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1/16 Scale Army Vega Funny Car - Finished 10/14/2018


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Steve... Thank you. The angle that I used was Evergreen part no. 293 .100" angle (equivalent to 1-1/2" angle). You could also use part no 294 which is 1/8" angle (equivalent to 2" angle). I won't lie I am a little tired of drilling all those holes lol. I am planning on painting the tins HOK black base with no clear.

John... My big brother, thanks for the encouragement. I am so burnt of the tins at the moment...lol

Bob... Thanks for the kind words. I have been challenging myself to take my building to the next level and so far I am happy with how's it's turning out.

Dave... Thank you. I am planning on making a build book that I will display with the model for anyone who wants to see how it was build. I may break it down into two books because of how many pics I have taken of it lol

Bill... Thanks buddy... Yeah my eyes are a little cross eyed at the moment. I think I am gonna take a break from this build tonight and do a little work on my '57 Chevy step side I am doing as a curbside build. I need a little change of pace at the moment lol

Edited by Mooneyzs
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Art... Thanks Brother!!! I really would love to have this build done way before then but I think its a very achievable goal to have done by October. I am at a point where I should be able to paint the chassis next week as well as the front axle and a few other parts that will go black. I need to do some final sanding and priming on the front axle and it will be ready for some Alclad.

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Danny... Thank you for following along with this build. No worries about the building part I will be bulding for a long time. I love his hobby. I have a list of 17 builds I want to do after this and 10 of them are 1/16th scale. plus I have alot of other unbuilt kits from 1/43rd scale to one 1/12th scale. As of right now 1/16th is my favorite scale to build in but I do like to do a variety of other builds too.

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Ohhhh Danno.... I counted the rivets for ya so you didn't have to.... so far there are 141 Rivets in this tin work ;) .... :lol: .... B)

I'll take your word for it!

All kidding aside, you KNOW how much of a rivet counter I am not!

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Danno... Yep I know you aren't the rivet counting type ;) ...I have to tease you back since well I missed having this done by DSC...lol

I hear you, man! I just wanted to make sure others didn't think I truly am. I can't have my reputation getting set in anybody's mind as a rivet-counter!

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Hey Chris...Don't take my statements to literal. after all I am my own worst critic. You're skills have inspired me though.

I have a question:

I don't think I have found this in your post (Or other's) but how do you weld you're brass to brass?

I am assuming it's with a solder iron because I tried it today. It worked to a point. I could use something hotter in a pin point.

I have several irons with variables in heat range, But my hottest is a 40 watt. it worked with some effort..

I am working on the front suspension and think that solder would be stronger that super or c/a glue.

What can you throw my way that could help me out

Thanks as always! Steve

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Hey Steve...Thanks I am glad this build can be an inspiration and to answer you question on the soldering of the brass work. I have a Weller pencil iron I got at home depot for around 20 bucks and I use some rosen core solder for it. I recently picked up some flux to use the next go around since I didn't have any before. I am not sure on the wattage on this iron but I can take some pics of it if you would like and I will find out more specs on it. I have been wanting to also pick up one of those mini butane torches to see how well that would work on some pieces. When I do solder the brass tube to brass tube I would have to lay the Solder irons tip on it for a few to heat it up before the solder would heat up and join the pieces.

Ray... Thanks man.... I am sure there is more detail work that can be done but I think I would go nut...lol ....wait i actually may be nuts with what I have done to this thing so far :lol:

Little update.... I actually haven't touched this is 2 days. I needed a little break from it and have been tinkering on my '57 chevy pick up curbside project. I will be getting back to the funny car today. sanding a few pieces and getting the frame ready for some paint, which I am planning on painting next week :wub: . I can't tell you how long I have been waiting to see this chassis in paint and I am super stoked about it. I hope to have some more updates later this evening for everyone.

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Thanks Chris. if you get a minute post a pic of the iron. I'm more interested in the wattage, it determines how hot it gets. I have 3 different ones. One is small, used mostly for IC work (Circuit boards, not as hot) Second is a larger one (40 watt), the one I used the other day for the experiment. Third is a solder sucker, it has a squeeze ball on it so you can heat up solder and suck it free of the joint (Really fun and handy)

I was at Radio Shack a while ago and they have one with a dial on it so you can choose different wattages, pretty cool. Maybe some day.. Gotta focus on getting a set of Alclad paints first..

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Hey Steve... I still owe you pics of my iron and what the wattage is. I will get that info for you tomorrow (actually later today). I am heading to bed.

Darryl... Thanks mate! Trust me I was going cross eyed myself. Sad thing is I still have more to add to the dash of the tin work lol.

Well Fellas... I sat at the bench for a short time tonight and was working on the seat. I had sprayed it earlier this week and wasn't happy with it so I had sanded it back down tonight Sprayed some more black wasn't happy again and threw it in a bottle of lacquer thinner to completely strip it and start back from the bare metal. I sanded it all up prepping it for primer and decided to call it a night after I got two coats of primer on it. I will pick it back up tomorrow and hopefully will have some pics of it painted to share as well as getting this chassis sanded for paint. Until tomorrow.... stay tuned B)

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Well Fellas... wanted to give a little update on this project. I have gotten the seat painted as well as the oil filters and now I need to get decals on the oil filters. It feels like the past few days all I have been doing is spending hours sanding the chassis with 1000 grit paper getting it ready for paint. I have just a little more to do and should hopefully be ready for paint tomorrow.....crossing my fingers Anyway here is a quick shot of the seat painted....

Here is the Seat and oil filters painted:


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Looking Great! All the extra work you did with the seat shows, it looks just like something you could find from these Funny Cars. And I know exactly how it feels to do the sanding process, just like my '55 Chrysler Stock Car's body in NASCARS section....Huh. Anyway very nice work, I can't wait to see more of this.

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Niko.... Thanks buddy.... I have been having to cut 6" long strips of paper about 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch wide. sanding each piece of tubing. Its making me go bonkers...lol But I know it will give a better surface for the paint to lay down. I can't wait to have this chassis painted

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