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Ferrari 458 Italia (Revell)


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Yeah, apologies for the quality of the images. I took them with my Blackberry. I will use a proper didigtal camera when I am documenting the build of my SLS AMG. The Ferrari was only the second model I have ever done so the painting might leave a little to be desired in some parts.

Thansk for the feedback Bill.

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Hi guys. ajulia, the kit assembly was absolutely fine. The brake calipers ended up a little strange though. Although the rear calipers are meant to be opposite to the front ones, the only way i could fix mine on were facing the same direction. Other than that everything was fine. I had the usual heart stopping moments trying to fix the chassis onto the engine but i have found that tricky with both Revell models I have done.

Tonio, I will definitely post some more pictures up. Let me use a proper digital camera to take them this time. Have fun building yours!

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