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HALLOWEEN 2012--If You Celebrate It, Here's A Fun Proposition

Dr. Cranky

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I have enough already dealing with this "Bob Turner" dude. Don't push me tonight.

"Dude"!?! Oh man that's funny. The quotes around my name indicate that you, like that other person think that I'm someone else. I can assure you that I have been Bob Turner for all 54 years of my life. Well, if you really want to get technical, my given name is "Robert", but I've always been called & gone by "Bob".

That clear things up for you sport? Hey, I figure if you can refer to me as "dude" I'd return the favor & refer to you as "sport". It could even be our "thing". like an inside reference, you know?

Edited by Bob Turner
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"Dude"!?! Oh man that's funny. The quotes around my name indicate that you, like that other person think that I'm someone else. I can assure you that I have been Bob Turner for all 54 years of my life. Well, if you really want to get technical, my given name is "Robert", but I've always been called & gone by "Bob".

That clear things up for you sport? Hey, I figure if you can refer to me as "dude" I'd return the favor & refer to you as "sport". It could even be our "thing". like an inside reference, you know?

You got it, dude.

Duuuuuuuuuuude! :lol:

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Nothing whatsoever. I just find this place vastly amusing, in a Pavlovian way, as I mentioned.

Why dont you give a real answer instead of dancing around my questions?, ok so you find this place amusing, so you go off in peoples threads? tell me what is it that find so amusing that makes you act like you are?, not attacking you, just curious thats all

Edited by martinfan5
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You got it, dude.

Duuuuuuuuuuude! :lol:

"Well, sir, it's this rug I had. It really tied the room together."

"Look, let me explain something to you. I'm not Mr. Lebowski. You're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. That, or His Dudeness … Duder … or El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing."

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"Well, sir, it's this rug I had. It really tied the room together."

"Look, let me explain something to you. I'm not Mr. Lebowski. You're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. That, or His Dudeness … Duder … or El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing."

Well, see now, you can be a fun guy!

Dude! :D

Next thing ya know we'll see you posting in the "Favorite Songs" thread! :D

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nah - That might be considered name calling, & that is against the rules.

You are also a fun guy!

Duuuuuuude! :lol:

I could burn all my kits right now and I would still come back here every day, man I love this place !!!!

Maybe I can start charging you an "amusement tax?" :lol:

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I happen to like Cranky's idea. Seems it would be neat to see a thread with all she showcase models and costumed builders.

For what it's worth, please excuse any errors in this post as I am on my phone, and I have fat fingers.

I like this place, and a lot of the ideas that get thrown around here. I've been here a while, in the shadows, watching. I used to build back when I was a kid. I come to read, look, and gather inspiration. I would like to get back into the swing of things soon. The reason for the lurking is as someone who may agree with some of the ideas/views that get bashed here, I know what would happen if I was picked out for one of those bashings. I am a VERY blunt person, to the point it sometimes gets me in trouble. Now, if I was called out in one of these threads I know what would happen. Harry would be banning me. So, I keep my opinions to myself for the most part. Which I think would do a few people (no names or finger pointing) some good around here. Just my opinion.

That being said ROCK ON DOC!

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You're right on this Harry. I wanna know if the DR. lays awake at night thinking of new threads to post......

Actually, Rich, these ideas usually strike me during the day, but this one was donated by someone else, a kid with a great imagination and who is always very excited to build models.

My attitude is why not share the good ideas with everyone and see who would be game for something like this.

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Wow, I went to bed early last night and now I am up early reading catching up on the extra number of pages. At first I did not know what was going on because I have several people on IGNORE (they know who they are), and I find it mind-boggling (and I think the moderators find it mind-numbing) as to why they continue to pester me and the other good people on this forum who just want to keep building and having fun.

This preoccupation with subject matter and the number of posts I make is a strange fixation in part because I am not the only one here working away at making this place a lot more fun and entertaining for everyone. I am not the only one with high post counts.

What boggles the mind is how many times they will have to be told NOT TO tune in, to put the Doctor on IGNORE, etc . . . by this point I am beginning to think it's got to be LOVE. You know how some relationships begin with distaste and all-out hate? Then turn to LOVE? Hollywood LOVES those types of stories. :D

Boy, and then some of these folks accuse me of needing a life. At least the life I make here is often a pleasant experience of others. I neither disrespect folks by being totally dismissive of their ideas nor pretend I am better than anyone else. I don't police people's ideas, motivations, thoughts, freedom of expression, etc . . .

Anyway, the IGNORE button is my freedom of choice in this matter, but I would urge the folks who keep pestering the people who post in my threads to have a little bit of self control and dignity.

Also, doing this kind of thing to always try to push moderators into LOCKING down perfectly good threads is getting pretty old, and pretty childish.

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Back to the subject at hand.

I think many of us might be tempted to use what is readily available right now in kit form, like the BAT MOBILE, SPEED RACER, DUKES OF HAZZARD, etc . . . those would make interesting possibilities.

I guess you can go as overboard as you would like with either the model or the costume, that's precisely what would make all of this so much fun!

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For those of you who will need further inspiration, here are some useful links:



If you really want to go all out, you can rent a costume:


I think the best option is to build it from scratch . . .

Also, for those of you looking for older, unavailable kits, try:


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Either ignore Bob Turner's threads by not clicking on them (hey, there's an idea!), or not bother reading any of Bob Turner's posts,

This would be a great idea, IF the person in question actually started threads or made posts. He doesn't. The only time we hear from this person is when the opportunity to attack Harry arises. Did you date his sister or something, Harry? He is a non-entity here. His opinions hold no weight because he has not made himself part of this community, has made no friends, has earned no respect by his actions, his words, his body of work. Here. On this forum. He may have these things elsewhere, but I doubt it.

I barely have time to build models let alone a costume, so I'll just enjoy the show. As for Virgil, the Mad Poster, Advocate of All Things Rusty and Crusty, I support him 100%. You may not like him, his style or how often we hear from him, but he has given a lot of his time to helping others build better models. He is passionate about finding new and cool ways to build and then passing on his knowledge and expertise. More-so than any other person on any forum I have heard of. Seems people can't handle having a good thing. Gotta tear it down.

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Gee, Rob, I am touched. If Doctor Cranky runs for President, would you like to be his running mate? :D :D :D

We'll make sure EYEGORE never finds out!

Listen, everyone, I KNOW it's TOO EARLY FOR HALLOWEEN STUFF, but another friend on the forum mentioned the idea and I could not help but bring it to your attention this early in case you want to prepare, get you salivatin' and building, if that's what you desire.

I'm already tracking down the basic elements of my costume, which includes, you guess it, a kilt! :D

Here's another cool link:


Edited by Dr. Cranky
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