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What's the deal with the chat room?

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Ok, when the chat room was down a few weeks ago some of you guys had an absolute fit! Several of you even said that the only reason you come here at all is for the chat room.

Well, the chat room has been back up and running for a while now, and it's completely empty 99% of the time. Obviously there has been some sort of concerted and organized effort to stay out of the chat room.

I almost never went in there, and I don't have any "chat room buddies" with the inside scoop. So my question is pretty simple: What's the story behind the chat room boycott? :blink:

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Harry, i don't know that i'd call it "organized and concerted" as much as the core group of us that were in the chatroom on a daily basis, just got tired of Gregg pulling the plug just to screw around. the last time, was well, the last time and "we" were done.

it was fun while it lasted and there was some good times had in there by many people. while there was that core group there were also some others that it was nice to see drop in from time to time and shoot the breeze, whether that was about model cars or something entirely different.

the damage is done however and i think everyone has moved on

So if all of you chat room regulars have "moved on," there's not much point in keeping it open here.

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Harry did or did not every topic that mentioned the Chat room get locked and/or deleted? You think that people took that as a sign they aren't welcome?

A lot of those topics (and the chat room itself) got locked or deleted for a reason: some people were acting like jerks, disregarding the rules and basically causing problems, purposely. And unfortunately, those people screwed it up for everyone else (yes, unfairly so). But apparently Gregg has decided to give the chat room another chance. I suggest maybe you guys who like having a chat feature start to use it before it goes away again... for good. I don't have any opinion of it one way or another, but for you guys who like it... it's there for you now. Use it or lose it...

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We haven't been pulling the plug to just to yank people's chains.

We've been having intermittent server crashes for months. We had no way to isolate the cause without taking the chat room down. We've changed servers three times trying to make this site work well. Once we figured out what was going on, Gregg went to the expense of upgrading yet again to a larger server.

I'm still trying to work out some better alternatives.

Look, I know this hasn't been fun for anyone. Look at all my posts in On the Workbench and you'll see what I mean. We've got the problem solved now, and I'd appreciate it if you all would get back to the usual level of banter on chat. I was semi-regular there, and was thoroughly enjoying it.

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