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new T2000 from France

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hy guys

at first iI like you excuse my English, I make a lot of mistakes

I don't find presentation post on this forum,so if you have any questions, I can answer you

so, I com to present you My Workbench about a Kenworth T2000

its a kit made by a friend with the cab, the hood, front bumper, lateral carenage like the following pic


I am using a Peterbilt 377 kit from Italeri for the frame and all the rest

You can follow my job on my blog at this address


I shall post pics of my other american trucks in "under glass" subjet

so my work this morning



so have a good day its 30 past 16 in France

Edited by marcay
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Thierri, This has to be one of the most beautiful trucks EVER made! I don't understand WHY they discontined it was so pretty! Can you tell us where we might be able to get one? I am SO jealous of you right now! Good luck with your build up and Welcome to the Forum!

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hy guys

this kit is a base to work but have lot of problems, I try to repear them one after one

big one is for the windshield


I cannot all explain but the front of the top is too long

so I cut


and make this


to be continue

Edited by marcay
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thanks Clavender17

I continue my small job

drilling holes for lateral lights in the bumper


with red past, it's easier to see


its seems correct but say me : too small or?

Nice work The blinkers seem to be the right size, so I would leave them the way you traced them already. I have a concern about the fog light hole location on the passenger side though. It seems to be a little to far to the right compared to the driver's side. Check it out on your pictures. But otherwise this truck is taking shape very nicely. I'm always surprised how you Europeans are so interested and thorough in your North American truck builds! Bon travail Mec!

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bonjour Robert!!

I like your french sentence!

you'r right for the fog light! the hole were here ,its the kit, perhaps can I repear this! ..... I shall re-drill it!!!!

I have just finish the windshield

American trucks are legends in Europe for the lenght, big sleeping-box, big engines, small driving cab with old movies like Convoy or Duel

there is an official dealer for Kenworth in France, And Mack Belong to Renault trucks/Volvo

Mack was imported in Europe since the end of WWI , and B and R models in the end of 50'

and now we can see "Ice road Truckers" on TV


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bonjour Robert!!

I like your french sentence!

you'r right for the fog light! the hole were here ,its the kit, perhaps can I repear this! ..... I shall re-drill it!!!!

I have just finish the windshield

American trucks are legends in Europe for the lenght, big sleeping-box, big engines, small driving cab with old movies like Convoy or Duel

there is an official dealer for Kenworth in France, And Mack Belong to Renault trucks/Volvo

Mack was imported in Europe since the end of WWI , and B and R models in the end of 50'

and now we can see "Ice road Truckers" on TV


Salut Thierri, je suis de Montréal et je suis francophone! Your english is actually pretty good, some anglophone people who write in forums sometimes do worse!

And yes, some of the trucks we have in North America are pretty awesome! Just to be different I'd like to model an americanized prototype of a cabover Volvo someday.

Edited by BigBad
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Thierry, I DON'T see no disaster. I see a BEAUTIFUL truck in the makeing!!! I WISH someone (a Model Co.) would make this as a regular kit. It's probably one of the most beautiful designed trucks on the road. I get REAL tired of seein ALL the same crackerbox semi tractors. At least THIS style was UNIQUE! I still like this truck ALOT!!!

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