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Dr. Cranky

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All right, folks, a little more progress and this is where the chipping technique gets exciting. You also want to remember that you can repeat the process as many times as you want (well, I guess within reason so that you don't end up with too thick a final coat).

The other beautiful thing about this is that you CAN'T GET IT WRONG. This kind of weathering can be subtle or over the top, the choice is YOURS. And since you know Doctor Cranky is a LONG LIVE RUST kind of guy, well . . . here is the final painted body (just paint so far, no further weathering!):


But WAIT, I though you said there'd be rust . . . LOL!

After the final coat of paint is on--in this case I opted for a two tone (simple masking) job of light blue and white:


I used tweezers and something sharp to make subtle scratches on the paint . . . these will become obvious when the brush-scrubbing begins . . .

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So here are the results of all the hard work, and all the steps, and all the FUN, again, you can go mild to wild in seconds if you are not careful. Keep the scrubbing controlled to the areas you want to rub through to the rust coat . . .


See the scratches now?

See the other paint colors (old paint jobs!) now?





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AHHA! Finally we have proof that Cranky does NOT actually build these works of art by hand like the rest of us. But rather uses a Harry Potter type magic wand, or fairy dust or a bottled genie to do the work. What proof you ask?! Just look at that cutting mat! Clean as a whistle! What builder has such a thing!? We're on to you Virgil Suarez!


Excellent work so far, Doctor!

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Thanks, Paul. I don't think I am the "right" guy to bring it to life, but as sure as heck am having a great deal of fun. I hope others with access to VW engines will do a replica. I just used the original as a springboard.

Stay tuned in for more! Cheers, DC.


STYRENE ADDICT IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Once you get the body (and paint) to the stage that pleases you, then it's time to seal once again and prepare for decals . . . so I put on a coat of FUTURE clear to get the panels ready for a round of decals.

Of course this one would have decals! LOL!


Just for the sake of interest, if you know what I mean . . .

Someone is bound to ask: how believable is it to put decals on a beat vehicle like this. Doctor Cranky says: WHY NOT? This thing is a Frankenstein build all on its own.


Remember that all of this has been achieve with the AK-INTERACTIVE chipping liquids, paint, and a few decals. Nothing has been weathered yet in terms of washes, pigments, and other "Cranky" touches.



Stay tuned in for more Lab-RAT-ory fun!

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Thanks, Jeff. I think the idea behind a build like this is not to stress out, and just have fun . . . of course it's also wonderful to pick up and try new techniques.

I am letting the body rest for a few hours and then I will hit it up with some pin washes, filters, and some pigments to cover up the new-looking decals to bring everything together.

I'm still energized about this build. We'll see how far I get with it in the coming days.

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MAN Doc, that is so freakin cool!!!! I felt like I was watching a military forum build!! Hey man, did you thin down the white to spray your whitewalls, or shoot right from the bottle?? Those badboys are awesome!! Can't wait to see more Doc!! Outstanding paintwork!! Sixx :blink::D

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Wow, you are working this one! EYEGORE must have got you the extra-strength vitamins!! Absolutely fantastic work, Doc...thanks for sharing the technique. I gotta find me a couple of rust and gunk projects!! That really won't be difficult being that I live in the rust belt!!

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MAN Doc, that is so freakin cool!!!! I felt like I was watching a military forum build!! Hey man, did you thin down the white to spray your whitewalls, or shoot right from the bottle?? Those badboys are awesome!! Can't wait to see more Doc!! Outstanding paintwork!! Sixx :blink::D

No, I didn't thin, I just used Vallejo Model Air white. I didn't have Tamiya White which is normally what I use. You have to be very careful once you are done so that the paint doesn't get damaged. It seems to work just fine though.

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Wow, you are working this one! EYEGORE must have got you the extra-strength vitamins!! Absolutely fantastic work, Doc...thanks for sharing the technique. I gotta find me a couple of rust and gunk projects!! That really won't be difficult being that I live in the rust belt!!

You will find you will have the most fun. The only problem is you have to be careful you don't get addicted! LOL.


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Thanks, everyone. I should make more progress today.

The basic difference that I see between the new AK-INTERACTIVE chipping liquids and hairspray are very good:

Not sticky, not smelly, it goes on smooth and it has consistent and reliable results with water. It's an acrylic product, and the results are again more trust-worthy. The price is also a factor, although you do get a smaller amount.

I am still working on the comparison between the "Worn Effects" and the "Heavy Chipping".

The new products are going to be discussed at length in Mig Jimenez's new F.A.Q. book which is coming out shortly.

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