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It is encourageing.

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Everyday when I check in I look to see who is having a birthday.

It is good to see that, while the ages seem to range from 45 to about 63 there are quite a few that are 20 to 35.

Perhaps, someday this Hobby will come back in a strong fashion.

Just my thoughts.

Oh, for those interested I am 60.

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Don, I'm 57 gonna be 58 in April. I been doin this steady since 1959. Never gave it up except in viet nam, but as soon as I was out, I started again. One thing I have noticed is that we ARE the average age for model builders. The younger guys, Those in their 40's or younger are a TOTALLY different mind of builder. They use ALOT of Photo Etch stuff, Resin details,2 part paints, and the newer stuff at their disposal. I'm still an old school guy. I use PE very spareingly(I preffer to make most of my "EXTRA "stuff from plastic,after all I AM a modeler) I still ues Tamiya an Testors Paints, No House of Color stuff, although It SURE LOOKS nice when done correctly. I guess I learned the OLD way and I still prefer to do things that same way. Oh I still get "Rad" and use braided lines on WITH home made fittings on occasion, but most of my builds are normal street cars that you usedta see on any street back in the 60's early 70's. THAT was THE time for musclecars, before the oil crunch, and embargos. Todays younger guys build what they know, these tuner things and rat cars. I Still enjoy seein a younger guy "Get it" and just build a ride like WE used ta do it. But WE'RE the OLD guys now, and we gotta move over to let the next generation of builders come in. I'm also encouraged, because the QUALITY of what these young guys put out. Have you seen the attention to detail some of these kids go to??? The hobby's in pretty good hands as long as the new guys remember to ask questions, and the older guys continue to aswer them .We'll be Ok, i think. Or at least the HOBBY will!!!;):D:);):P

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I'm 43, but I have a 10 year old who builds the occasional model. Hopefully I'll be moving this summer, if I do I'm going to try to make sure there is enough room at the bench for a second. He loves his Legos and other building toys so I think he would be likely to build more if he had a place to build near me. My current bench is a terrifying mess with barely enough room for one, so we have to work on his models at the dining room table.

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But at least your building WITH him, Arron, and THAT'S what counts. Your there to help him, and guide him when you see him makeing an error. That's what our job is now I think, to help the younger guys so THEY can helpTHE YOUNGER kids! We all have to serve our turn as"The old guy's"I guess, But I sure remembering havein alot of respect for them old farts!:lol::D:);)

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I'm 34 and have been building for 26 years. Both of my sons (8 and 5) started building at age 4 and each have almost ( :angry: ) as many trophies as their old man. They really, truly love building. They save up their money and make lists of kits they want when they go to shows/swapmeets. It was important to me that they were exposed to building model kits. I wanted to give them a chance to see what it's all about and to see if they'd enjoy it. Sure, they play video games just like every other kid these days. But if I have the day off and I'm at the table, they pull out their kits and go to work right next to me. I'm very fortunate!

It's important to expose today's kids to model building. IT WILL DIE if we don't!!

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I am 35 now, and dad got me into models by way of me finding a lot of his unbuilt kits from the early 60s. It helped that he is a car guy (I won't bore you with his involvement in automobiles). I was 6 or 7 when I started glue-bombing and paint smearing plastic. I collect more than I build now, but I do start A LOT of projects. I show others how to do what I am doing. Some have gone on to place at shows while I sit and watch (same for the real cars, I teach others while my own projects never get done!).

I am what would be considered the 'lower age group', not so much fresh blood, but not chemically preserved either! I am right between the old and new ways, and use both when I need to.

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I'm 35, and have been building since I was about 8 years old, and never stopped once. That is even through the teen years when girls and cars came into the picture, I even had my first steady girlfriend who later became my ex wife get interested in building because I wouldn't give up my time at the workbench! ;) After I had lost my collection in a house fire in 1997, I started almost immediately rebuilding the collection, and even when I was driving tractor trailer over the road, I took a few kits with me to work on during down time. I have a couple truck kits with well over a million scale miles on them! :o

I plan on staying with the hobby until my time finally comes, and if I can find a way to keep building after that, I'll still be building!

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you know what i just realised ?

ive been on here for years

years during which the person who started this thread checks for birthdays (and i qoute) EVERY DAY

and yet...i never got a birthday card...not even a virtual one!!!

what gives?

Edited by diymirage
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Well, I'm gonna be 64 on the 28th of this month and I feel like 23 in my mind and 80 for the rest of my body. :lol: All that hard work for over 30 some odd years have really paid off I guess. :lol: I guess that I'm retired now because I got laid off over 2 years ago and nothing in sight. Oh well, I'll try and enjoy my forced retirement I guess. :lol: I now have all kinds of time to model but most of the time I just stare at them and I can't figure out why. :lol: Dan

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But at least your building WITH him, Arron, and THAT'S what counts. Your there to help him, and guide him when you see him makeing an error. That's what our job is now I think, to help the younger guys so THEY can helpTHE YOUNGER kids! We all have to serve our turn as"The old guy's"I guess, But I sure remembering havein alot of respect for them old farts!:P :P :lol::P

I actually had an interesting teaching time last year. Helping my son build a couple of models, and on the other end teaching my dad (72) how to resin cast parts for his ship models.

My mother was pretty neutral about my models, but my dad has always been very supportive and is a modeler himself, so that was neat coming full circle and teaching him something.

I also appreciate now how hard it is to build a model with a little guy, you have to be in there enough to keep them from getting frustrated, but back off enough to let them do it.

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I am 50, and have been building fairly steadily with the exception of about a 4 or 5 year period since I was 8. For the most part, the hobby is one of the most relaxing things I can do.

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I just turned 30 in January and I will be finishing my first model, other than some glue bombs when I was younger that got trashed along time ago, in a few days. So far I'm really enjoying it and hope that it's something I can do with my 16 month old son as he grows older.

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