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Un-Offical Apology by Aftashox

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Hey fellas earlyer I posted a thread that didnt come across the way I intended it to. So I am apologizing to all of you whom i may have offened in the course of my posting it. As I stated I love the atmosphere and the people of the NNL's and thats really what its all about. If you guys can find the space within to forgive me please do. I really didnt mean to offend but I guess some were. Sometimes my opinions can be strong! And being the writer that I am I feel moved at times to put my opinions to text at times. Romell

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No worries from my end. Some people don't read very carefully or comprehend. I could understand what you were saying and I basicaly agreed. Perhaps your choice of a few words could have been better to convey your meaning. I do appreciate your honesty and your willingness to think critically.

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Guest Johnny

Hey Romell! Never apologise for having your own opinion on an issue! Nor from stating the obvious facts or truth of a matter!

Now get back to the bench and build us another one to drool over!laugh.gif

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What did I miss? :huh: I'm here everyday and missed a post! While I dont know what Romell said about NNL's ... my take on them is that they are popularity contests. Please correct me if I'm wrong but aren't NNL's all peoples choice? As in no official judging of the entries takes place? I just imagine a few cocky builders bringing as many "friends" with them as possible to cast votes in "his/her" favor. While that may win you the prize, your model may still be a turd ;) I truly mean no disrespect by this post and do not wish to offend anyone, but its just my opinion on what happens at these events. Not winning at an NNL means nothing IMO. They do serve a purpose for the hobby though with getting modelers together and showing off their builds and meeting new model buddies. As far as contests go, they're kinda silly.

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You don't need to apologize for anything! You had an opinion, and you voiced it! I do the same thing! I think we all do, to some degree or another. Perhaps things went south as I do not find the post any longer? I don't know... I hate it when things disappear without a trace.

Look- your builds ROCK! Your BIG GREEN truck is amazing. We are fortunate to have skilled builders on this forum, and you are indeed one of those. But this internet... man, trying to voice an opinion without it coming out sounding 'wonky' can be difficult! It seems that if there is even a slight chance that something may come out wrong, or be misconstrued, odds are, it will.

Just grin, and keep on going! Build on!

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Hey Romell,

Having never been to any model show or contest of any kind, don't know how to compare NNL vs. something else, but, know that something you or anyone can say from the heart can really be misinterpreted online. Seen it happen here, know how you feel, and we will see it happen again. Models should be judged on their merit, all contests in life should be judged on the particular merits, but, bro, sometime that just don't happen. Takes a man to admit they were wrong, even though you weren't, glad you still had fun, and jealous you got to hang with Mr. Terisi, bet you guys shared a lot about cars, models and life. How cool is that?

Did you post pictures of the green truck here? I'll have to look for them, in the mean time, keep having fun, keep on building, keep on posting, we appreciate your efforts to make the forum a fun and positive place.


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Hey no prob Rommel....Keep your head high and keep building...Seems you may have been a victim of BBS from what I've heard.....As long as you enjoyed the show and had good time, that's all that matters...Don't worry about the other stuff. You don't need awards to be validated in this hobby. Just keep on keepin on.........

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I did not get the privelege of reading the post you are referring to, however I am sure it was heartfelt and accurate.

Apology not necessary to those that consider you a friend.

Besides, never apologize, it's a sign of weekness.

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I did not get the privelege of reading the post you are referring to, however I am sure it was heartfelt and accurate.

Apology not necessary to those that consider you a friend.

Besides, never apologize, it's a sign of weekness.

DISAGREE! Apologizing is NEVER a sign of weakness! Where did you get that load? The truth is just the opposite... it takes a good person to apologize!

And don't even try the "I was joking" line.... I didn't just roll off the back of the ol' potato cart yesterday. ;):lol:

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DISAGREE! Apologizing is NEVER a sign of weakness! Where did you get that load? The truth is just the opposite... it takes a good person to apologize!

And don't even try the "I was joking" line.... I didn't just roll off the back of the ol' potato cart yesterday. :rolleyes:<_<

I agree wholeheartedly. Apologizing takes humility, and humility is NOT a weakness.


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