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I don't care for it.

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Like Harry said,its a forum comment away.I have one in underglass that has no comments.I wondered why?There are some flaws I know about .Maybe it just got overlooked?or it truely sucks bad??It is cool to me ,not to have comments on it,no news is good news??Maybe I'm on a lot of ignore lists?LOL.

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I wonder why there are so many complimentary posts to what is clearly poor paint jobs?

Are the complimentors impressed because it is better than they can do? I think some one mentioned that but it doesn't make sense to me.

If that is it, don't they know what a good paint job looks like? They have to have seen a real car, or even just the models on box tops. Truly apples (shiny) and oranges (peely).

.....Could be technology. I'm here on a cell phone, & I can't judge paint jobs other than color. But I can see good planning & execution pretty well. Maybe info's getting lost because of size?
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I feel that if you post a picture of your build you are open to opinion. I always ask for it when I post my work. I used to hang out at another popular forum that became so miserable that I left. I would post my aircraft and cars there. You had to be in their "clique" to get any kind of feedback. I would see aircraft that looked like my 5 yr old grandson built, and there would be 15 pages of how great it was and how wonderful a job. God help you if you said anything negative about the build. The guy posting it would have 25,000 posts under his belt and to them that meant he did everything great. I would list an aircraft that I spent a year on (an award winner) and maybe get a "not bad" with about 7 or 8 views. There were quite a few people who had the same feeling as I did and we got ripped up when we let our thoughts be known. Now I'm here, and things are a lot better, not perfect. But we don't live in a perfect world. I look forward to getting feedback on my builds, and if you as for critique I think you should accept it as it comes. All in all this is where I'm staying. A lot of talent here with great guys and a few nutcases thrown in. I want to thank everyone here for being helpful and being civilized. Ken

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Guest Dr. Odyssey

Well if you know your device doesn't show clearly if it it good or bad, why compliment it? Isn't that a bit like looking a dish of lasagna made from Alpo and sawdust and raving about how great it tastes only from what it looks like?

I agree it could be one reason, but I think there has to be other more likely ones too.

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I agree with Harry in that if you post on a public forum, then you open yourself up to comments- good and bad. I think personal attacks are uncalled for but an honest "You can polish that orange peel out of the paint with Scratch-X" type comments are intended to help the builder improve their skills. Whether they take the advice or not is up to them, not us forum members.

Something an old boss told me years ago about email type communications was this: "Mike, just remember that it is a one-way conversation and the person reading your message is interpreting it their way and not necessarily the way you are stating it".

That being said, I think using the PM method has it's benefits as it shields the comments from the rest of the forum members and if someone is offended, it remains a private matter.

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I got back into the hobby a little over two years ago. Shortly after, I found this forum and several others. I enjoyed them greatly for quite a few months before finally registering at this and one other because I decided it would be nice to make the occasional comment. I've learned a great deal from the various threads and searching through the archives as well as having gotten several ideas from the posted WIPs and 'Under Glass' sections. The benefits offered by this, and similar, forums should be applauded.

I also have noticed the tendency to compliment less-than-good (or even average) work here and have been disappointed by it. I certainly understand that one shouldn't discourage another's interest, but also see the harm that may be done by false praise. It's a slippery slope and I'm really not sure what the solution is. I've only built three or four models since re-entering the field, and still have a good ways to go toward finished quality. I did consider posting photos of one of them a month or so ago, but decided against it due to the very subject matter of this thread. Even if I asked for opinions and criticisms, I don't think I could really trust them.

Still, while I may refrain from comments (except the occasional acknowledgement of a really imaginative or creative build idea), I will continue to take advantage of the wonderful ideas presented here.

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I've seen models posted and I've been to shows where somebody that I DON'T know wants to show me his poorly done models (that he thinks are great) and I've been tempted to tell the truth but have bitten my tongue and not say anything at all, so I don't hurt the builders feelings. I think we need to build first and critique our own builds because it's easier to see somebody elses (building) faults but not realize that we have our own weak points whether it be painting, detailing in scale, or just a clean build. I've got over a dozen started projects that are stalled at the moment because I am not satisfied with my own building skills. I know I would be ashamed to post pictures of something that I wasn't especially proud of, but that's me, however if I did, I should expect some (constructive) criticism.

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Just remember that different people build for different reasons too . Some people enjoy making something as close to perfect and as detailed as possible whereas others like to push their own boundaries and see what they can build with what they have . Or its just a hobby to spend some time fiddling by themselves . Constructive criticism is fine but remember you are viewing someone's project , not judging it for a show so don't expect perfection .

I just build for fun , I know I have a long way to go to be of the same standard as others on here but I don't mind . Check out my car carrier build in the truck section , it started as a long term project to occupy my hands and mind after separating from my now ex wife . I know its not accurate and has paint and fit issues but considering where my mind was I like the way it came out and it served its purpose :)

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