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how i find cheap model kits //how do you do it

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www.auctionzip.com//// auctions are fun and great time killers eveything goes thur sooner or later //// put in miles your willing to go ////put in (plastic model kits )this should bring up every auction around you /// this is a secret dont tell any body look at the pics //find the kits that are not listed on the main page //you mite be the only bidder that goes to this auction for those kits//// man only one bidder that means almost free/// most of auction kits are opened// good kits at flee markets and yard sells are there but rare/// ive got almost nothing from craigs list//it has been a disapiontment jr Edited by mr cheap
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anything thats mis spelled is very very cheap but so hard to find // postage kills

Don't count on that. There were 2 Mini Exotic Chaparrals sold this mornning that were listed as "Chapparals", a 2(A) and a 2J. The 2(A) went for $133 and the J went for $163.05. Neither fell into what I'd consider very very cheap.

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I have had the best luck at estate sales, second hand store's like Salvation Army or Goodwill, flea markets and garage sales. I avoid eBay, there is something about holding what you are buying that I like better. I am cheap because my wife and I have two young children that eat like horse's and grow like weeds. The best score I have seen was at an estate sale, half the basement was kits. Unfortunately I arrived after most were sold for a dollar a kit. I almost cried when I found out.

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I have absolutely NO idea why eModelcars hasn't caught on- I like the idea of a site that caters specifically to model cars and kits. I mean, why sift through eBay, craigslist, or whatever looking for you want, when you can go right to a site dealing toward modelers, and one that's logically sorted and easy to use? Only reason I don't use it too often is because I rarely have much to sell, and I haven't been buying much online lately. Heck- haven't been buying much from brick-and-mortar stores lately either!

Another good source is Dean's Hobby Stop. His prices aren't always dirt cheap, but they are lower and a great deal more reasonable than typical market values. If I want an oddball and/or out of production kit, or a built-up glue bomb, or parts, Dean's is the first place I check. I'm fortunate enough to live within a reasonable distance from him so I can visit the actual store, but he does sell online as well.


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When I go to swap meets, after my first 'walk through', I go to the boxes under the tables, and then to the 'freezer bagged' models in boxes on the floor. If you are careful and methodic, you can get some GREAT buys there, especially if you are looking for parts; but many times, full kits missing only tires can be found for $3 to $6 bucks. And with today's paint stripping methods, don't let a paint bomb stop yez ! At the Toledo NNL I bought 3 R/M Mustang Mach III's, 4 AMT Nascar kits, and 3 R/M '69 (I think) Corvettes for a total of 26 bucks, Mustangs were complete with no instructions, Nascars had no tires, Vettes had bent window frames and no tires \r instructions.....

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i gave up o n estate sales awhile ago. never found much, and what little i did find i had to fight the "professional " flea market sellers. there seems to be a group that hits all the estate sales around here and theyre generally the first few folks in line. they make a bee line to what ever toys//hobby stuff thats there. i saw one of em sweep a bunch of promos off a table into a laundry basket she had. the 67 tbird promo snapped its bumper. i offered her twice the sticker.. she nope..they gonna the flea market..and she wounldnt tell me which one..

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how to find cheap kits.... simple ....

1 find a kit your interested in!

2 find the owner that doesnt know anything about models!

3 give them an offer (at a ridiculously low price) and if the person excepts it dont think about how much of an advantage your going to take but think about how you make it a win win for them (your taking what they dont want anymore or dont know what to do with) :lol:

thats how i scored on a 1/12 scale camaro kit ! ... for less than half what its going for on evil bay!

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Guys, I found a rather novel way of finding cheap kits. I made my screen saver at work from pics of my own models and a few of my favorites from other builders. Lots of folks pass my cubicle. Occasionally someone will poke their head in - "Hey are those models? I used to do those when I was a kid. I still have a whole shelf full, etc, etc." I came to work one Monday to find a kit on my desk. No note, no email, just dropped on my doorstep like an orphan. I have made trades and sales from guys here at work. A lot of folks just want them out of the garage. I got a Monogram Superbird and a Revell Dick Landy '68 Charger for $5.

Let people know what you do, and they will come to you.

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