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Sixties Sam

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Everything posted by Sixties Sam

  1. Very nice build! Color is perfect. Great details. Excellent woek! Sam
  2. Nice! Hard to beat a clean build of a stock Beetle! Good work! Sam
  3. Nice model and interesting story, Tom. I like old Studes! Sam
  4. I made lift-off serving shelves for the serving windows. Styrene with 90 deg. angles on the tops to hook over the trailer sides at the base of the windows. I saw photos of a real food trailer with this method of attaching the shelves while making them easily removable. Interior walls are not pink. It's a reflection from the red cabinets below the counters. Looks like Susie's eager to start selling food! Sam
  5. Excellent build! It looks absolutely real in those street photos! Nice work! Sam
  6. Looking good! I like what you've done with the fender skirts. Should look great when finished! Sam
  7. Very nice build! Great color choice and very well done! Sam
  8. Wow! Amazing work on this model! Great detailing and finish. Love it! Sam
  9. I thought of that approach. I've seen both inboard and outboard wheels on trailers like this. Serving shelves will be on the outside of the trailer body at the 3 serving windows. They are the same width as the fenders that will be over the wheels, so customers couldn't get any closer than the shelves are anyway. Outboard wheels saved me from having to make internal wheel wells. I'm lazy! Sam
  10. Got the roof made. Scalloping done with my wife's pinking shears. Working on fluorescent lights for the ceiling. Still a lot of details to do. Sam
  11. I'm looking for food items in the dollhouse section of ebay. Hard to find in 1/24-1/25 scale. Most of it is in 1/12 scale. Sam
  12. Yes! I agree 100%! Very nice work! Sam
  13. Hey, all! I sometimes display my models on a diorama mimicking a downtown car show. I decided to make a food trailer similar to those often seen at car shows. It's all scratch built from sheet, angle, and strip styrene, and parts box stuff. Still under construction, but nearing completion. It's a composite of trailers I've seen online. The roof will be red and removable in case I need to make repairs or changes. I had planned to make the stainless steel counters, etc. from aluminum flashing, but went with styrene and BMF instead. Fun project so far!
  14. Great build! Looks good in red. A friend of mine has a 1:1 63 Bonny convert he's owned since 1968. It's a darker shade of red. He let me drive it once. Wow! 389 tri-power. It goes! Sam
  15. Very good build! I had that kit in the 1960's. It was a tough build, as I recall. Nice work! Sam
  16. Great build! Green looks good to me! Sam
  17. Right side sitting on the chassis. Serving window is hinged. Kind of a sloppy fit, but it will be displayed in the open position. Sam
  18. Looking good! I learned to drive in my mother's '62 Meteor in 1965. It had a small V8 and that crummy 2-speed automatic in it. Sam
  19. Great work on all of these! Very realistic! Sam
  20. Welcome, Joshua! Lots of good info here, and very helpful and encouraging members. Sam
  21. I'm just getting started on the model. Here is the chassis, mocked up with fenders from the Revell midget racer trailer. The model will have opening serving windows on both sides and the rear. I plan to use aluminum flashing to replicate stainless steel counters, etc. on the inside. In scale it is 12' long by 7' wide. Entry door on right side. Propane tanks on the tongue, menu signs on the sides. I'm thinking painting the model white with some red and blue trim. Here's the chassis mockup. Sam
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