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Cannonball Run CBP 2012


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Excellent progress, everyone! These last two weeks seems to be the most active time in this topic. :lol:

I needed to show you that I'm still trying to make this finished for the start of this year's Rally. Chassis is almost in the same condition as it was before that little crash, and started polishing the body too. The top and trunk lid are polished, I'm quite happy about them. I will polish the sides tomorrow.





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A couple weeks ago I sprayed some interior pieces ivory for the '60 Cor-Vex. I masked with (old) Bare Metal and tonight I added the second color. Looks blue but it's turquoise. Pretty nice. Seats need some touch up but it's manageable. BUT.....


What the HORK happened to the door panels!!!???




Simple. Haste makes waste. The ivory color was Krylon enamel. The turquoise was Duplicolor lacquer. The lacquer melted the enamel and shrunk it. But wait, why didn't it happen to the seats? The seats were primered first so the enamel had a better grip. The door panels had no primer and just slid at the whim of the lacquer. That's my best guess. This may be the first time I've ever had to repaint over a foolish mistake. It's all night swim at the purple pond.

Mike, although this was not what you had in mind, it is a reminder that sometimes there are "happy" accidents. Why happy? Because for those of us who love building junkers, beaters, and rusty jewels, this is a perfect technique. Crackle effect like this is hard to pull off, but it looks great in scale for a door that has seen better days. Best, DC

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Well, that blows. You're a staple, man! Maybe it won't show in photos. Is there enough done that you can set together what you've got? (...and take bad pictures? :D )

Guys, I've decided not to "mock-finish" this one for pics guys and have this in the dip now. I really want to get this one done with a few others for contest soon and I don't want to spend the time. Looking forward to seeing everyone's work on race day.

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One week left to go, everybody. I finished foiling the Dart, I think the 62 Dart might be second to only the 58 Impala in the amount of trim to foil. At least until someone does a 58 Olds.....Today it was nice enough that I was able to clear coat the body. I've done a lot of work over the last week but haven't had time to take any pics. At least I have Sunday and Thursday off work this week and morning hours on the days I do work. I think I can pull it off and finish this one.

ARC, I was going to say I was strange but I figured it was a given.

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Guys, I've decided not to "mock-finish" this one for pics guys and have this in the dip now. I really want to get this one done with a few others for contest soon and I don't want to spend the time. Looking forward to seeing everyone's work on race day.

That's sad to hear, it was turning out so nice. Well, hopefully it'll come back even nicer-if possible.

Not sure if I'm going to make it either, but I'm trying to. Today got the whole body polished, and I have to say that I'm pretty happy about the result. Now I will put some Bare Metal Foil on it, and hope to have another set of pictures still tonight.






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Also I got the interior finished.

Of course first I had to put it back together after that little crash, then add some finishing touches, like rear view mirror and Tachometer. Once I get the body Foiled, painted from the underside, glasses installed, I can put these two components together, except that the Firewall is still missing.






One More:


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BMF Is applied to the body now! It came out Okay, could be better and not my bests, but still it looks decent. I also painted those 300C badges from those side trims. After taking pictures, I painted the body from underside. Firewall is painted, too. Tomorrow I will install the glass-parts to it.






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Wow W-409 what in the world did you use to get the body so shinny? That is beautiful work on polishing.

It's sad to hear you wont finish in time jantrix, I was looking forward to seeing your car like last year. Make sure you post it up so we can see it when it's done.

In other news it looks real promising that I'll make it with a finished car this year. Here's where it's at right now.



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Heh, Thanks Matthew! I used this Polishing kit (Picture below) and polished up to 8000 grit, after that I waxed the paint job and that's the result. It makes some nice paint jobs and it's quite easy too. Even I managed to get nice paint jobs with a little practising! :D


Your 'Vette looks very good too!

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Another Update, now it's coming along fast!

I got the chassis ready to be installed under the body. Firewall is painted white and black. I painted the wiring too, not fun to do but looks Okay after it was installed. Also painted the molded in wires from driver's side inner fender. Horrible job to do, too. Why those need to be always molded in?




Windows are installed too. The windshield fits really nicely, but rear-glass doesn't fit so well. There's a gap on the up-or down of the glass.



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It's sad to hear you wont finish in time jantrix, I was looking forward to seeing your car like last year. Make sure you post it up so we can see it when it's done.

Thanks guys. I will certainly get it posted when its done. I want to have it ready for Jaxcon in Feb.

Niko, you continue to impress. Fantastic paint work. Where did you get the polishing kit?

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Hey, Thanks Rob! I'm very happy about the paint job too, maybe my best one so far. These Maston spray-paints are good stuff for polishing too, they turn out shiny and smooth. I bought my Polishing kit from Model Car Import which is here in Finland. Looks like it can be bought from here, too. http://micro-surface.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=188_189&products_id=75 Of course there are other polishing kits too, but this one works very well for me.

And yet another update, the last one for today I promise. I won't tease you anymore. ...Until tomorrow or Tuesday. :D So I got the body on the chassis. It was overall quite easy job to do, but the firewall wasn't easy to get right. It was too wide to install when chassis was in correct place when looking the front-back position. I had to pull the chassis back, so the firewall's Blower motor and that Brake component could pass the inner fenders, then pull the chassis in correct position. But when you're careful, nothing will broke. Here are few (Bad) pictures.






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I was going to procrastinate but I got distracted...

Shame to lose you from the race Jant. But there's always next year.

No more pics now from me until it's finished. Shouldn't be long as i've got the body on the chassis and it's just detail work left plus attaching all those last minute bits like radiator, tailgate, bumpers etc

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I was going to procrastinate but I got distracted...

Shame to lose you from the race Jant. But there's always next year.

No more pics now from me until it's finished. Shouldn't be long as i've got the body on the chassis and it's just detail work left plus attaching all those last minute bits like radiator, tailgate, bumpers etc

Likewise on all of the above... minus the radiator, tailgate and bumpers part.

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The plan was to be done the brunt of things today with just a few small detail to attend to tomorrow...............right.

So 3 feet from the finish line I put the body on only to notice that the air filter and pressure box are much higher than the hood. My fault. I made the new filter and restyled the plumbing to the airfilter; the pressue box is their fault; and assumed I would have clearance....Duh.

One really big hood scoop to go please...and put a rush on it.



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Thanks, Adam And Nick for the kind words about my Chrysler-build!

I'm working on small details now, so no updates yet. I had to repaint the hood, too, it's in primer now so today I will spray some white on it. The engine bay needs a few parts and it's done, then I can put the grille, lights etc. on place and call it done. It looks like I'm going to make it!

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I`m right behind you guys. Got the hood scoop done. Got the exhaust done, its a little loud but it suits the subtlety of the rest of the car. The really big gas tank is in place. Just did a little custom lettering with a very tiny pen and have now got it in the decal jig for the evening. Got a selection of stolen plates resting comfortably beside me and a couple spares where the back seat use to be and it`ll be ready to smile pretty for the camera sometime tomorrow......possibly



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