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When The Gloss Hits Your Eye--That's YOST!

Dr. Cranky

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The Old Man sent me this latest round of eye candy while I was at Daytona Bike Week and I had not had the chance to share it with all his fans here, but now I do. Please enjoy . . . some of these paint jobs (and colors) are just beautiful.

Great job, Donn, and thanks for sharing the work with us, it's always an inspiration, buddy.





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Jonathan, that's a good question. I think Donn doesn't have a photo archive, so he's often sent me the pictures to share. And I do so gladly every time.

Virgil, ok was just wondering, was not trying to be a jerk, glad you didnt take it that way.

Those are some beautiful bodys, great work, I just got an A/B and trying to get everything working right, so far not going very good

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Not at all, buddy. I'm one of those folks who keeps pestering Donn to send me more pictures of his builds so that we can drool all over them. And he is generous enough to do so. I'm just passing the stuff out for the rest of us to enjoy. ;):wub:

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Hey Gang !

Thank you for the compliments ! These bodies are airbushed with Testors enamel base coats which were then overlaid with Testors clear topcoat mixed with Pearl X pearl additive powders .

This is what Virgil and I have been experimenting with over the last couple of months . The Merc body is an aquamarine color that the photos just can't do justice to ! I pulled my hair out trying to find a base color for it , when I finally did , I was extremely pleased with the end result .

The indigo blue was a complete accident , I wish this happened more often , I'd be thrilled ! Lol !

As for Virg putting up photos for me , photobucket is a roundtoit for me , so to speak . My computer committed electronic suicide awhile back and I haven't had the time or the funds to replace it with the one I want !

Between the two of us , I think there will be alot more of these colors combinations , eh Virg ? I'm loving it !

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Donn, amazing work, I am in awe, you thinned the enamel with lacquer thinner correct?

Jonathan ,

Yes ! Thinned at a 2 to 1 paint to thinner ratio ! And yes , if I can do it you can to !

Monty ,

Not to be a jerk , but my colors are mine . If I didn't compete , it might be a different story . I spend alot of time and money experimenting to get these colors to where they are at . I got burned once when I first got back in and swore it wouldn't happen again . I'll help anybody out otherwise , but my colors are where I draw the line .

Besides , why should I deny anyone else the pure pleasure of experimentation that I enjoy ! Lol !

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Well Donn as always fantastic paint work that merc is a stunner of a paint job nailed it no doubt.Interesting color on the 48 from the pictures if this was built as a custom it would be period correct just my opinion.The willys love that indigo blue had chevy silverado 1:1 that color really pops in the sunlight awesome job. :D

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The '48's color , believe it or not , is a big boo boo on my part ! Didn't turn out the way I wanted it to , but it is a perfect period correct color . It's on it's way to The Loosiyana Loonitic's house , more his style rather than mine !

The Indigo blue has a hint of violet to it that the camera doesn't pick up . Pretty as all get out under the lights , it walks all over the place ! I put one of the ' 48 Fords into this color and it's going to be something to behold ! The Willys will be a drag car when it's finished , the Ford a street machine !

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Great colors and nice paint jobs on all of them.

Not to ask your trade secrets, but just to make sure I understand you correctly, those colors you create are all done with Testors enamels and Pearl X clearcoats, right? I will assume you "experiment" with different ratios of certain colors to get it "just right" and there is much trial and error in your madness.

I am inching closer to having my airbrush setup all ready to go and am anxious to try to replicate your success. I have to wait for the pollen season to subside as it is real heavy right now here in Charlotte.


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The '48's color , believe it or not , is a big boo boo on my part ! Didn't turn out the way I wanted it to , but it is a perfect period correct color . It's on it's way to The Loosiyana Loonitic's house , more his style rather than mine !

It's my style because im cool oldman ! Oh yeah Betty loves the Dark Blue .

Great Job oldman ........

Edited because I forgot to finish , imagine that :P

Edited by heatride
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The only time you're " cool " ? That's when Betty puts an icebag on your pointed head after you're done chasing cypress stumps , ya lunatic !

Please thank that wonderful woman for me , she has my deepest sympathies being married to the likes of you ! Lmao !

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Michael !

It's been over a year ! Bout time you get rollin' , Brother ! Lol ! Ratios are the key with the Pearl X powders , it all depends what you are looking for , colorwise . Trick is to mist them on until you achieve the color depth that you are looking for . As for the madness , yep ! I'm having a blast with these and I don't see it ending anytime soon !

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