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Airfix 1914 Stutz Bearcat


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That was going to be my suggestion, either that or the smallest paint brush ever manufactured and a lot of tape or other sheilding on the rest of the body.

Charlie Larkin

I don't think there's any way to successfully mask off everything and paint the stripes that way. It would be a huge hassle. The thin striping tape would be the easiest way to go. I know they sell two types of tape, regular (for straight lines) and the crepe type that I linked to (for radiuses and bends). My only question is how tight of a radius you can get? As in the front ends of the front fenders.

Another way to go would be to use the regular striping tape and do all the straight lines, then fill in the radiuses with paint, a sharp brush and a steady hand. But that's asking for trouble... and I don't know how steady Geoff's hand is!

Another alternative I thought of was to draw the striping on with a Sharpie... but again, that's just a disaster waiting to happen, because you get one shot to get it right. Once the red line goes down, there's no removing it without messing up the paint.

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I would simply foil the areas and sandwich #11's together, like the lowrider guys do to get their crazy lines. If you haven't studied their techniques you really have no idea what's possible. There are several threads here that show the process well enough to get going with it. :)

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Well after a few days scratching the old head, I thought I would make a mask for it, but once it was cut out, it wasn't a 100% good fit, so back to the drawing board, in the end I just got some 18mm Tamiya tape out of the tool box and trimmed it into thin strips and did it the long way, only got the one wing done, I will get it all masked up in the next few days, and use enamel to do the read, much easier to sort if it all goes pear shape as the body is painted in lacquer


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I agree with Harry about pinstriping tape. Here is a selection in a variety of sizes from Model Expo. The tape brand is Line O Tape. As for the gas tank, I wonder if red sidewall tire striping might be useful for the gas tank? If not, a circle template and red Sharpie or other pen would work. I don't know what brands are available in Britain. Otherwise, the ridges that need to be painted appear to be strong enough for using masking tape to paint with a brush.

Go to page 2.


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Took a deep breath and airbrushed the coachline, did it in a few thin coats as I didn't want any paint bleeding under the masking tape, not perfect, but I'm happy with the results, now I know it works I can carry on and do all the rest now ....



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Getting there slowly with the body, only one rear wing to do now and the body and chassis can be mounted together, but then I spotted the woodgrain underneath, so it had to be masked off and airbrushed Tamiya Desert sand, it will be dry brushed using Tamiya bronze and a coat of clear orange on top, it's a shame it won't be seen once the model is finished ....




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It's guys like you that make me want to hang it all up sometimes...then I say "I can do that, too. Or at least try."

I used to think that way some years ago, I started reading some of the U.S modelling magazines, and went to a few model shows, I knew I had to up my game, and tried doing more detail work, BMF, flocking, etc, seems like you never finish learning in this game ....

Before finishing off for the night, I got the dry brushing done on the wood, I used Tamiya bronze for it,


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That wood looks great. Does the bronze leave any metallic finish at all? That would be my one reservation about trying it with that color. That aside, Geoff, it really looks nice.

No it doesn't, see for yourself Charlie, after watching a couple episodes of Mash (One of my favorite t.v programmes) I though I would get the clear orange on, it might need a second coat, I'll make my mind up in the morning when it has all dried up


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not to hijack your thred or anything........

heres some wood i did a few years ago, believe it or not, i shot this thing in a couple colors of tan, and all the woodgrain was done with a SUPER sharp colored pencil, then i shot it with flat clear.......whaddya think?




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heres some wood i did a few years ago, believe it or not, i shot this thing in a couple colors of tan, and all the woodgrain was done with a SUPER sharp colored pencil, then i shot it with flat clear.......whaddya think?

Looks like wood to me !! I'm going to have to get a set of artists pencils for the toolbox, as I've seen other demo's using pencils for interior detail ...

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