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got RUST?

Dr. Cranky

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Someone here on this forum posted a picture of a door with the words: GOT RUST? on them and it set me off . . .

Here's a new build in progress . . . although my eyes are going bad. I used a plate cover that says 1940 Ford on it . . . go figure . . . Cranky's getting old . . .


The body and chassis were done with a combination of the salt and hairspray technique.

The chassis was heavily modified to bring this sucker down closer to the ground . . .


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Awesome Ratty DamnCranky:

Can you email me some progress pics or chasis detail shots...I'm building a 32 5-window ratty myself and I want to build it with sucide front suspension and transverse spring for the rear...I havin' trouble with the geometry..I want this thing slammed to the ground

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Darn it, the aircleaner is on backwards. Oh man my eye are going. My mind's shot, so my eyes would have to follow too, I guess . . .

Yeah, but the rat is on front-ways. I'd be more worried if I couldn't tell a rat's ahhh... tail from its head. :lol:

As always sir, excellent work! :P

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Thanks, D. Okay, I fixed a couple of things on this one, and added a few more details. My only confession is that I forgot the rear shocks and I didn't put in the eletric fan on the radiator . . . blame it indeed on old age.

I really like the combination of the salt and the hairspray technique . . . it keeps Cranky happy . . .



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Here are some promised pics of the chassis and the modifications involved.



I cut the rear differential casing in almost half and that bought me a bit more down-in-the-weeds space . . . I cut the frame right behind the front seats and then built an an extension to hold the rear axle . . . afterall, it's plastic we are dealing with here. Highly improbably that this would work on a real vehicle, but Cranky doesn't care about such things . . . Cranky only cares about the final results . . . :D:D:lol:

Edited by DamnCranky
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My recommendation if you are going to build one of these is to have fun with the frame . . . because if you are trying to get it to replicate how it would be done in real life, you can go crazy . . . the idea is to make it look as if it would work, that's all. Or at least, hey, that's Cranky's attitude.

Besides I am really convince that weather you are building a rat rod, junker, beater, daily driver, or even a hot rod, all you are doing is painting on a canvas . . . real versions of these cars are for viewing more than they are for driving . . .

It's like with motorcycles . . . who would really ride more than 50 miles on one of those crazy customs or choppers . . . if you are going to ride (I guess this says more about my age) you want to ride in comfort and not so much style. :D

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Ha, isn't that funny. You know what it is is that since we are working in a small scale and you can turn over the whole car in your hands I lose sight of the fact that there is such a thing as gravity . . .

I think I can correctly it without too much damage.

Thanks for pointing it out . . . we don't want brake fluid to spill out before we drive it home. B)

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Best thing about your builds(Rustified) is you can do 100 of the same kit and not have any of them look the same.This one isn't my favorite but she looks cool none the less.I'm a fan,You can mount that master cylinder to the dash and it wouldn't matter to me.How do you fill a 1:1 is there a door in the floorboard or something?Like you said its just a canvas for eye candy.I tell my buddy this all the time,if it does start,it won't run long before it melts into a pile of goo. Nice as always.!.

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