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starting a drawing?


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I've had luck printing out a photo, then figuring out how much bigger it's going to be on the drawing to find a factor to multiply by, then measuring the photo with a ruler or caliper and multiplying that number to get the bigger size. That prevents me from getting too far along and realizing I've got one area that's out of scale. It's kind of a backup to my eye, because as I go along, I tend to sketch things in, and if I measure them and check it, I often find it's about right.

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Two replies. I guess this step is a secret for some.

Eric, that is a real old school way of doing it. Like centuries old. It's nice to see you take the time to do that.

Chuck, sometimes it is waaaay faster to use a photo to trace the basic shapes. Cars are like people, if one thing is off it won't look like what or who you are drawing. Maybe a relative but not the actual person ( or car ).

Edited by noname
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I used to grid too, for years. Then a buddy of mine at work told me about graphite paper. Now I just blow up an image to the size I want, put down a sheet of stock, put the graphite paper on it and the image on that. Then trace. WAY faster than grids. I wish I would've known about the stuff 20 years ago...

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I sometimes feel like I'm cheating a tad if I trace the image first but in reality it saves ALOT of time doesn't it. You still have to do all the shading etc. I like the fact your drawings are all done by hand 1320Paul. Nice clean job Eric.

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When I draw, I usally sketch something real quick, label it then I do the good one. I surf the net looking for a pic that's close to what I want to draw then I just eyeball it. I can't trace, just suck, but I find it's easier to have the photo beside my paper and draw 1 line at a time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess it depends on what you are trying to do. While I do all my stuff by hand, usually based on models, real cars or photos, I have had to trace a photo on a project where the proportions were very important as well time. I didn't look at it as cheating as much as a tool to help me get it done acurately and quickly. If you think about it, how is tracing any different from the people who photo chop stuff? I know of a professional automtive artist who traces things digitally. Granted, my opinion of him dropped a little as far as his abilities, but his stuff still looks good. If you are trying to sell pieces of art and say you didn't trace it when you did, that would be a different story. Just depends on what you are doing.


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... I didn't look at it as cheating as much as a tool to help me get it done acurately and quickly. ...

Plus, if it's your photo you're tracing, then it's kinda like transferring your work from one media to another. I still prefer to do (and have more respect for) drawings that are done freehand.

Thanks, noname!

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I used to see tracing as cheating too for some reason, that's why I used to grid everything. If I think back on all the pieces that I've gridded over the years I could have completed ALOT more work by tracing with graphite paper or blowing an image up with a projector. It's all just personal preference of course. It still takes time, skill and talent to shade or color in a traced outline so I have no problem using graphite paper. The attatched piece is the last one I used a grid on. (sorry bout the mispelled "coptwrite". It's been fixed on my website lol)


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  • 2 months later...

I always freehand mine then go over it with a ruler and curves. I have a huge set of curves ranging from small to ship curves. Plus elipse templates. Not having stuff looking perfect drives me nuts. Though recently to get perspective right a good friend told me to trace cars over and over again so your mind is trained to draw in perspective.

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