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Update Dec 03 2009

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Just wanted to give you guys an update.

Everything is going fine right now, its getting chilly over here so its time to break out the warming layers.

We are getting into the rainy season here so the desert is starting to get packed down. Other than that everything is going great. My little ones are getting so much bigger. They know I am gone and it makes it that much more harder on me when I call home.

Until next time.

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Glad to hear from you Clay. As for the little ones, they will understand one day why you are (have been and will be) gone and will respect and appreciate you that much more for it, as most of us here do. Keep on keepin on. :D

What He said....and I'll think of all of you at Christmas....Thanx and God Bless

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Clay, glad you are doing okay buddy! it rains in the desert? B)

not sure how some may feel becuase it could be considered "off-topic" but i think it would be cool if you posted some "cool" or interesting pics if you were interested in doing that. i know alot of soldiers like to send pics of themselves holding a magazine to the "letters" section of magazines, maybe you could do something like that for MCM and post it here?


I, for one, would love to see pictures of that sort. I think it's always interesting to see a theatre of war from the soldier's perspective, not the news.

You and your comrades in arms are in the constant thought of myself and many others, Clay. We all hope and pray for the safe return of each of you and the return of peace to a ravaged, brutalized part of the world.

Charlie Larkin

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Glad to hear you're doing well, Clay. Keep it that way! Don't volunteer for anything. Keep your weapon(s) clean. Eat and eat whenever you can. Don't eat yellow snow. Thank you for taking time from your life to serve our country. God bless you and God bless the USA. SEMPER FI.

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Great to hear you are doing well, the time will pass. Some day you will look back on this time away and it will not seem as difficult as it may be now. Take it one day at a time, and keep your head down...they tell you that when hitting a golf ball, but I think it is more important in your situation. You will get through this....I hope America can get through this too.

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