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Fujimi RPS13 180SX Type-X


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Yeah Mike...I've got 250+ curbside kits in my collection. That gives me plenty of practice, as I plan on motorzing every one of them :)

Bradley...you bet I'll be casting this one :D ...as well as a S14/15 vvt head and hump back valve cover. I also have a CA18DET in the works too. And of course I can not leave out the KA24E, and KA24DE for all of you domestic, and Canadian builders wanting 240SX's...might as well since Fujimi included a left hand drive dash in almost all of these kits ;)

But these will have to wait as I've shifted gears, and started working in the chassis mods...more to come.


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as a person who got first hand experience with installations of both the greddy oil pan and the intake, you hit them DEAD ON...color me extremely impressed

yeah, go ahead and put me down for 4 of these when you get the molds made.....i've got so many things they could be used in...shoot I'll build one and detail it out just to put on a motor stand...lol

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Thanks for the stamp of approval Gray...I wasn't too sure if I got the intake right since I only have pictures that I got off the net for reference, and it has a really odd shape to it.

JB...I don't know about that. If I got paid on commission, I'd be broke at the pace I build...but, I wouldn't mind lighting a fire under their behind and mold a '60's Toyota Corona GT4 to go with my other '60's and '70's Isuzu, Mazda, Nissan, and Toyota kits (I already have a lot of references for the 9R engine to go in it ;).)

I have been marathoning the engine bay for the last two days almost strait (gotta eat sometime :lol:). I mainly concentrated on reworking the wheelwells to get a better profile than the sqare one the Fujimi used for the chassis...I really cannot fault them since this kit [s supposed to be a curbside :lol:

...Fujimi never saw me coming

I'm glad Fujimi did make the wheelwells really meaty (nearly 2mm thick in some areas) because I really dug in deep with my file to round out a somewhat rounded shape. So I re-worked the wheel wells, built up the sides, a firewall, fabricated new strut towers, built up a core support, and removed the dummy tranny and made a proper tunnel.

For reference, here's my new chassis, and one that has not been FuJimmyfied :D :


...and how she looks close up:



and to close it out with a before:


and after:


As always, this bay is not complete. I still have a few more details to add to it before I'm happy.

Thanks for looking.


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Brian...before this build is finished, there will be copies pulled from this master. I never keep an original in my builds. I Fab them up, pull molds, and then put them in a storage container for future molds. This one will get one of those copies I cast up.

Kyle, if i remember correctly, Arii makes a1/24 '77 Celica coupe kit. I cannot vouch for the details as I've never had my hands on one. I can tell you it is a curbside though.

Michelle...being active duty Air Force leaves little time to cast on a large scale. I don't have any websites. Most customers contact me via PM.

Thanks ya'll


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Thanks Gray! I took a bit of a break from this one this weekend to work on some other commissions. I was hitting this one hard and heavy, and got a little carried away. Now that I've taken a breather, I noticed a few things that I want to re-do. That's just the way I am...the more I look at something, the more I see things that I could have done better on. That's what I always do on my engines as you can see in this thread already...the engine that I'm using now, is not the same engine I started off with :lol:


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  • 3 years later...

Bring'n this one back! A lot has happened since I left off...I pushed the button, and retired from the Air Force after 20 memorable years of service. That meant that I had to pack up the collection in Okinawa, Japan so I could move back into my house in Panama City, Fl.

I'm planning on updating this one regularly as I've got some time to work on it now. My friend that I'm building this for wants a car with a stripped out interior...that meant a lot of fabrication. Then, I went to finish the engine bay. I initially made it too short. I extended the front by 3mm, built a radiator support, and added some more stamped details. Here's how its looking so far:


Sorry for the bad pics as they are taken with my phone. Now, to wait for the glue to dry before I can finish sand the chassis before primer.

Thanks for looking!


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Thanks guys! Its nice to get back to building.

I got around to shooting a coat of primer tonight, and was happy to see that I don't have to do a lot of remedial filling...just a couple of spots that I initially had trouble with.



Now,the waiting game begins on the primer to cure before pressing on with the rest of the interior.


Edited by CrewDawg15
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Are you going to leave the spare tire covered? Stripped in Nismokc (our local Nissan club) begins with losing the spare and the cover

Fantastic work. I always wondered what happened to this one.

Edited by rsxse240
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That's a good question Ken. I did take the easy way out and made a cover for the spare. But looking back, I'll make a spare tire well. The Fujimi chassis doesn't have one molded in it because they use the gas tank to fill the space. I just need some time to figure out the best way to fab a well up, has still maintain the stamped look. If I was home it wouldn't be a problem...I'd just graft one from a parts bin chassis, but at the moment, I'm building this in a hotel room. The maid doesn't like the styrene dust that well, LOL

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This update was a long time in the making. Fujimi molded an auto gearbox in the original chassis...that is why I deleted it from mine. So I hit up a factory service manual, and fabbed up a FS5W71C 5 speed gearbox. The bellhousing was a piece of cake to make, but the tail housing was a challange. I made multiple attempts before I got a box I was happy with. I'm going to cast this tranny in two pieces since a lot of Nissan trannys use tail housings that are of a similar design. That way I can use the tail housing over and over, with me only having to fabricate new engine specific bellhousings.


Thanks for looking!


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  • 9 months later...

Been away for a while, posting my work on my FB blog page :  Crewdawg Works.  Chassis complete, engine copied in resin, and body work almost complete.  Here's some progress to get you up to speed.

Scratch built S15 Silvia Seats

Chassis progress 


Body mods:  Hood underside bracing, rolled rear fenders, opening/closing sunroof, opening/closing headlights

Thanks for looking!

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