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whats the deal

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this is not in any way drected at any single person but at the truck builders in this group

why do it seem that we who build custom or difernt trucks then stock it whoud seem that we become ignored had i known this whoud be the case as other truck pages on the web i whoud not have came back i thought this place was for every one regardless of what type of truck or style they build i dont see any rules that say the trucks must be street stock so whats the deal? i thought this was a place for ever one and all types of builders of all tallents it seems to me that this is becomeing more like the other mag that will remain nameless i gess what i am saying is are we so shallow and stuffy that we cant let some one like my self to feel wellcome and post there build or ask a queston with out it being ignored if i can help some one with a queston i try to help if i can if i dont know i try to help out any way

Edited by buba39
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I get the same thing here, 300 views an 4 respnces, and one of them is mine, go figure? so I moved to a independent forum, I still come here from time to time, and see what people are doing but not as much anymore, I mean how many ways can you build a 32-34 ect ect over an over, I like to see fresh builds, not the same, ol' same, so I find the independent forums refreshing, and easy to look at, and the members # are not so huge that you cant make some really kewl friends, oh dont get me wrong, I've made some friends here, but a very few, but I lean more towards the independent forums now,

I myself try and help people out buy searching the want section, to see if I may have something they may need, and in the past I have even answerd a few questions about certian things, if I can help I will step up to the plate,

Edited by unforgiven
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Hey...............uh......Buba? Not sure if that's your real name or not but that's all I have to go by?

I went back and looked at your posts. Theres nothing wrong with what you build or the way you build it. You have to think of these forums like fishing. If your using the type of bait that the fish really like, they'll be all over it but if your using bait that most don't really care for, they'll probably just swim on by.

Don't feel bad, it's not you. Most guys in the Truck section relate to trucks they would actually see running down the road. Theres nothing wrong with wild custom trucks but everyone has their own preference.

Your not limited to the "truck" section. What your building is also considered custom.

I'm not saying that you need to leave this part of the forum but just suggesting that if you don't get many replies or people with the same interest as you in this part of the forum, maybe try exploring other areas and see if there are more builders into the same type of look that you like.

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Buba it's no different to mine on here I've had 114 views and only 1 reply but it don't worry me at least I know 114 people have loked at it whether or not they say something is up to then I'm not holding a gun th o their heads and saying now U guys 'ave got to make a comment it don't matter they've lloked and that's all that cares as far as I'm concerned of-course it would be nice to get a reply once in awhile but heck we ain't building for sheep stations so who caring I not, by the way did U look at my cardstock transporter and why have U made a comment on it (see wot I mean) but I don't care coz U may ave looked at it.

Dingo :)

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Buba, don't take it so personal. It's NOT about not likein your builds,for sure! If you post, most of us'll look. Just caz we don't reply, doesn't mean it's NOT liked, Trucks ,especially Heavy ones, aren't everybody's cuppa tea. I personally DON'T build 'em, even though I DO gotta mess of 'em. If your talkin like pick-ups or street service vehicles, yeah, I LIKE ta see how imaginative the guys get when buildin them. Remember the guy who built tha REALLY COOL Quad cab Ford pick-up ALL customed out? He opened the doors, restyled the WHOLE interior, customed out the exterior,painted it a cool color.Now I REALLY liked THAT one, and I told him so. Trucks are kinda a personal thing, you either like 'em or ya don't. It's really that simple. I like ANY well build model, Truck or not! You guys that DO build'em gotta hard road ta follow,caz there ain't ALOT of aftermarket stuff for them, at least not as much as us Car builders got,so you guy's REALLY gotta think harder to make 'em different. Next time you post, If I see it, I'll say something. Don't quit postin just caz some of us (though it wasn't ment) tended NOT to say anything. :);)

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I post here once in a while, but I do check the site regularly. Being a truck modeller, I only check out the big rig area. Buba--if it's a pat on the back you're looking for, you may not always get it. i've gone thru 3 stages---I've gotten kudos for my builds, i've gotten few, if any responses, and I've even taken heavy criticism- some to the point of getting VERY discouraged. I finally realized I build for ME, I enjoy the hobby, and the forums have pushed me to a higher level of building.

I enjoy the variety of builds I see and get ideas from them. I know you've been around a while (seen the name changes on another forum), so you should know that not everyone will post.

With all that said, build what you want, how you want regardless of whether or not anyone comments on it.

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Um, we here (at least speaking for myself) like to go by actual name. That is why it is an actual rule of this board. It eases communication.

I’m sure your truck models are fine. A few things to keep in mind here, this board is a large community, a community of people who are busy, and do not always have time to praise each build. It’s not going to happen.

Another issue with this place, is there is (IIRC) 24 forums here. That means there are 24 areas all competing for the viewers limited time. Not all of us have time to check out all 24 sections. The further down the page one has to go, the less likely most will travel, with the possible exception of the most dedicated viewers. Perhaps if “Trucks†forum was moved up higher?

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I think George really said it. I too don't build trucks (I have NO room to display them! :lol: ), but that doesn't mean I don't look and appreciate the work going into them. I don't comment much on any trucks, but mostly because I'm pretty dumb as to what I'm looking at. We do get many builds shown here that don't get a ton of comments, but that does NOT mean the posts are unappreciated. I for one think another post by me just saying "GREAT BUILD!" starts to get repetitive and eventually appreciated less than If I DIDN'T comment. I only look using "view new posts" so I DO see everything that goes up and probably not a one post that I don't appreciate! I have been building mostly cars I have owned recently and it you think trucks don't get a big response, you should try a plain jane Crown Victoria!! :D

Just don't let the reply count get you down .. that is NOT a reflection on your hard work. Use the View count if you must. B) And, glad to have you here! ;)

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fact is you should build to build cause you enjoy it. you show off your builds cause youre proud of them. its not to say you dont build nice things or that your builds are not as nice as someone elses. people like somethings better than others. just cause certain people get 100 replys to their post and others only get 1 or 10 dont mean your build isnt good. its your right to post and be proud of your builds. others may or may not like them. again that dont mean your builds are not good. they just may not tickle someone elses fancy. everyone that posts their builds should be ready for positive and negative feedback. its just a fact of life. the important thing is you build your builds the way you like. if you like the final outcome of your build then thats all that should really matter. its a hobby for your enjoyment.

Edited by fkuaso
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I skim over all the new posts every time I come on the site, reguardless of the 'room' they are in. If a topic looks interesting I click on it. What happens next is inside my head, I like pictures, I like good build quality, I like interesting subject matter. Even if I like what I see posted, I may not reply if I have nothing of interest to say. Sometimes I don't reply if a handfull of people have said 'good job' and I agree but don't feel I need to say Me Too.

I hope you continue to post your work here, you never know who you might inspire.

Really, you may never know.

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