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1980's Toyota Celica-Supra WIP *engine bay/firewall detailed!*


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I know! I'm excited to build it!

So I went down to Advance Auto Parts and picked my colors for the car. I got Duplicolor GM Gunmetal metallic for the body, Duplicolor Charcoal Gray Vinyl & Fabric paint for the interior, and Duplicolor Flat Black Vinyl & Fabric paint for the chassis and suspension.


I'm gonna get back to work on this in a few minutes, so expect an update before the night falls.

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Well I got some progress done...not much, but I got the engine totally done (besides the distributor, which is on it's way) and I painted the frame/suspension pieces and I sprayed the interior tub, then detailed the little things like seat belts and the rear luggage harness loops. The part I'm really happy with is the exhaust manifold. I used Testors silver on it and just globbed it on with a wide brush, and it gave a very realistic finish to the heat shield to make it look like brushed aluminum. I've got my father's birthday party to go to tomorrow, so I don't think much will get done. Sunday will be a different story...anyways, on to the pictures:




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those fujimi wheels are nicely detailed and look just like the real thing would.

They are missing some details which would be difficult to accurately produce in 1/24 scale, such as the ribbing between the spokes, near the center cap. Having owned both and '83 and '85 Celica GT-S, I spent many an hour scrubbing the aluminum wheels clean and losing some skin off my knuckles doing so.

The Tamiya Supra kit has a nicely detailed body, but the MPC kit isn't that far behind, provided you leave the IMSA flares off.

Here's a pic of my '85 GT-S:


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good progress, the engine looks really good.

yes, tamiya has 2 versions. one is the celica xx and the other is the pace car for the long beach grand prix, which has the flares, well that as i know and seen they have those two.

the celica wheel from arii are on the money.

after looking back at the fujimi ones, i see what you mean. i missed those ribs inbetween the spokes. hm, not bad either way.

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The last picture is what I used for flocking. The small brush I used for getting around the details in the luggage area, the longer brush is what I did for the majority of spreading the clear enamel, and the fan brush was used for brushing away the stray flocking from the tub. I'm so ecstatic on how it came out! I've never done a flocking job this detailed before. Now I'm trying to figure out what other color I should do on the doors/seats. I'm thinking a lighter shade of gray...

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Thanks Joe! I was surprised as all hell that it came out that good! Flocking this kit is a must for the die-hard detailer. I went downstairs and painted the luggage straps semi-gloss black with a flat clear (didn't have flat black) and added a semi-gloss clear to the heel pads on the floor to simulate vinyl. It looks pretty good. I'm going to have to wait for the 2-tone interior because I don't have any gray, so I'll have to go pick some up this week sometime. I wish I could trade all of my Testors paints for Tamiya. I love their stuff! Very decent coverage for acrylic and dries very fast. I hate how long you have to wait for enamel paint to dry. I do like the Testors Lacquer Clears though...they dry very fast and can coat over acrylic with no issues.

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Thanks! Well I just got back from my girlfriend's house, replacing the brakes on my Dynasty...ugh...so back to the model. Right now I'm assembling the frame and suspension and waiting for the glue to dry. Then back to the interior. I have to find my filler so I can fill the seams on the front seats and paint them. If not, I'll just have to move to something else like the dash. I also got my girlfriend into building a model. She's obsessed with El Caminos (she has a '79 Royal Knight clone) so she's going to build a '65 I believe. I showed her my interior tub all flocked and she got excited to build a model. LoL

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Well I got one side of the doors/rear panels done, as well as the rear seat cushions and the seat belts all black. I really like how it came out. I think the lighter gray could be a little darker, but overall I'm happy with the results. I also gave the heel pads on the floor a semi-gloss clear to make them look more like vinyl. Thanks for looking!





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I didn't have the willpower to do anything on the model lastnight (got home late from running around with the roommate) so I started right away tonight after I got home from work. I bodywork'd the seats and dash and put 3 coats of the Charcoal Gray on 'em. I also finished the driver's side light gray on the door/side panel and blacked out the door handle and window/lock switches. After the paint dries on the seats and dash, I may put one more coat on them, then I'll start detailing the dash. Pics will be up later.

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Alright, I didn't get as far as I'd like to, but I have other things I need to do tonight. I got the dash/front seats painted in Charcoal Gray, detailed the vents and a few little other things on the dash (far from done...) and mocked everything up for fitment. I gotta say...I'm excited!













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And for the driver's side door/rear panel, I used Tamiya masking tape (fineline) and WOW it worked great! I used it on the top of the door/rear panel insert and on the back and bottom of the rear panel insert so I didn't have to try super hard to have steady hands. Look how straight it looks!



Tomorrow I'm going to Olive Garden with my girlfriend and another co-worker, but after I get back, I'll probably work on the seat inserts and more of the dash. Stay tuned and thanks for looking!

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