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Datsun is making a comeback

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Just as the title says, Nissan is bringing back the Datsun name

Here is the story http://www.topgear.com/uk/car-news/datsun-returns-nissan-2012-03-20

Those that dont want to follow the link

People of India, Indonesia and Russia, we bring you some news: Datsun is back!

People of the UK, we bring you some more news: it probably won't make a return to Blighty!

Nissan's CEO Carlos Ghosn today made a speech in Indonesia where he revealed the news that the Japanese car brand - Datsun! - would be revived for "up and coming customers in high-growth markets", providing a "sustainable motoring experience". For that, simply read: budget motors.

It will form the third of Nissan's global brands, alongside Infiniti and, erm, Nissan, with production in India, Indonesia and China starting in 2014. It's like Renault's sub-brand Dacia, who of course, produce one of May's favoured cars.

"Nissan is bringing new jobs and new vehicles to Indonesia", Mr Ghosn said. But before you get waves of nausea about a new army of Sunnys and ungainly Bluebirds and old Cherrys, remember they rolled out some good ‘uns too.

The company collaborated with Pininfarina in the early 1960s to produce the 410 (ok, still a Bluebird), and it also built the 240Z - a car that helped the brand's presence in America and sold by the bucketload. And don't forget the Datsun/Nissan Silvia would morph into one of the best drift machines on Earth as the 200SX.

And yet, and yet... Datsun. It's been over 30 years since the name appeared as a standalone before it was swallowed by the Nissan mothership (reportedly because Nissan then wanted a single global name to increase its presence). Are you ready to see it return?

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I had an eccentric fellow professor at UNLV who had a great Cadillac collection but drove an early '80's Datsun 810 wagon. That car could FLY. He drove like an impatient maniac and used it like an offroad truck. It was scary to be in the passenger seat. But the car lived on and on and on.... :o

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I once drove a B210 Honeybee from New Hampshire to Montreal, Canada and back and I swore that I never would ever drive that tin can again. The owner crashed it two weeks later and the car was totalled. Goodbye tin can!

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As far as I recall, the Datsun name is older than the Nissan name, at least when applied to cars. The first car they built was called a DAT, so the next was... son of DAT, or DATSON. Apparently that doesn't sound good in Japanese, so it changed to DATSUN.

For most perspective buyers of the resurrected Datsun, knowledge of the original brand, and any associations derived from the original dattos probably won't be an issue. I mean, in those markets, I'm not so sure they actually got many of the original Datsuns (I may well be completely wrong here). Also, if they are aimed at the younger buyer, then they may never have heard of Datsun. I know I have students (I teach high school) who have not heard of Datsun...

As long as they avoid that confusing period when everything had both a Nissan and a Datsun badge... not sure I want to live through that again!

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I believe that with Nissan and Infiniti there are no Nissan badges anywhere on the Infiniti. The engine may be the same but the cover will have Infiniti badging on it. I know that back in the Datsun days the engines would have Nissan stamped on the valve covers; maybe this go around they'll be stamped Datsun? Or, more likely, no identification on them at all. My fiancee's Pontiac G3 doesn't have anything Pontiac or Chev under the hood, just 'Ecotec'.

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