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Sixties Sam

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Everything posted by Sixties Sam

  1. Looks great! I like the two-tone color scheme a lot! Sam
  2. Very nice, clean build! Sam
  3. Great build! The color is perfect! Sam
  4. Very nice, clean build, Jim. Your builds are always good! Sam
  5. I saw this 1937 Lincoln Zephyr coupe in a parade. I've never seen or heard of one before. Beautiful car - v-12 engine! Sam
  6. Great conversion work on this! It came out perfect! Sam
  7. Very nice model! I like the color. Sam
  8. Great work! That engine bay looks totally real! Sam
  9. Wow! Very good work! Great details and finish! Sam
  10. Very cool models! Great details and finishes. Sam
  11. Very nice work on this! Revell needs to make a kit like this. Sam
  12. Beautiful model! Very clean and well-finished! Nice work! Sam
  13. Super nice model! Looks like a 32 should! Sam
  14. Excellent work! Great finish and detail! Sam
  15. Very nice! I like the orange color. Sam
  16. I bought that truck kit at Ollie's Bargain Store about three years ago, and couldn't decide what to do with it. Then I found the tractor kit and the idea came together! It's neat how one model can inspire another build or diorama! Sam
  17. Very nice build! Looks good in black. I like simple kits like that. My first AMT kit was a '58 Imperial convert, back in 1958! Sam
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