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Linderg Shuts Down

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Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed building the few Lindberg kits I have built and definitely not a knock to those who enjoy them, but in the grand scheme of things...they are so plentiful and inexpensive and will remain that way for a loooong time before their potential "loss" will mean much to anyone. I was a little miffed that if they are gone that I wouldn't get the reissued Jag D Type...a crude kit for sure, but still good for what it is (no other D Type in 1/24 scale for less than expensive resin price), but then I saw what the last few sold for very recently on Feebay, quite a bit less than retail would have been...also a bit sad that the police Charger seems DOA or MIA or whatever, considering we're going on 5 years now since the stupid car was announced and we still haven't seen it...every day it gets delayed is a day I care a little bit less about ever building it. It went from being "new & hot" when announced in 2005, to "been there, done that" by the time we found out Lindberg wasn't doing anything...yada yada, internet rumors, blah blah. After being burned by Lindberg so many times with announced kits that never materialized, the only thing I will ever believe about them is product on the shelves...or not. I have zero trust and they have zero credibility in my book when it comes to the games they have played with announcements vs. product on the shelves. In the meantime I'm building brand new kits of hot subjects put out by healthy model car companies that announce a product and have it on the shelves within months. Any model car company that cannot do that or chooses not to, is well down my list of credibility. Put your money where your mouth is, or let the competitors eat your lunch or steal your lunch money.

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I guess this is just another thing that goes along with the "if you don't hear a rumor by 11:00 a.m. start one" rules where someone heard Ernie isn't there anymore & that he was released, (he was, after 53 years he's finally free) My favorite axiom to use in these conditions is"don't believe anything you hear, & only half of what you see".

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Bob brings up a good point... we have been waiting FIVE YEARS for that Charger police car, and they still haven't managed to put the dang kit on the shelves! I would love to build one, but after five years... I don't want excuses, I want the kit. And I really don't care who makes the kit at this point. We need Revell or some other company to step up here!

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This is joke, right? It's a good one! :)

Seriously, just because the seller is asking nearly 500 clams for that kit is no indicator that it's worth anywhere near that much. In fact, I think the seller is ... um, being a little overly optimistic, shall we say? :):blink:

I would also seriously question the sanity of anyone who'd pay $490 for that kit. If a person actually wanted one build, they can be found a lot cheaper than that, seeing as how Lindberg, for reasons known but to it, actually reissued that kit a few years ago as the "Diamond Duster."

I think it is a perfect example of the insanity this hobby can cause with some people. Total loss of reality due to too much glue sniffing. Then again, I read elswhere in this thread, that Lindberg owns the tool for a kit which can well command this kind of money - the Laramie Stage Ghost - and that they plan to reissue it. That alone makes me want Lindberg to stay in business.

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