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Real name concerns

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This is a serious question for the mods and admin. Why on earth would it be mandatory to have real names in sig lines? Have you no idea just how easy it is for someone with a bad attitude to mess up someones personal life ? All it takes is time and a small amount of money to have access to very personal information about anyone. I realize most of the members here know each other in real life and hopefully that would be enough to keep someone from causing problems. But people are people and as much as I'd like to believe in the good of my fellow man, 53 years of life have taught me different.

I like this forum for all the fine talented builders that share their knowledge with each other. And just love looking at the various levels of detail. You may want to discuss this amongst yourselfs honestly and see if this really should be a requirement or not.

And to answer the obvious question, no that is not my real last name in my sig line. Ban me if you want but my privacy is valuable to me. I'll choose of and when I reveal details about myself to anyone

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If everyone else can comply, why can't you?

As far as people giving you trouble... anyone can do that anyway. Your name, address, credit history, SSN, and a lot more are already out there. Do you own a credit card? Do you have a mortgage? Do you have bank accounts? Ever bought/sold online? Ever signed up for anything online? Do you have a driver's license? A library card? Do you pay taxes to the IRS? Do you have a job?

There is more of your personal information already out there, in dozens of places, than you may realize. Dozens of places.

Do you really think that by telling us your real name, that you're risking anything? Come on, man...

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Unless you work for the CIA,who cares?In my case,you can't steal what I don't have.If ya plan on stalking me you'll be bored in an hour.No offense but your being dis-honest by not posting a real name.Half full or half empty which is it?Yes,it depends on if any was taken out.lol.What am I trying to say?I don't know but,that is my real name.

Edited by Terror
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Guys, it's a forum rule...it is what it is.

Personally, I don't understand what all the jabber & concern is about. I'm a fairly new member with this forum and having been a moderator and various other "titles" on other forums, sure I've had my fair share of "cheap shots" etc.......so what?

My name is on the mailbox out by the road too. As Harry has needlessly (in my opinion) explained if someone want's your real name it's easy enough to get if you've ever used it anywhere for anything. If someone was to introduce themselves to me on the street I would of course give them my name.....bingo, they now have the ability to gain access to a host of info if they wanted to go dig for it......near as I can tell, if you don't post your name on a forum it's because you don't really have anything to say that you care to take credit for. It's a simple rule and MCM isn't asking for anything that I would feel is "personal" info.

As was posted above....if you can't follow simple rules perhaps you can find a forum that suits you better. I think you will find that as far as rules go....the MCM forum has far fewer rules than the alternatives.

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Thanks for the reminder, its almost time for my simi-annual name & avatar change.

PM me and I will send a few names for you to choose from. I will also need your credit card number to process your order faster.

You are now known as Sheldon McCrackin

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The real name requirement is one of things I like about this forum because I think not being able to hide behind a made-up screen name helps keep folks honest.

Honest, perhaps, but as we've learned unfortunately it's not necessarily keeping them civil.

The latest post on Gregg's "Do Not Post Here or Else" test is one that I hope all moderators have forwarded to Gregg...:rolleyes:

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Have you no idea just how easy it is for someone with a bad attitude to mess up someones personal life ?

As others have suggested, this is one of the last places on earth (or the internet) an identity thief or vandal will look to find you. Much ado about nothing.

And to answer the obvious question, no that is not my real last name in my sig line. Ban me if you want but my privacy is valuable to me. I'll choose of and when I reveal details about myself to anyone

I have no axe to grind with you, Rick-whoever-you-are-if-you-really-are-Rick, but be careful what you wish for. You've just poked the owner of the forum in the proverbial eye and have essentially required your own banishment.

The simplest caveat: Play by the rules or do not play.

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Honest, perhaps, but as we've learned unfortunately it's not necessarily keeping them civil.

The latest post on Gregg's "Do Not Post Here or Else" test is one that I hope all moderators have forwarded to Gregg...:rolleyes:

And did you see his signature line? [EDIT: Now deleted]

Edited by sjordan2
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I rarely say anything here specially when it's one of those board drama incidents but, come on, how stupid can you be to even try to post such stupidity <_<:blink: Talk about getting rid of trouble makers, here is the guinea pig..... :rolleyes:<_<

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"trogdor", In a nutshell... much ado about nothing. Not to fear. You are an individual, and unique...just like everyone else here! :lol: If someone wanted to bother you, this web site won't make a bit of difference to them one way or the other.

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I guarantee that if Gregg bans either of these two that their friends will scream "favoritism", despite the fact that both of them deliberately asked for it, though I do hope he follows through with both. All I can say is that people foolish enough to deliberately bait Gregg & flout the rules best be very glad that the software doesn't allow Harry, Ken or I to ban them, for I'm sure that they'd get their wish a lot faster.


