't seem to be a very good business decision.

Apparently GM still doesn't understand where the automotive market is heading. The Japanese makers saw the writing on the wall years ago...and their hybrid programs are well underway and evolved, while GM is still taking baby steps. It's like the Japanese already have figured out time travel, while GM has just now discovered the wheel...

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? :D I'm not sure why you mentioned that. I'm not arguing comparative pollution levels, I'm talking simple economics. Dollars.

Plenty of people want to "go green" and help the environment... that's why Prius is selling fairly well. But if people who are considering a GM hybrid can't afford it, then all the good intentions GM may have had are out the window. Putting a $40,000 price on the Volt turns it from a "mainstream" priced car into a niche vehicle that only a limited number of people will consider... so how much good will it do? Shutting out the majority of potential customers doesn't seem to be a very good business decision.

Apparently GM still doesn't understand where the automotive market is heading. The Japanese makers saw the writing on the wall years ago...and their hybrid programs are well underway and evolved, while GM is still taking baby steps. It's like the Japanese already have figured out time travel, while GM has just now discovered the wheel...

If someone really wants to go green.

Then buy a Porsche Turbo. :D It has one of the lowest emmision and is one of the most efficient cars out there. In some places the exhust is cleaner than the air that it is sucking into the engine. :)

The Ferrari California is right up there too.

If you're on a budget get a TDI.

The Pruis according to Clarkson is a very expensive, very complicated, not terribly green, slow, cheaply made, and pointless way of moving around.

I tend to agree.

And the Volt is worse.

Edited by CAL
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? :) I'm not sure why you mentioned that. I'm not arguing comparative pollution levels, I'm talking simple economics. Dollars.

Plenty of people want to "go green" and help the environment... that's why Prius is selling fairly well. But if people who are considering a GM hybrid can't afford it, then all the good intentions GM may have had are out the window. Putting a $40,000 price on the Volt turns it from a "mainstream" priced car into a niche vehicle that only a limited number of people will consider... so how much good will it do? Shutting out the majority of potential customers doesn't seem to be a very good business decision.

Apparently GM still doesn't understand where the automotive market is heading. The Japanese makers saw the writing on the wall years ago...and their hybrid programs are well underway and evolved, while GM is still taking baby steps. It's like the Japanese already have figured out time travel, while GM has just now discovered the wheel...

That's because they don't get it. They think people will buy whatever piece junk they make because the consumer is stupid.

Well that may have been the case at one time, and there still may be a portion of the car buyers out there who are stupid, but most of the general public has learnt there lessons well with GM and their BS, and just don't fall for the bannana in the tail pipe any longer.

Good grief, now the Government is involved and that's going to make it all better. :D

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If I was one of the "have-nots" in our country today, I think I might like the new philsophies of this administration. I mean, after all, I am an American, and I deserve it! However, I have worked continously since my first job at 14. I have worked long and hard to get what I have. No one handed me my life, I earned it, and know the true value of earning. I find it insulting that I am getting told what car I should drive on order to be a good American. And I despise that since I am one of the "haves" it is expected of me to be like Robin hood and give my stuff to the "have-nots"

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And I despise that since I am one of the "haves" it is expected of me to be like Robin hood and give my stuff to the "have-nots"

I agree 110% ;)

Well all I can say is as one of the haves I think since im in a position to help others I do.

I have no problem with helping out the less fortunate of us.I personally feel as its my duty

not as an american but as a fellow human being.Im not saying give away your life savings

but its nothing wrong with helping out those who are less fortunate than us.

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Well all I can say is as one of the haves I think since im in a position to help others I do.

I have no problem with helping out the less fortunate of us.I personally feel as its my duty

not as an american but as a fellow human being.Im not saying give away your life savings

but its nothing wrong with helping out those who are less fortunate than us.

Doing so because you want to is one thing. Having the government use it's police powers to force you to do so is quite another.

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Doing so because you want to is one thing. Having the government use it's police powers to force you to do so is quite another.

Absolutely! I am generous and giving to my friends and family. I paid off my daugters school loan, I am paying for my son's community college, I paid a freinds IRS bill and paid off her house ( OK, it was only $3500 ) because I could, and WANTED TO! It was my choice. I love my country and the freedoms it affords me. Imagine if the administration decided we could only buy and build, say, Palmer models, because they used sooooooooooo little plastic that they were environmentaly friendly. Bet that would tee-offf a bunch of people. Hey the guvvamint could even start a program to buy back all of our old globally damaging vintage Monogram and AMT kits if we were to decide to only build Palmers!

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No, I think that was a reference to Dubya, possibly the worst President in US history.

There were worse presidents than "dub". Andrew Johnson put the u.s. in bankruptcy in 1871, Woodrow Wilson was the one to sign the federal reserve and I.R.S into law in 1913.bulls@#$t Johnson robbed Social Security to pay for Viet Nam and his " Great society" I use lower case for u.s, as it denotes the country, not the corporation.

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I totally agree with you on that subject. The media is much too powerful now.

Gone are the days of real reporting.Now its about what sells the most,

If boeing blows an engine on an airplane people think the airplane is unsafe..a deathtrap

no one says Hey Boeing doesnt even make engines.only airplanes...Thats pratt and whitneys fault.

Its all about style over substance.

In my honest opinion America is going the way of rome(lol) The parrellels are astonishing(lol) :blink::(

Or even more astonishing are the parallels our current president shares with Adolf Hitler. Look at the backgrounds of his "czars." You don't even have to dig that deep, the curtain is right in front of everybody, all you gotta do is take a quick peek to see the horror show. I wish more people took a little gander, but they just can't be bothered. They take Obama in like a hippie does with a tab of acid.

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Or even more astonishing are the parallels our current president shares with Adolf Hitler. Look at the backgrounds of his "czars." You don't even have to dig that deep, the curtain is right in front of everybody, all you gotta do is take a quick peek to see the horror show. I wish more people took a little gander, but they just can't be bothered. They take Obama in like a hippie does with a tab of acid.

I just checked in with my boys in the Obama administration and we are sending a black helicopter to pick you up. It should be there any minute. ;):D

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Or even more astonishing are the parallels our current president shares with Adolf Hitler. Look at the backgrounds of his "czars." You don't even have to dig that deep, the curtain is right in front of everybody, all you gotta do is take a quick peek to see the horror show. I wish more people took a little gander, but they just can't be bothered. They take Obama in like a hippie does with a tab of acid.


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Or even more astonishing are the parallels our current president shares with Adolf Hitler. Look at the backgrounds of his "czars." You don't even have to dig that deep, the curtain is right in front of everybody, all you gotta do is take a quick peek to see the horror show. I wish more people took a little gander, but they just can't be bothered. They take Obama in like a hippie does with a tab of acid.

Sounds like you need a tinfoil hat...sounds like a bunch of right wing loony ranting.

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