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Wife back in the hospital...day 4 today..

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Had to take my wife to the E.R. at 0530 Thursday morning. Vomiting steadily for previous 2 days. Doc admitted her and today is now day 4. CT scan showed an area of inflammation in her small bowell again. Stupid Crohn's Disease! I wish the researchers could find a cure. Today makes something like 1,756 days in 9 different hospitals over the last 17 years with this disease!

Oh well...I'm retired so I can be with her all the time and I can at least have the internet with my Droid X2! Sorry to vent...

Edited by Terry Sumner
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Guest Johnny

My mom has Crohn's Terry so I can sympathize wit your wife and you on this. It is a terrible disease to have to live with and I don't feel enough attention is given to it in the medical world, mainly the drug companies.

Our prayers are with your wife and family.

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Ah...the original post I alluded to elsewhere.

Yes, Chron's is a miserable condition, I know a couple of people that have it or one of its related illnesses, and it absolutely blows.

Someday, a cure for this, and most of the other miseries will be found, until then, stay strong and know we're here to support you and your family in any way needed.

Charlie Larkin

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