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Been their twice so far, and hope to go again.

Drove there with a friend the first time, and met two buddies there who flew in from where I live. "GEEZE WE HAD FUN" cool.gif .

For years I had read about it - THE CONTEST wink.gif .

I got to meet so many people I had heard about, and seen their stuff in mags.

Like at any contest, most were really friendly, down to earth guys, who just love to chat and share some about what they brought. And of coarse you have the few who are sorta "Snobbish"rolleyes.gif and look down on the rest of us "PEE-ONS", which just made us laugh.

The main thing I found that made the whole event so great besides the contest, the people, and going to the museum, was getting to share it with really good friends.

To me, the cool thing about the actual contest experience, is, besides meeting all the people, getting to see all kinds of amazing builds, and maybe making some new friends, is that, like any contest, you get to test your building skills, in this case against the best of the best.

People don't just come there from all over the U.S, but from all over the world.

A lot of times you don't know who you're talking to, and then something said will trigger a recognition, and then someone will say...."Hey aren't you....". THAT'S COOL.

For me it wasn't really about winning, when I went, as I honestly didn't think I had a chance, but was really about how I "STACKED UP" against the big names, and what I'd need to get better, if I'd have a chance in the future.


BUT, when you go there, if your the "TYPE", don't just go there to compete, GO THERE TO HAVE FUN, at Salt Lake City, as well as the event.

Lot's of great restaurants in walking distance, and a city rich in history, just dying to be explored and discovered.

The huge 'Knarlly" mountain range that goes either direction as far as the eye can see, is just amazing.

And if you have friends you're going with or meeting there, that can make it the best.

My buddies and I ate all our meals out at some great restaurants. Several at the huge outdoor Olympic Village mall that was constructed there a few years before.

To me, besides everything else at the contest, the AWARDS BRUNCH on Sunday morning is just "Sumptuous".

The food is amazing, and the way they present the awards with each model that wins, being shown on an over-head projector, is really classy.


The last time I went, I got to be with Bob Paeth also, and spend a lot of time with him there, and gave him a ride home with me, as he lived only a few mile fron me, before he passed.

Finally, if you do get to go, if you can, share it with friends, and make memories that you'll all share over and over again together, the rest of your lives wink.gif .

Edited by Treehugger Dave
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I'll add into this one.

For me , the GSLMCC was the Superbowl at Mecca. The very first model car mag I bought as an adult featured the 1988 GLS. I was blown away. I always imagined I would go there some day.

Fast forward to 2010 and I am married to a wonderful woman. We are talking about how the GSL is THE model contest. By the end of the conversation my 47th birthday present was a trip for two to Salt Lake City.

I consulted my friends and family and decided what to bring. Some of the models I brought had been around for a while. One was 15 years old!

Man was I nervous when I got there! I was good to have Nani with me. I could talk to her while I set up. And it did not take long to see it's really just like any other contest in many ways. People gather around and check out your stuff. The difference is there are KILLER builders there.

My advice - talk to everyone. I spent a LOT of time talking to Randy Derr, Chuck Larsen, Mark Jones, Steve Keck, Bill Cunningham, and others. There was a time when I was intimidated by high level builders. But after talking to a couple of the big name Nor Cal builders years ago, I learned that all these guys LOVE to talk about how they figured out to do this thing or that. All you have to do is ask. I did not meet a single person that projected superiority.

Here's the really cool part. My wife also had a good time. If you have ever met Bebo, the GSL photographer, you will find a really great guy. Bebo and Nani were like boxers in the way they would taunt each other. In fact, now she is up for going back for the next GSL.

Sometimes you find yourself talking to someone who you have read about for years. Once I landed in a group with Randy Derr, Jim Keeler and Mark Jones. Soooo much talent.

I can't really say much about the dining. We went across the street to a Mickey Dees that was flat out scary. After that we stayed in the hotel and the bar.

