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The Straight Six community build

Chuck Most

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Wait until I get to the chains for the tailgate Chuck, then it'll be really insane! Now for the small amount of work I got in tonight. First up are the tail lights, which I'm not happy with. They'll probably be scrapped and replaced with some clear Red styrene, I just don't like the looks of 'em at all. I painted the pins that will be used for the Blue-Dots, at least they look good. Then I stripped the dash (Too many layers of paint meant it was losing it's remaining detail), re-primed it, and I'm considering making a dash pad out of the final piece of thinned leather I have laying around, what do you guys think? I also repainted the frame Semi-Gloss Black. That's all for tonight, enjoy, and let me know if the dash pad idea sounds good!






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I got the battery and tray sorted out, but the lower brace still need some work. Making the flange around the tray's perimeter proved to be too difficult using thin styrene sheet, so I settled for thinned edges and some scribing to visually separate the battery from the tray:


You can see where I still need to add the sheetmetal flange where the inner fenders meet the framerails in the image above, so that may be my next step body-wise.

I also got the holes for the K-member bolt drilled, but used a bit which was slightly oversized, so I may need to do some fine tuning for a better fit and better K-member alignment. Make sure you measure the bolt shaft diameter before drilling your holes, to make sure they are the advertised diameter. ;)


I also got the headrest support holes drilled in the '68 seat backs, so the headrests will be posable and I can paint and BMF them separately. I still need to bore the holes out slightly so the stems aren't so obviously angled:


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OK, i'm done.

Monogram '59 ragtop with the 6 from the AMT '60 Chevy pickup transplanted.

It's lowered a scale 2 inches all round with wheels from the AMT '50 Chevy pickup (just don't count the lugs-nuts).

I stripped pretty much all the chrome and then put back a too thin coat of Alclad to look like tarnished chrome.

Body trim is matt aluminium BMF with a black & gloss clear acrylic wash over it. The chrome I missed stripping (fender spearheads, wipers, bonnet hinges) I dulled with Mr Metal Stainless Steel followed with the black wash.

Paint is Duplicolour Deep Aqua and Zero Paints Pure Black with satin clear and I then thinned some grey acrylic right down and airbrushed it lightly from low angles in an attempt to give the impression of road grime.

I had a slight model/floor interface issue half way through construction but decided to leave the chipped off paint as it looked like it belonged...

The idea was a used and abused cruiser that was driven at every opportunity and thus not cleaned much.

And yes, i did glue the side trim on backwards. Only realised when I looked at the box art.






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Beautiful work Fred, she looks like she's a well-driven machine! One day I'll try dirtying one up, but I'm still on my shiny kick right now!

Remember how I said I wasn't happy with the tail lights? Well, I did something about it!






Here's how I did it, pull up a chair. I used a piece of Clear Red plastic I got from a really old motion detector I replaced about a week ago. I started by cutting the tail light openings into one big tail light...


A bit of sanding to smooth it out...


A piece of the Clear Red plastic ready for cutting...


I smoothed out one side and added the curve at the top, now to cut it to fit side-to-side...


Now that it fits in the opening, I'll cut the bottom edge off!


Edited by Custom Mike
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And now for the finishing touches. I didn't like the "smooth" taillight, so I filed a groove across the lens just to break it up a bit. Once the groove was in place, I polished the lens up, drilled it out for it's "Blue Dot", and added some foil to the backside of each lens!

The new lens in place, awaiting some thinning and it's new groove...


Here's how thick the new lens was at the start, gotta knock that down a bit...


And this is how I added the groove across the lens. I taped it off to match the other lens, and went after it with a file...


Not perfect, but it'll do. Now to polish it up and add the "Blue Dot"!


And the completed new taillights. I like 'em much better already!


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Thanks for the comments.

Mike - BMF stuck on the back of the red lens or on the backing? I've tried both and there's not really much difference although it's easier to trim round the edge of a lens that it is round the edge of a hole.

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Fred, it's on the back of the lens. I've already been told by someone else on the forum to try the foil from the inside of a pack of cigarettes, so i'm going to check that out. They're just way too plain right now, they need something to create some depth!

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Here are three of the seven Hudson sixes I'm working on. Yes, I said seven. None of these engines are 100% complete.

Left- drag racer with mechanical injection and headers, based off the engine in 1964 Winternationals Lorne Sapp's Anglia.

Center- mild street engine with dual Strombergs

Right- Soon to sport a side-mounted Roots supercharger

Not shown and still in its embryonic stages at this time- Nonexistant (in 1:1) Ardun-type OHV conversion head and manifolds.

All three finned cylinder heads are scratchbuilt. Some of these will end up in Hornets. Some will not. More updates as events warrant... ;)

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Chuck, that is some beautiful work on the finned valve cover, and the OHV version looks great too, you plan on having that stuff cast?

The finned head, possibly- once I master one with acutal head bolt detail. And I'm kicking around the idea of doing some Gibson-Binks speedboat parts like the intake manifold and two-piece head.

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Here are three of the seven Hudson sixes I'm working on. Yes, I said seven.

When Moebius' next new kit is announced, we'll all have Chuck to thank. :lol:

Nice work on the OHV version, Chuck. I'm sure you'll find it a nice home...if you haven't already. ;)

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OK, we're back at it, I tried the foil trick on the tail lights, and let me tell ya, it's beautiful! I've got enough foil on hand now to last me for a few hundred models, it works that well! I also got the final piece installed on the wood bed, and received my PE radio face from Rick over on Scale Avenue, so we've got some progress to show ya!

I sprayed some Craft Bond on the foil, placed the tail lights on the foil, and let it dry...

One hour later, we have beautiful tail lights!

The back end piece on the bed, now to get the tail gate cleared so I can assemble the bed!

Notice how it's higher on the ends than the middle? Yup, the wooden bed is slightly warped!

And the PE radio face that Rick sent me, gotta get some paint on this baby!

I painted the radio Semi-Gloss Black, removed the excess paint, and added some Tamiya Clear Green to the display area, I may go back and redo that, we'll see. I measured off the dash and centered the radio...


I cut a notch in my my piece of dash pad/leather for the radio, and attached it to the dash, then set the gauge inlay into it's home...

Then the PE face for the gauges was added...

A bit of Black wash...

And finally the Detail Master Krome Foil strip, a straight pin for the glove box lock, and a drop of Testors Clear Parts cement was added to each gauge!

Edited by Custom Mike
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