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Mid 80's Chevrolet Long-Box

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A friend of mine asked me to build a replica of his friends truck for him.I was not expecting it to be a longbox though.The conversion was quite easy.But the paint on this truck will probably be the biggest task of all.Now on to the progress pics.

I started with this.


For the conversionI needed 2 beds.


First I cut the front of the white box out.


The I cut the taillight section off.


That was the chopping of the first box more to come soom.

Thanx for lookin'


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Now to make it a long box.

I cut 1/4" off the rear of the grey box.


Next I cut off 9/16" off the front of the same box.


I put the box from my lowrider build on top to show the difference.

Here is a mock-up with the converted box.


Thanx for lookin'


Edited by gautreau
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice work so far!!! You should have that bed cast into resin once you get it perfect! There's lots of people looking for a nice long bed like that! If you get it copied, you'll end up with copies yourself for future projects! I'm sure there are a few great resin casters in the group here that would cast it for you.

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Very nice work! I always like following these "Out Of The Box" type of projects... Your Long-Bed looks excellent, nice conversion. Paint will be very tricky job, but I guess you'll make it. Are you going to go with those wheels, they look quite different than those 1:1 wheels, or does that 1:1 Pickup have normally that kind of wheels that you have under this one?

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Very nice work so far!!! You should have that bed cast into resin once you get it perfect! There's lots of people looking for a nice long bed like that! If you get it copied, you'll end up with copies yourself for future projects! I'm sure there are a few great resin casters in the group here that would cast it for you.

Thanx I appreciate that.I have been asked to cast this bed before but sadly I'm not going to be sending it out to be cast.This will probably be the only long box conversion I ever do and the time restriction I have to finish it.

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Very nice work! I always like following these "Out Of The Box" type of projects... Your Long-Bed looks excellent, nice conversion. Paint will be very tricky job, but I guess you'll make it. Are you going to go with those wheels, they look quite different than those 1:1 wheels, or does that 1:1 Pickup have normally that kind of wheels that you have under this one?

Thanx I appreciate that.I am going to be using these wheels.They are the closest I could find.I'm going to remove the spikes on them to get then to look a little more accurate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately me being over anxious led to the downfall of this paintjob.




This is its current home "The Purple Pond"


It has been soaking in there for almost a week now.I have scrubbed the body twice and flipped it over twice aswell.It should be ready to be wet-sanded and repainted next wek I hope.

Thanx for lookin'


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I kept going on this build while the body is in the pond.

Got the interior tub assembled.




Installed the rad support on the frame.


Started on the dual exhaust and scratchbuilt the driveshaft.


I'll finish the exhaust once the box is in place.

I built a phantom grille.


It now sits on all fours waiting for the body to be redone.


Thanx for lookin'


I'll be updateing this build next week hopefully once I start repainting it.

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Spray a little clear after each taping before spraying the next color. The clear will seal off any places that might bleed through. Cool project. Ambitious paint job!

It would be cool if someone cast that long bed and bench seat interior. I have a project sitting that I will need to do that same work. I even have the cooler set aside. See below!


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Awesome job on the long bed conversion! I echo the suggestion above to get someone to cast it! A suggestion - if you can get your hands on some Tamiya tape, I think you will have a better time with your masking. You may also want to try pre-cutting the tape off the model and then applying it. I have learned the hard way about not burnishing the edges of the tape on more than one occasion! :wub: Look forward to the next update.

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Thanx for the compliments fellas and the suggestions as well.I am going to slow way down on this paintjob this round. I had a a chance to pick Dr. Cranky's brain on painting.I found out I didn't let the pink cure long enough before laying the tape and spraying the next color. As for cutting the tape on the model I have never done that,I bought a hobby cutting sheet that I use to cut my masking tape.I also agree with burnishing the edges of the tape,I thought I had got it really well but the blow out prove I didn't get it well enough.

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Everything was out of the pond lastnight.


The cab and hood will need some minor sand after this round of primer.The box didn't fair so well after coning out of the pond as I thought.


It needs a lot of work.


So back to the bench I go.

Thanx for lookin'


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