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IMSA Olds Cutlass UPDATE 6/24/12


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this is almost embarrassing to put up in light of shawns marvelous falcon scratchbuild.

i am planning on doing this as a master i've had folks wanting to "cast" the original i did in the mid-late 90's. started with a revell. pro stock olds body and an amt nascar body. i had to widen the body 8 scale inches and the front clip 6 scale inches. also shortened the wheel base per the 1:1 car and to mate with the revell trans-am, imsa, mustang, camaro chassis. also a photo of the "rill dill" cutlass!





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thank you dave,i know what you mean these photos are small??? i'll see what i can do there. i'll be posting more as i go. i made a MAJOR mod last night i cut the top of the hood off, after measuring, making sure to keep that radical downward slant forward. starting about 3/4 of the way above the front wheel wells. ( you can see that in the photo of the 1:1 car. i didn't do this on my original) i attached a "new" hood section from some evergreen 1mm stock after scribing a line and folding it gently to insure the shape would hold. next comes the riser and the vents!!! long night overnight tonight perhaps?!?!?! ;) i forgot how much fun this was!!

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okay, since i last posted i have done quite a bit of work, and i am having extremely mixed emotions about it. the rear end is too high, the front clip/splitter is also a bit too high off the ground that is. i can probably correct that also, i can also correct the rear end, my problem right now is, i am not sure if this really worth pursuing............i compare this to my original and it's not even close. the problem i have there, and foolishly i thought this would be a piece of cake having already done one, the only thing is that was like 15 or 16 years ago!! i cannot believe that it has been that long................wow!! i have enclosed some new photo's of the effort i have put in so far..

i know these are rough, i have TONS of body work YET to do, i also need to replenish my supply of evercoat eurosoft. that would help. just a little burned out tonight...........










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I saw this in a model magazine may years ago and I felt in love with it.

Not only because I love the 1:1 race car it was built from, but the work

done on this kit to make it look so real.....Will be glued to this built.

Thanks for bringing back this subject

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

update, since i was last here i have changed a few things still not rolling like i would like to be on this, but it's coming. started the hood louvers last night and this afternoon this will take awhile using .100 half round stock, really works well. i have also re worked the splitter and rear end since my last few photo's

. i really don't want to primer until i have everything i want done on this body, i KNOW i'll be using spot putty and i want to wait until then, i am trying to avoid any kind of shrinkage since the plan is for this to be a "master". it makes it kind of difficult to make out a lot of the details, for instance, some of these shots look like gaps in the body, they are not. i used the old superglue baking soda technique on some areas, the body is actually smooth as a baby's.......well, you get the idea. i did pull a bone headed move that i have since rectified, i did NOT allow for the tailights to be countersunk, doh!!! i swear for every step forward.......... i have to re-do it, so what does that amount to? 4 steps backward?? who knows, anyhow now i am getting into the fun part of this build. thanks for looking. haha i keep editing, maybe i should just sit here until everything pops into my head! i am maintaining all the IMSA regs on this thing religiously, 79" max width, 103.5 wheelbase, low and F A T !!! i am really starting to like how this thing is coming, i can't wait until i start on the wing, anybody know where i can get a clear styrene drug testing urine sample vial??? LOL that's what i used on the original, new of course, i cut it in half and then, half again and it gave me a really accurate looking curvature for the plane of that wing. i'm on the look out for some kind of styrene bottle like that.






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