One of these people intentionally chose the "nuclear option" and wants to be banned and said nasty things about this forum in a PM. I doubt they really have many friends that really matter, and if they do, they can all find a place more suitable for them than this. That's all we really need to know, no need to psychoanalyze something worth so little of anyone's valuable time. Too bad Gregg has to be badgered so frequently :lol:

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I understand trogdor's sincere concerns in his original post, and one reason I don't judge this harshly is that identity theft and malicious retaliations are not unheard of in this world, and many people are spooked. We've had some immature, flame-throwing arsonists on this forum, and I wouldn't put anything past them. Just sayin' that I understand these kinds of concerns, which are common today, and a few untrustworthy individuals have passed this way.

HOWEVER, I think those people are probably too stupid to know how to mess with people like that, and chances are very small that any problems would occur. We would have heard about them by now if this forum contributed in any way to a problem. So I wholeheartedly agree that people should post their real names.

Just to repeat something I said before: Put your name up front and stand behind it. And make your posts something that you can show without remorse to your family, your employer, and anyone else of significance.

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Another big problem I'm noticing are the cowardly folks who are now creating troll accounts to try and heckle the forum in stealth...I mean really, that's just pathetic!!

Maybe we need the software to start displaying IP addresses of all users like they do over on the Spotlight message board...Time to tighten up the noose.

The mods better start watching the IP address log in panel real close..Things are going get ugly if that game is allowed to continue.

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I don't know where to begin on this topic.

When you sign up for this forum, you agree to abide by the rules of the forum.

And I quote:

Board Rules and Guidelines


Welcome to Model Cars Magazine forums, the newest (and best!) online forum about our favorite hobby. Thank you for stopping by and we strive to create a safe and fun atmosphere for everyone.

If you want to join up, then click on the “Registration” in the upper right of the page and complete the online form. If you choose to use a “handle” or user name that is not your proper name, then please put your full name in the signature box found in the Profile section when you register on this board.

To help us weed out the spammers, please put or mention Model Cars either in the interests or hobbies section.

After you click on the “submit” button an email will be sent to one of the moderators who will activate your account.

NOTE: If you do not want to look like a spammer, you will complete the hobbies and other special interest section to make it easy to tell the real hobbyist from the “fly by night” scum of the earth trying to destroy all that is good in this world. :evil:

To receive Instant Messages or PM's, make sure your browser is set to accept Pop Up windows. You can do this when you access the forum, or on some systems, you can tell the Pop Up Blocker to allow Pop Ups from the forum (http://www.modelcarsmag.com).

Once your account has been activated you can log in to the forum and start posting. Please remember to follow these basic Forum rules:

1) No vulgar language. This board was created for modelers of all ages and offensive language is completely unacceptable.

2) Demeaning comments will not be tolerated. We believe that encouraging and/or constructive criticism can help, but putting a person down does not accomplish anything for the community.

3) If you choose to use a handle or user name that is not your proper name, then please put your full name in the signature box found in the Profile section of your account under Profile.

4) Please note this is an open forum and it is monitored. We do not allow any illegal activity. Any posting of illegally copyrighted material will mean immediate dismissal and banning from the board.

5) Links to other web sites and forums are okay if they are within the topic being discussed. Links to offensive material will be removed and the poster banned!

6) If you have any problems logging in or registering, please email Gregg at gregg@modelcarsmag.com

Welcome aboard and have a great time!


Now, if you did not want to put your name in your screen/log in name, and refuse to put your name in your signature, then you have violated the basic rule of the forum.

I understand the paranoia that some may have on putting their real name on a post on the Internet that is seen by tens of thousands of people every month.

I too would be paranoid.

That's why my name, addresses, and phone numbers are posted everywhere on the forum site, the web site, and every site I visit or take part in.

This is 2010.

Anyone with a computer access, even at the public library, can find out anything about anyone they want to.

Participating in this forum, under the rules and guidelines stated above, may or may not increase your visibility to someone looking for you.

It's like my core belief: If you don't do nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear (except fear itself... some other great public person said that I think).

Like those arguing against the traffic cameras, red light cameras, etc., if you don't speed, run red lights, or do something illegal, you have nothing to fear (see quote above).

If you don't want to put your name in your log in/screen name, or your profile, please respect the rules of this forum and rescind your membership, and privileges to the forum.

We will delete your account for you, at no charge (donations are still gladly accepted).

We are starting to ban, and delete, accounts and members.

I'm sorry, no more Mr. Nice Guy.

The island way of living has been stepped on too much.

Okay, I pau...

Another big problem I'm noticing are the cowardly folks who are now creating troll accounts to try and heckle the forum in stealth...I mean really, that's just pathetic!!

Maybe we need the software to start displaying IP addresses of all users like they do over on the Spotlight message board...Time to tighten up the noose.

The mods better start watching the IP address log in panel real close..Things are going get ugly if that game is allowed to continue.

I can see and track each and every IP that is used here.

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Hello, Everybody. I usually don't get wrapped up in things unrelated to modeling here but feel that I need to finally make a couple of observations on this matter...

