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90 Corvette a little pimped


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Hey guys

I am quite impressed with what is going on here, and had second thoughts on putting this one up or not - but i decided to do anyway.

This was my first attempt to "pimp" up a car model - and my choise fell on a Corvette - allthough i might have choosen another year for my project !!!

Basicly i just used what was in the kit - only scratch was the scoop, the rear spoiler and the exhaust. I tried to do a paintjob without using any decals - took

a little time masking it off, but i think it went okay. Here are the pictures









Thats all for that one - my next Corvette will be an older version - but also modified :D


Thanks for looking



Edited by sdangers
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Soren, I can tell you put a lot of effort into making your engine stand out, but I couldn't help noticing the condition of the injector stacks. The missing chunks from the openings indicate that these parts were twisted off the sprue tree rather than being cut off. If you don't mind a helpful suggestion, always use some type of sharp blade to remove parts so you don't end up with chunks missing out of them. Hobby knives with a #11 blade are usually fairly cheap, and I've heard very good things about the Tamiya side cutter P/N 74035.


Is this an MPC/AMT kit? If so, how would you rate it as far as quality of engineering / fit of parts etc?

Edited by Monty
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