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Altered Ego Fiat Topolino

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, new paint is done. Its not the best but I'm satisfied with it. Still need to paint flat black on the inside of the body and add some body glass inserts. Plus I'm still having issues with Goodyear decals sticking to the rear tires. In these pix, I have one on and the other one curled up so I pulled it off. Just means more sanding on the tires.

Here's some sunlight pics.



Edited by gasser59
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Glad you repainted it Brad. That paint was a little rougher than the build demanded. Good on you for sticking with it and seeing it through.

Looks to me like aside from a few bits you are on the final leg of this one.

Well done Amigo


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Thanks Chris and Bob. Yea, I was disappointed that I rushed through the Mango paint job for last year's Desert Scale Classic. I was just plain running out of time to redo it. I've never been a good painter, better at fabricating. That's why most of my builds are either bodyless or in primer.

Yup, I hear ya Chris. I have a few ideas for a 1/16th scale or two but I still have a few smaller ones to finish up first.

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Thanks for the kind words gents. I really appreciate it. As mentioned, just a few more details to go with one of them being the pivot rod for the tilting of the chassis. Still trying to work that out. Other tasks include windscreen and fixing the rear tires where the Goodyear decals caused an issue. I did get the inside of the body painted flat black and it looks so much better. I'll get some pics loaded up tonight.

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Thanks Ira. I really appreciate you following this build. Its been on the bench for some time, off and on.

Well, this morning, I got the windshield in and tonight I'll look at putting in side windows, maybe just the front half. Also, got the hinge pin worked out but I need to make sure everything inside the body is done before putting it in place.

I'll post some update pics this evening.

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Well, the final details on this build are driving me nuts. Mostly its the Goodyear decals on the tires. I'm on my fourth set and after applying them two days ago with a coat of dullcoat, these decided to peel up too. Of course I noticed it when i was resizing these pictures. I'll need to break off the rear tire and wheel combos again, sand them down to bare rubber and reglue them. I'll probably go without decals. The front tires, O rings, have dry rotted so I'll need to replace those too. DSC9 is this Saturday and I have tons to do around here before then to get ready for the BBQ after the show so I'm quickly running out of time.

Here's a few pictures. Painting the inside of the body flat black made a huge difference.



Edited by gasser59
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Brad... I love this build. Hey I can bring my goodyear stencil for you that I have so you can paint the good year on the rear tires. I know it won't help with getting it done before the show since we are basically two days away lol. Let me know and will bring it if you want.

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Brad... It was great to talk to you for a sec tonight. I have already pulled those parts out to bring them Saturday for you. You shouldn't give up on this beautiful build. Set it aside for a few days and then come back to it and you get it done to where you like it. You have knocked this build out of the park.

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