Dave, did you mention the museum tour? What a treat! It's stocked FULL of legendary models in two sided cases for optimum viewing. Another treat this year was that many of the past winners were assembled for viewing. The builders came along too so you could learn what it took to create such a masterpiece. It was also interesting to see have the level of building had progressed over the years.

I've never built a perfect model so I really did not plan on being competitive, but had hopes for getting a Klingon Krusier or design award. No such luck. I did manage to pull a plaque in the custom class - with a 15 year old model!

If anyone ever asks me about GSLMCC - I'll say GO!

Scott Colmer

Edited by Scott Colmer
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I agree with every thing that you said Dave! I have been twice now and the first time I think we was in the same class. I love going to this show as not only seeing and meeting new people but the people we talk to here on the board all the time. The first time I walked into the show area Mark S. Gustavson was sitting there and for unknown reason he came right over to me to welcome me and it was like I have been going ever since the first GSL I. This last time I was out there a day early'er on Wen, so I got to see and talk to more people. The first time there you will be ahh struck and its so much to take in that its over loads your brain. But all I can say is to go once and make sure you go to all the stuff that they offer and see and talk to every one.

I talk to a person the first time about his chrome platting water base! So what did I do? I left there and gone home and over the next 2yrs I invested in a different kind of Chrome Platting that uses Alsa Corp. You learn a lot of new stuff, But one thing I did learn is that every one will talk to you and show you what you can do better and different and make it more fun for you. There is "NO SECRETS" in this hobbie. That is one thing they want you to learn first hand. If you want to know some thing then ask and you will learn, but if you do not ask then you will not learn how it is done.

GSL XXIII 2011 and Yes I will be there with two new class cars that I have never built for and I will return in the replica class. But that is the classes that I want to enter but for going I WANT TO SEE ALL MY FRIENDS AND HAVE FUN IN Salt Lake City!

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GSL is all about fun!!!!! Yes, like Dave, I too am competitive and that part of you wants to come out when you go there. But, you won't have much time to get wrapped up in that because of the astonishing builds that you will see, the amazingly friendly people you will meet and the overall atmosphere of a great time. I've been to three out of the last four events (unfortunately missing the last one due to tight finances)and I can't think of a better time that I've had at any model contest, let alone three of them.

My first trip was taken with Bob Paeth. He was my mentor for the event (having been a fixture for so many in the past) and he introduced me to so many folks that I had spent years reading about in the mags.. It started with meeting this mountain of a man out in front of the host hotel after he exited a VW Jetta wagon that you would have thought there was no way that he could have fit. Bob introduced me to Mark Gustavson and he put his arm around me and welcomed me to the show as if I had been there many times in the past. What an experience. The next event I was lucky enough to spend it with my wife as she attended with me. And then the third trip was spent with Dave as we roomed together and had a great time with the whole event. It's all about the people and the experience as a whole.

I have been to many shows around the country, and yes there are many great shows, but nothing compares to the experience that you get when you particpate at this one. The people, the builds, the facilities, the secenery, the seminars, the auction, the Sunday brunch, the museum, and did I say the people? An awesome spectacle to enjoy and I will be back for the next one. I hope that everyone who reads this post can get even just a little motivated from our words enough to decide that you must experience it for yourself, even if it's just once. But as Bob Paeth told me on our way to that first one that I attended, once you experience it just once you'll want to return every time thereafter.

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I have been to three GSLs - '81, '82, and '07!! It was so small in '81 that Mark picked me up at the airport!! In his customized Maverick!! With George Layton riding shotgun!! Ah! The memories!

I heartily recommend to anyone who builds model cars to go! I will be back in '11 loaded for bear! I am competitive too but that isn't the important part. It is the people, the good times, the models. Here is the link to the GSL website. GSL Site

My favorite memory from '07 was getting to meet Don Emmons and seeing all of his models from Model Car Science and Rod & Custom Models magazines. Don was the coolest and nicest guy with lots of really fun stories about his experiences with models and cars. The Museum was a genuine treat to see and hang out in. The entire experience is well worth the time and expense. I kicked myself for waiting 25 years to go back!

