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'70 Lamborghini Miura Project!!!!


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Hi there fellas!!! Time to start on a new project and one that I have been putting off for quite a while. The inspiration for this one is 2 things, first, I am quite burned with the Muscle Car projects and second, I just want to do something different and European for a change.

First thing I want to do is thank my good friend Randy Kern for giving me this kit, all I said was that I have always loved the lines on this car and also that I loved this kit and he just decided to give it to me! Thanks Randy, you are the best and I owe you big!!!! ;)

The other inspiration for my decision to build this kit is Mr. Alex Kustov, as a lot of you guys know, he has a very unique and phenomenal website called italianhorses.net. Even though he decided to paint his in a Bright Blue, Tamiya color, I decided to do mine in a different shade of blue but basically, I will be doing mine very similar to his, hopefully I will have the same success he had with his. The reference photos will also be of great help so, again, thank you Mr. Kustov! :D

This image shows the actual box art and kit from Hasegawa, very easy to get sucked into building it with this nice art work!

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I purchased the photo-etch detail set for this kit but will not be using all of the parts in it. The part for replicating the grill does not fit at all so I will not be using it. Instead, I will work with the one in the kit which looks pretty good. I did have to get rid of the chrome but decided to leave the signal light bezels intact, they should be chrome and will help me later when mounting the lenses onto them. What I did was just brush on a bit of Easy-Off oven cleaner on the grill section of the front bumper and sand and smooth the rest of it off.

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I will also have to remove the chrome from the wheels since they will be painted brass using Testor's Metallizers line of paints. I wasn't too happy with the way the chrome looked on the rims anyway, it was kind of grainy looking. Again, I just dumped them in Easy-Off and in a matter of seconds the chrome was gone! ;)

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Edited by cruz
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This is the actual photo-etch detail set.

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After removing the chrome from the wheels, I went ahead and drilled some very small holes to add valve stems using some wire from my parts box. I airbrushed some primer and after this was dry, I added the brass paint and finished off with 2 coats of Tamiya clear. I added a black wash, installed the stems, added and also black washed the center knock offs and used the photo-etch emblems to finish them off.

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I also went ahead and started working with the body. I am finding out that the plastic on this kit is very brittle and fragile, I just have to make sure to keep that in mind specially when I start polishing off the body at the end after finishing up with the painting phase.

As usual, I rescribed all the panel lines and smoothed and wetsanded the plastic with a 2400 grid sanding cloth. One of the things I didn't like was the fit of the 2 small hood grills, there was nothing to hold them in place. I decided to add a bit of plastic sheet stock from the bottom to create kind of a small lip to be able to accomplish this step.

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Sunday evening I went ahead and painted the body. After letting it dry for 2 days, I added the brass color on the underside. Next will be the clear to bring it all together. I think these 2 colors really compliment each other well and once the rims and tires are added, it will really look nice..... :rolleyes:

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Surely glad you are starting on this project since I have 2 of these kits and always wanted someone to build it just to see how well it goes together. The work on the rims really turned out well with the valve stems and the photo etch emblems in the middle. Thanks for sharing this, I will be very busy following this build. Oh, by the way, the color you chose is much better than the bright color Mr. Kustov decided to go with, I know you will do just as good as he did, you guys are great modelers and there is a lot we can all learn from you.

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I saw Lamborghini and thought, "oh no not another exotic!". I'm glad I looked further because that is a nice looking car and you are doing a killer job so far. I love the vintage European exotics. Just like every other car, the old ones have sooo much more character to me. How old is this kit?

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I saw Lamborghini and thought, "oh no not another exotic!". I'm glad I looked further because that is a nice looking car and you are doing a killer job so far. I love the vintage European exotics. Just like every other car, the old ones have sooo much more character to me. How old is this kit?

Thanks bro, don't know how old the kit is but it's nice!
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Marcos, i have to say it's just nice seeing a kit from my collection actually being built. i swapped it to Randy and i guess he passed it to you ;)

i bought it after seeing the one that Alex built and wanted to do something similar, i really liked the gold toned wheels especially. as nice as his was i really like the color combo you are doing! definitely keep us posted!Thanks Dave! Anything else in your collection you might want to give him?


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hey Marcos, Would you believe that I have the very same kit in work on my bench?! And for the very same reasons as you. Do great minds really think alike? Actually I'm thinking black for mine, but the dark silver looks great on yours. And with the same idea for the brass/gold colored wheels. I can't live with the kit supplied tires, so I'll have to dig up some acceptable replacements. This is cool!!! See you in December with 'em?

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Great looking build so far. You can really see how all of those "small" things like re-scribing panel lines, and fine sanding the body and adjusting the grilles make such a big difference in the end......very nice work. I really like the color choice too...I am growing tired of red Italian sports cars.

I have this exact same kit....some day I most likely will get to build it.

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Very nice project Cruz, all the small details will really add on at the end. I think the tires are just right, people forget that in the seventies these tires looked exactly like that, I would also keep them. Can't wait to see how the true color looks under the sun.

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