1. I'm not afraid to post my name. If someone is deranged enough to go through all the trouble of sifting me from all the other Chris Eddy's in this state for the intent of doing me physical harm, let him try. I'll deal with him or her, plain and simple. If a person is that afraid to post their first and last name on their profile, I do feel sorry for them for thinking they have to be afraid of their own shadow. It's not like Gregg is asking for Social Security number, Drivers License number and Mothers maiden name or anything of that caliber. It's your name, you're supposed to use it, that's why it was given to you at birth, that's what being part of society requires... Society... Social... Social Networking... being a Social Person... get it??? Anyone??? If you are afraid to tell someone your own name, go to the nearest Mental Health Clinic and make an appointment, please. I'm not being mean or cruel... You're not crazy, you just have a social phobia that will only get worse with time

2. It's Gregg's board. If the big fish says you need to follow these rules to swim in his pond, then FOLLOW THEM!!! B);):) I've seen new boards shut down because the rules were not enforced and a few low-life sociopaths ruined the experience for everyone else. Without rules, anarchy would rule and this would no longer be the best Modeling Forum on the Web.

3. In the grand scheme of things, this really is much ado about nothing. This is a MODEL BUILDING SITE. We're not trying to cure Cancer or save the rainforests here, folks. By no means am I degrading this site as it and the magazine are a great big part of Gregg's life and efforts and I truly appreciate it being made available to us. It is a wonderful modeling tool that leaves me wondering how I got along without it. But, fellas, when you are waiting for the phonecall telling you that your grandmother in Ohio has died... when you are wondering if your best friend will live out the day down in St Vincent ICU or you'll be getting that call as well... when you are losing your home and moving in with your sister because you can't work, much less walk some days because of illness and injury and The Disability Office is giving you the old Red Tape Runaround... when you're wondering if you will live or whether your illness will severely shorten your life as well... in the end, it's just a few letters on a screen and shouldn't even be on your radar. I'd love to live a carefree existence where this and other petty bickering was something to get upset about but I don't live that kind of life. The above "when"s are what I am really dealing with right now so do what you want. Complain about favoritism, complain about all the little piddly things you see wrong with your world. Go ahead and stick your finger in the mousetrap and complain with suprise when it slams shut on you. That's what Gregg's test thread has become... a mousetrap. :)B)

Ok, here endeth the rant...

Sincerely yours,

Christopher Eddy

Anderson, IN

Edited by Wagoneer81
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cause the forum to be ran like a prison, or an orderly ran & good place to be with friends?

The choice is yours.


Well said Mark! If you don't want to post your real name, Rick, then go to the SA Prison, oh, I mean forum! I'm a member of both, but I have to be brutally honest and say that Gregg runs a much better forum here compared to over there. Before I joined here, I used to post there quite a bit, but since joining here, I barely even check the site out anymore. The most I do is update a Community Build I have going on there, but I've also posted that project here! I'm sure by your reaction, you probably don't trade, either. If you do trade here, think about this, not only are you giving the person you're trading with your name, but your address as well! Do what you like, Rick. but I don't think it's that hard to post a last name, too.

P.S.:Gregg, would it be possible just to edit the required field in the profile section for "first name" to just "name" or "full name" so that it would appear as I have mine?

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Well said Mark! If you don't want to post your real name, Rick, then go to the SA Prison, oh, I mean forum! I'm a member of both, but I have to be brutally honest and say that Gregg runs a much better forum here compared to over there. Before I joined here, I used to post there quite a bit, but since joining here, I barely even check the site out anymore. The most I do is update a Community Build I have going on there, but I've also posted that project here! I'm sure by your reaction, you probably don't trade, either. If you do trade here, think about this, not only are you giving the person you're trading with your name, but your address as well! Do what you like, Rick. but I don't think it's that hard to post a last name, too.

P.S.:Gregg, would it be possible just to edit the required field in the profile section for "first name" to just "name" or "full name" so that it would appear as I have mine?

I will check that.

The problem I think I had before was that it was not retroactive.

I could add the field, but it would not affect, or require those registered before, to have that field filled in.

Now, with 6,000 plus members, it would almost impossible to go backwards and have the fields changed.

I tried something once, and it shut the board down, me included!!!

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Ir real life, people don't say, "hey, let's go to wheelman's house"

in the virtual world (I.E. - here, or any other stop on the information superhighway) people know me as Wheelman, Mr. Mike, Eurohearse, Dakman59, BerettaMike, Hey Mike, etc.

I guess I'm unique in this case! :) In real life, my CB handle is Highway, and many more people know me by Highway than those that know me by Matt or Matthew! In some cases, if you would ask someone that knows me who Matthew Brownlee was, they would have no clue who you are talking about, but ask them who Highway is, and they would know immediately who you are talking about. At least when someone sees me out and about and yells "Hey Highway!", I know they mean me! :)

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