I met Chas and 1320 Wayne and had an opportunity to drink some strange blue stuff in Gregg's hotel room. I passed. However, I still have those pics from the bar, Gregg!!! You remember - the SAE screensaver?


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The one thing I will always remember about GSL (I was there in 1991, '92, '93, '94, '95, '97, '99, '05 (when my '53 Studebaker Commander Starliner HT was awarded--WOW!, and '07) is that once you have been to one, you are remembered by EVERYONE--it rapidly becomes like a HS or College class reunion--everyone who was there that last time you showed up remembers you, greets you like a long lost friend. And Mark Gustavson's bear hugs to returnees? Yeah!

Seriously, it's THE show to attend, even if you only make it to Salt Lake City once in your life. It's everything a model car event should be--clinics, camaraderie, model cars, food, fun (prolly even some dancing and drinking too--hey, they do have bars in SLC!).

I plan on being there in 2011.


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Gotta go with what everyone has said. My first trip was in '02. I had my 50th. birthday while there and Gregg sang happy Birthday to me. (He probably doesn't remember.) I've gone every year since. The camaraderie is definitely the hallmark of the GSL experience. As Chas said, there are no secrets in the hobby, and world class builders are happy to share their techniques with you. This should be on every modelers bucket list. I'll be there next year. (I'll be turning sixty. I hope somebody sings to me.)

Bill Barrett


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Here are some pics from GSL 21 2007.

This is at the Museum. That is Art Anderson, Don Emmons in the middle, and Chas SCR on the right. Art is leaning on the Oakland Roadster show Diorama which in itself is worth seeing! Note the display of original Revell Parts Packs on the far wall.


Some of Don Emmons models in a special display of his magazine work.


Don talking to Steve Perry in front of his display and Joel Dirnberger showing off his bald spot.


Miscreant youths in the bar at the Sheraton.


Gregg and I having fun with cameras. That's me and my camera in his viewfinder!


This is what it's all about! Mark Jones' Caterham and his haul of plaques.


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I have been in the last 3(2005,2007,2009,) and have plans to be in the next one too. I even had won a 1st place award in the small scale class, plus several 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, but, the most important thing and memories are the friendship and good environment at this event. I also love the city. Being myself in different model car contests along the nation, I had found this city it's the most easy place to drive and to find places even out of Salt Lake City, like in Odgen where I took my compete family to the Dinosaur Park/Museum. And I mean that considering I come from Puerto Rico that it's too different to SLC. I highly recomend this event. If you're thinking about to go to a model car to get everything in just one place, this is the place to go.

Simón P. Rivera Torres

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I guess I should also add other then meeting and making new friends, are the great special nights you get to spend with them! Last time on wensday night the NJ crew took me down to a cool place to have a soda and then we walk back from there, That was very special to me. Also getting to meet Simon and talk to him in the bar about coming to a show this spring in Indy. Then you will fined your self going to other shows in way off places like being invited out to the NNL East (I can not wait for this one). Or having Scott and his wife out bid you at the auction! :rolleyes: Or sitting in that big area with a fire place with all the guys seeing how we can put up a model car display on top of it!

This last time Tom and I was so tired from doing every thing that we could not even think of going out sunday to site see, This time I hope we do not have to spend the first two days rebuilding a car in the hotel room! Not only did we both get are cars fix but every one there chip in on wanting to help so much it was like having a bonch of hands jump in. This is what makes a great 5 days with some of the best of the best. The awards yes are very nice and I do like to place but after winning the special Ricky Couch Memorial award I'm not sure if I can top that feeling.

From the Count Down to 2011 GSL XXIII It starts at the NNL East 2010 with all the great friends.

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