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Real name concerns

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Another thing I've always thought that was strange are the fellas who proclaim that they hate Rules and drama threads, but yet they post in them!!...... :blink:

Why? Why do folks say they hate something, and then go and stand in line waiting to participate?

Is that the new "cool" or something? Say you hate something that's controversial, but then go and add to it? Does saying you hate something first, but then going and doing it absolve you of the self ownage and embarrassment some feel afterwards?....... :D

Strange practices indeed.. :lol:

Edited by J. Sauber
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Perhaps it does not display if there is nothing entered in the field. Just a guess.

Yep. That's what it is. I just 'tested' it. I had nothing in the field previously and "Name" did not display.

I just went in and added 'Your Full Name Here' in the name field, and now it displays.

Mystery solved. I'll submit my bill.

Secret Agent Dan


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You know what I don't understand?

Why go into a forum, and then question the person whose forum it is?

To me that's the equivalent of walking into someones house, and taking a big steaming doog right in their favorite chair.

It's Gregg's "House" so to speak. Why be disrespectful? If you feel you can't play by the rules, there are other "houses" with different rules. Go play there!

Edited by Abell82
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For my name, I''m thinking, maybe...Tyrone Power. Has a good sound to it.

MaxTyrone Power, he's the man with the name that you'd love to tooooooouch,

But you mustn't tooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuccccccchhhhhhhhh....

Wow that's 3 Simpsons references in a row from me, time to quit!

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MaxTyrone Power, he's the man with the name that you'd love to tooooooouch,

But you mustn't tooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuccccccchhhhhhhhh....

Wow that's 3 Simpsons references in a row from me, time to quit!

Just call me Ty, huckleberry.

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Real point guys...The board here has no way of knowing your real name..just your IP...time to think about the tech facts....think about all info given....how many use real names in forum mailboxes....on and on it can go..........please stop this go mods go...........wink.gif

Thanks for the trolling tips....I'll go create a "sub account" using fake stats for 'special use only'.. :lol:

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I don't like to get involved in all the drama, but, hears my 2cents for once, just because Ive been seeing it for so long. Seems to me that If you want to join a forum and not get kicked off you should follow said forums rules. If you don't want to post you full name and that's the rules, don't join. I just changed my signature line, cause I never saw it before, now its a rule, so I did it. I swear like a sailor (trust me I could put a sailor to shame with my swearing), forum rules say no, so I stop using even the !@#$%^. No big deal, get a thesaurus, you can find one free online. Do you swear in front of your Grandmother... no...it a respect thing, show it, its tough for me too. I'm sure most of us didn't examine the rule before signing on, but it seem like common sense to me, they say not allowed, so don't complain. Nobody is going to hack you from this forum. I know for a fact that "hackers" don't care about a forum such as this one, your full name DOES NOT HELP THEM!!!! I for one, would rather play by the rules and continue posting and learning form the other poster on this forum than argue about the rules. Really, are they that hard to follow? And that's as much drama as I'm willing to get involved in!!

Edited by slant6
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I don't like to get involved in all the drama, but, hears my 2cents for once, just because Ive been seeing it for so long. Seems to me that If you want to join a forum and not get kicked off you should follow said forums rules. If you don't want to post you full name and that's the rules, don't join. I just changed my signature line, cause I never saw it before, now its a rule, so I did it. I swear like a sailor (trust me I could put a sailor to shame with my swearing), forum rules say no, so I stop using even the !@#$%^. No big deal, get a thesaurus, you can find one free online. Do you swear in front of your Grandmother... no...it a respect thing, show it, its tough for me too. I'm sure most of us didn't examine the rule before signing on, but it seem like common sense to me, they say not allowed, so don't complain. Nobody is going to hack you from this forum. I know for a fact that "hackers" don't care about a forum such as this one, your full name DOES NOT HELP THEM!!!! I for one, would rather play by the rules and continue posting and learning form the other poster on this forum than argue about the rules. Really, are they that hard to follow? And that's as much drama as I'm willing to get involved in!!

Good for you, Will! Well said. Your two cents were actually worth much more!

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True story regarding my name. Back some 29-30 years ago, I was still living at home, & there was another "Mark Moore" a few years older than me living on the same street. He was into drugs heavily, & was responsible for several break-ins locally. He got arrested for DUI, possession, domestic violence assault & B&E several times, which always made the police report of our local paper. As soon as people that knew us would read the name "Mark Moore" who lived on Oliver St had been arrested, they would call our house thinking it was me!! :(:lol:


That's similar to the story of why we had an unlisted phone number while I was growing up. There was a guy in our town that shared the same name as my dad. That guy committed the unthinkable crime of *gasp* marrying outside his race - this is the South we're talking about, not the Deep South, but Southside Virginia - and we started getting about 3-4 death threats every day, so we had our number unlisted. I was taught as a small child that if I answered one of those calls to say "This is Wayne L. Barrow's house - you're looking for Wayne D. Barrow" and hang up!

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Stop what? This thread? It's completely harmless & has been quite civil. If there's something else you want stopped based on phony names, extra accounts, etc., please explain a bit more clearly & most of all, come up with proof, or something pointing to proof.


I agree, I don't see anything bad going on with this thread...at least not yet.

A little kidding around and harmless joking is good for the soul. The "sour grapes" song & dance has been going on now for way too long. Everyone needs to loosen up a bit, and have a good time coming to the forums instead of each "clique" meeting at the flag-pole at 3:00 in the afternoon for online gang fights.

Aren't some of you tired of beating each other over the head with the keyboards? Give it rest. It's old now. Nobody ever wins...The forum as a whole is the big loser because it detracts from the good things this place has to offer.

For those of you who want to continue fighting, I suggest you grab your gym bags and head on down to your local Boxing/wrestling clubs or MMA/cage fighting centers and duke it out with real opponents...Try and save this place for relaxing and learning how to build better models..

Life is hard enough. Why continue urinating all over this place? This is where people are supposed to come to relax and spend some free time learning about the hobby, sharing work, and seeing some great models.

If some of you are really hell bent on continuing fighting and pressing your luck, head over to the local bars and go up and punch the biggest guy in the room in the face as hard as you can, and hope he doesn't get back up.... :D

Fighting here on the net isn't much of a challenge...Computers can't hit back.

Good day to all and happy modeling...

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1. Re, Your 1:15am post today: Very well said, Jeff.

2. Quoth Jeff Sauber: "This is where people are supposed to come to relax and spend some free time learning about the hobby, sharing work, and seeing some great models." Hear, hear! Amen! You betcha! Durn tootin'! Right on!

3. In case you haven't noticed, I wholeheartedly concur with Mr. Sauber's comments.

4. This IS the place to escape the traumas and dramas of our stress-filled existences. Escaping to more of the same is not escape. And, this is supposed to be a hobby!

Let's keep it stress-free.

5. Besides, looky there! PatRedmond agreeing with Jeff Sauber. Will miracles never cease? Everybody get on board! That alone is worth the price of admission.

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